Su Ruan looked at him, "Captain Deer, do you know the story of the wolf coming? If you tell lies every day, no one will believe you if you tell the truth in the future."

Lu Mingchen pondered for a while, then changed his words, "I didn't remember her name for a while, but I know her, but I don't know her very well."

Nurse Mi couldn't help but complain, "You don't think you know each other well, but they treat you as a savior and are very close."

Su Ruan said, "What is the origin of this."

Lu Mingchen thought for a while and said, "I met her a few years ago and was blocked by a gangster and helped me out."

Nurse Mi found that Lu Mingchen might really not care, this is an understatement, so she had to help add, "Bai Kexin was stopped by a group of gangsters when he went out during the summer vacation of his third year of high school. Feet, the head of your deer team just happened to pass by, so he tried to drive those people away, and happened to encounter her fainting and sent her to the hospital."

"So Bai Kexin has always regarded him as a savior."

The emotion of the time can really be remembered for a lifetime. What's more, he was handsome.

"Anyway, you just need to be careful." Nurse Mi said, "That girl is a little overcast."

Su Ruan smiled and didn't care, she had seen many insidious and cunning people in her past life, and Bai Kexin might not be able to rank first.

As long as Lu Mingchen has no crooked thoughts, Bai Kexin is not afraid.

However, she asked Lu Mingchen, "What's the matter with the photo?"

Lu Mingchen froze for a moment, "What group photo?"

Su Ruan said, "She has a photo of the two of you together."

Lu Mingchen's face was full of doubts, obviously he didn't know this at all, "How could I take a photo with her?"

Nurse Mi, who used to be a rival in love, is very clear, "...On New Year's Eve, the cultural and art troupe came to express condolences. Isn't the head of the delegation coming to the stage to present flowers?"

"At that time, there was a lot of noise in the audience. The secretary of the propaganda department saw that he was in good shape, so he took a camera and took pictures. Bai Kexin and Lu Mingchen took a picture at that time, but she was very happy. , when I was hospitalized, I didn’t leave the photos out of my hands.”

Su Ruan glanced at Lu Mingchen, and his tone was prolonged, "Oh~ the art troupe~ was that the time when flowers were presented to the pillars?"

Lu Mingchen:…

Nurse Mi couldn't help laughing when she saw Lu Mingchen's expression, but she still excused him, "This can't be blamed on your head deer, who made him look like that, he is the king of soldiers again , the chiefs all remember him, and they like to call him when he is in the limelight, after all, it represents the image of the army."

"Especially when he is old, he doesn't get married. Political commissar Wang is in a hurry and wants to introduce him everywhere."

Sister Dan, who was passing by, said with a smile, "Commissar Wang wanted to cast a wide net, but I didn't expect that all the fish were caught, and even the head of the deer didn't want a single one."

Su Ruan was amused by her metaphor, glanced at Lu Mingchen and teased, "How much did you get?"

Lu Mingchen hurriedly said, "No." Afraid that Su Ruan would get to the bottom of it, he quickly changed the subject, "How do you know what the group photo was?"

Su Ruan talked about the school, "Now our school says she is your girlfriend."

Nurse Mi said in surprise, "You two share the same school."

Su Ruan smiled, "Not only that, but also a department."

Nurse Mi frowned, "It's too coincidental." She was still worried, but Lu Mingchen was in high spirits, he looked at Su Ruan with bright eyes, "I'll take you back to school, This needs to be clarified."

Su Ruan imagined that scene and felt that she couldn't do it like that, "I think my roommate will eat me."

Lu Mingchen sighed and complained, "Am I shameful or what?"

Nurse Mi also supported Su Ruan, "Su Ruan is still young, so you have to enjoy it."

Although you can get married as long as you reach the legal age, there are only a few people who get married while studying, and it is easy to appear maverick when you are married.

Lu Mingchen glared at Nurse Mi dissatisfied, "Are you supposed to go to work? Is the nurse so busy?"

Nurse Mi raised her hand and looked at the table below, wrinkled her nose at him, and walked away with a cold snort.

Su Ruan laughed when she saw Lu Mingchen's angry expression, but since she decided to face this relationship head-on, it was really not good for her to keep wronging him, "Who made you so high-profile at that time? , wait for me to mentally prepare for my roommates first."

Lu Mingchen raised his eyebrows in surprise, Su Ruan took the initiative to take his arm, "Didn't you say I can take it slow?"

Lu Mingchen looked at the hand on his arm, and was instantly coaxed, "It's okay, no hurry."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, the two were about to leave when they saw Nurse Mi, who had just left, rushing over again, "Oh, you two, hurry up, Bai Kexin is here, entanglement It's troublesome."

