After folding the quilt into tofu cubes, Lu Mingchen, who had been teasing Su Ruan with needles, suddenly calmed down. Not only did he stop making small movements, he didn't even dare to look at Su Ruan.

Only got up and said to others, "Is it all right? Go and fold!"

Touching other people's quilts, I went to the balcony to pick up a hanger and gave verbal instructions.

"Fold from here, one third"

"Use the arm and the forearm to press it flat. It must be flat to sort out the edges and corners."

"Pinch the right angle, crooked!"

What? Can't bear the quilt I folded?"

Su Ruan looked at him speechlessly.

Lu Mingchen stretched out his hand and shook the quilt he just folded gently, and said earnestly, "You still have to learn what you should learn, and I can't fold it for you every day during school."

Su Ruan:…

Is this going around and back?

Su Ruan ignored his pun, bent over and started to fold the quilt according to his previous demonstration. Indeed, as Zhao Yanyan said, the quilt that Lu Mingchen demonstrated was much easier to fold.

The quilt surface has been pressed very flat, the creases and edges and corners are very clear, Lu Mingchen raised his head and pointed to Wang Hong on the upper bunk, looked down at Su Ruan for a while, and suddenly smiled, "What were you thinking when I first gave the demonstration?"

How dare this guy ask? ! Su Ruan turned to stare at him.

Lu Mingchen was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had provoked her, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, leaned over and grabbed the middle of the quilt and seriously demonstrated, "Grab with your hands, not with pushes. , do you want me to demonstrate it again?"

Su Ruan:…

She couldn't help biting her lower lip. It turned out that he was really just asking her, really...

In the cramped and cramped lower bunk space, Lu Mingchen was very close to her. Seeing her expression and the thin redness on her face, she suddenly realized that Su Ruan was probably thinking too much, a pair of phoenix eyes. Could not help but bend up.

Su Ruan became angry, gritted his teeth and stared at him, as if he would do anything if he dared to laugh.

Lu Mingchen was also afraid that he would really annoy people, so he made a cowardly expression, bowed his head and taught her to fold the quilt seriously.

Everyone has basically mastered the essentials of stacking tofu cubes. Lu Mingchen also taught other housekeeping, the placement of washbasin towels and shoes, etc., still using Su Ruan as a demonstration .

Finally, he pointed to Zhao Yanyan and another roommate's quilt and said, "Continue to practice and check tomorrow." Then he went to the next dormitory and hugged Su Ruan's quilt before leaving. After leaving, he euphemistically said, "I don't want to tidy up the quilt, trouble."

Until the lunch break, Su Ruan didn't wait for her quilt to return, so she went to the cafeteria to eat with Zhao Yanyan and the others.

The cafeteria of Yanda is not small, and the variety of food is also very rich. Several people choose their favorite meals separately.

Su Ruan wanted to eat noodles, so she waited for a while, and when they came out with the plate, Zhao Yanyan and the others had already taken their seats.

Su Ruan walked over and saw Zhao Yanyan and Li Juan, who were gossiping and didn't know what they were talking about.

"What's the latest news?"

Zhao Yanyan shared with her enthusiastically, "Oh, you don't know what I just heard, my God, our instructors are so good!"

Su Ruan raised her eyebrows, "What happened to him?"

Several people did not hear the disgust in Su Ruan's mouth, Zhao Yanyan still said excitedly, "The people in the dormitory next door just said that they met the instructors and the others when they were visiting the small shop last night."

"Our instructor wants to buy chocolate, but I borrowed money from Instructor Sun!"

I don't know when Zhang Shishi, who came over, sat down in the empty seat next to them and said, "Are we, instructor Lu, so poor?"

Zhao Yanyan rolled her eyes, didn't bother to pay attention to her, and continued to say to Su Ruan, "He said that he handed over all the allowances, and he will pay him back after applying for pocket money with his girlfriend."

Su Ruan:…

He didn't give her last month's allowance at all, did he? !

What is this guy doing?

Zhao Yanyan couldn't be envious, "Ahhhh! What kind of fairy boyfriend is this? Are soldiers like this? Then I'll find a soldier boyfriend too."

Li Juan also has a dreamy look on her face, "He is handsome, conscientious and responsible, and he takes the initiative to hand in allowances... I am so curious about what the girlfriend of Instructor Lu is like."

Zhao Yanyan said quickly, "Yes, I'm jealous!"

Su Ruan eats noodles silently to reduce her sense of existence, and she must not be exposed.

She found that Lu Mingchen was indeed a conductor, so he didn't say anything and did nothing, but she had unknowingly been surrounded by him.

Ultimately cunning.

Wang Hong was amused by Zhao Yanyan and teased, "Didn't Yanyan like Senior Brother Feng? I think you don't mention Senior Brother Feng now."

Zhao Yanyan sighed, "Although Senior Brother Feng is also very good, but now Instructor Lu is unmatched in my heart, he is a peerless man!"

"The most important thing is that Instructor Lu will not be seen in a few days, and it will take a long time to seal the senior brother." At this point, she gave Su Ruan a meaningful look.

Su Ruan was helpless, just about to speak, when a smiling voice came from above his head, "How long is it?"

"Senior Brother Feng." Several people raised their heads and greeted quickly.

Feng Jingye smiled, "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Shishi quickly interjected, "While talking about Instructor Lu, Su Ruan and the others think Instructor Lu is a peerless man, better than you, Senior Brother Feng."

She laughed, "I think Instructor Lu is quite pitiful, how can a man not give a penny when he is outside, and have to borrow money from others to buy chocolate, what a shame. When a person's girlfriend, you still have to be more forgiving and two people are more comfortable."

"If it were me, I wouldn't touch my boyfriend's money before marriage."

Zhao Yanyan endured, but still did not maintain her image in front of Feng Jingye, and rolled her eyes.

Feng Jingye looked at Su Ruan, "I always thought Instructor Lu was single."

"On Sunday I also saw him chatting with a few beautiful girls at karaoke, and he didn't look like he had a girlfriend at all."

Zhao Yanyan and the others looked at each other, did he mean that the instructor deer lied to them?

Su Ruan was also a little surprised, Lu Mingchen actually went to karaoke? She imagined him writhing and dancing in a crowd...

Feng Jingye looked at her incredible expression, slightly relieved, and very naturally took out a bottle of yogurt from his pocket and put it in Su Ruan's hand, smiled, "You guys, don't be too naive , I heard that many men will use affection to gain the goodwill of girls."

Zhao Yanyan and the others could not accept this reality for a while, but Zhang Shishi's attention was elsewhere. She looked at the yogurt in Su Ruan's hand, "Senior Brother Feng only gives Su Ruan..."

Su Ruan threw the bottle of yogurt directly to her, "Nuo, stop your mouth, stop screaming."

Zhang Shishi subconsciously reached out to catch it, the rest of the words were blocked in his throat, and he couldn't help looking at Feng Jingye.

Feng Jingye's eyes instantly turned cold, and Zhang Shishi was a little flustered.

But I heard Su Ruan smile at Feng Jingye, "Senior brother Feng, don't look at us for being simple, and always use us as a shield, obviously you have a better relationship with Shishi, but you always treat me special. Treat it, shouldn't you want to use me to make Shishi jealous?"

Zhao Yanyan and the others were stunned for a moment, and looked at Feng Jingye suspiciously, isn't that the case? Feng Jingye is clearly interested in Su Ruan?

However, Su Ruan has turned to look at Zhang Shishi and said seriously, "I know you like Senior Brother Feng, so don't worry, I won't rob you of anything, I don't like Senior Brother Feng like this. type."

Zhang Shishi said anxiously, "I, I don't like Senior Brother Feng, we are just friends."

Su Ruan didn't care, "Okay, friends, whatever you say, but I swear, I won't like Senior Brother Feng."

Feng Jingye frowned, unable to believe that he was rejected like this, "Su Ruan, did someone tell you something about me?"

"What's the matter?" Su Ruan looked puzzled, then smiled, "Don't worry, we don't have the habit of speaking ill of people behind our backs. There are so many, so don't take me as a target, I will be killed by the girls with eye knives when I go out."

Although she was joking, Feng Jingye noticed her anger. Was she angry because he said Lu Mingchen?

"After that, he turned and walked away.

Su Ruan looked at Zhang Shishi and said loudly, "Hey, Senior Brother Feng, wait for Zhang Shishi, she's finished eating too."

Zhang Shishi looked at Su Ruan incredulously, she was pushy, she liked to play some tricks, but she was not brainless. At this moment, she obviously touched Feng Jingye's bad head. Looking for death?

Su Ruan looked at her coldly, "Don't worry, I will match you and Senior Brother Feng when I have a chance in the future, hurry up!"

Zhang Shishi looked at Feng Jingye's cold eyes and was in a dilemma.

Su Ruan has already started to eat.

Feng Jingye naturally didn't wait for Zhang Shishi, but Zhang Shishi couldn't sit down either.

Looking at the back of her hurriedly leaving, Zhao Yanyan said happily, "Shit! This kind of thick skin really needs to be treated ruthlessly, Senior Brother Feng must hate her to death."

But she still cares about another thing, "Did Instructor Lu really lie to us?"

Su Ruan said lightly, "Isn't it a good person to go to karaoke? How did Senior Brother Feng see Instructor Lu?"

Zhao Yanyan reacted, "That's right, Senior Brother Feng also went to karaoke! I thought he would be in the library when he was resting."

Li Juan also said, "That's right, maybe the instructor Lu went with his girlfriend?"

Wang Hong said with a smile, "I should have asked Senior Brother Feng just now how beautiful the girl who was talking to Instructor Lu was."

Su Ruan: ...well, she is also a little curious.

The happiest is sleeping under the covers on a rainy day. The instructor should go to teach the boys this afternoon, they may be able to sleep all afternoon.

I was about to go to bed when I saw something fall out of the quilt.

Su Ruan picked it up and saw that it was a slab of chocolate.

Thinking of what Zhao Yanyan heard just now, she suddenly had a hunch.

Sure enough, when I opened the package, I saw a note inside, the font was strong and powerful, but the words seemed pitiful

【Learn forest at 6:00 pm, apply for pocket money】

What does this mean, buy her chocolate with her money?