Su Ruan smiled, "As for it? It looks like I'm afraid of her, but it's just in time, the school rumors have to be resolved by her."

Nurse Mi said, "It's fine if she doesn't spread the madness to you, how can she help you solve it."

Su Ruan is confident, "She will."

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Kexin appeared at the corner of the corridor, looking back and forth, obviously looking for someone, seeing Lu Mingchen's eyes light up, "Brother Mingchen."

It seemed that she was a little uncomfortable because she was walking in a hurry, clutching her chest and panting.

However, Lu Mingchen not only didn't look at her, but immediately put his hand on Su Ruan's arm, Su Ruan couldn't help but glance at him, seeing his eyes full of desire to survive to her, indicating that everything is left to her to handle.

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing.

After Bai Kexin approached, Nurse Mi pretended to be surprised, "Kexin, won't you rest for a while?"

Bai Kexin said softly, "I have something to ask Brother Mingchen."

Nurse Mi smiled, "Then you have to tell Su Ruan." She introduced, "Su Ruan is the lover of the head of the deer, and the head of the deer is now in charge, you have something to look for. she says."

Bai Kexin's eyes darkened for a while, and soon she showed a harmless smile at Su Ruan, "Hello, I'm Bai Kexin, I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to be a sister-in-law, I've always heard that Brother Mingchen's marriage this time is an arranged marriage, so..."

"Didn't you expect me to be so beautiful?" Su Ruan smiled, "Brother Mingchen and I are from the same village, if there are handsome people like him, naturally there will be people like me. "

At that time, people regarded modesty as a virtue. Bai Kexin probably didn't expect Su Ruan to be so shameless. She choked for a while, and she couldn't help but feel resentment. How could Brother Mingchen marry such a shallow woman.

But soon, she smiled and talked about business, "I don't know if Brother Mingchen told you, he once saved me, if he hadn't carried me all the way and ran Hospital, I may not live to this day."

"Well, he just said it." Su Ruan said.

Bai Kexin looked at Lu Mingchen's eyes, but heard Su Ruan smile, "He thought about it for a long time before he remembered it. He has saved too many people." Su Ruan said He gave Lu Mingchen a soft look and said, "He looks cold, but he is very enthusiastic. You will know when you are familiar with him."

Nurse Mi almost laughed, this Su Ruan is too narrow.

Lu Mingchen was forced to be enthusiastic, and then listened to Su Ruan continue to make up nonsense, "Fortunately, Nurse Mi knows you, remember it clearly."

"But I don't know you because of Brother Mingchen." Su Ruan said enthusiastically, "Senior Sister Bai, don't you know, we have one school and one department, I am a freshman this year. "

Bai Kexin was a little surprised. I didn't expect that she was also a college student, and she was still in a school, so the next thing would be better...

There was a dark gleam in her eyes, showing an embarrassed expression, obviously waiting for someone to ask.

In the end, Su Ruan didn't see it, she stepped forward and took her arm affectionately and said, "Senior sister, my head deer is your savior, so do you have to take care of me? ."


Su Ruan said with a smile, "Then I will often disturb Senior Sister, I hope Senior Sister will not despise me."

Bai Kexin smiled, "No."

"That's good." Su Ruan said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I know you still have an affair with Brother Mingchen."

Bai Kexin was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect her to take the initiative to mention it,

Su Ruan said, "Brother Mingchen is worried about me this year, so he came to our school to be a military training instructor. The students all know that he has a target. Do you have a photo with Brother Mingchen? When our classmates saw it, they thought you were the target of Brother Mingchen."

"That's what, Senior Sister, can you find a way to clarify this matter?"

Bai Kexin had an embarrassed expression on her face, and seemed a little embarrassed to say, "I was about to say this."

She glanced at Lu Mingchen and whispered, "There is a boy in the sports department of our school who has been chasing me and stalking me."

"The last time I followed me, I had to tell him that I have a boyfriend, but he said that he didn't believe him if he didn't see anyone. I was really scared...I wanted to ask Brother Mingchen to help me. "

After she finished speaking, she immediately explained to Su Ruan, "Junior sister, don't get me wrong, I have no other ideas, I have a heart disease, and I can't get married and have children..." She said in a low tone, It looks very poor.

Unfortunately, Su Ruan was the only one to pity Xiangxiyu, she sighed and took Bai Kexin's hand, "Senior sister, I know that you have a crush on Brother Mingchen. Don't worry, I won't misunderstand, you Don't feel guilty."

"Which girl is not in love with spring, I can only blame Mingchen brother for being so good. There are too many people who have a crush on him. You are nothing."

Nurse Mi squeezed the corner of her clothes tightly and did not laugh, this Su Ruan…

Turn her head to see that Bai Kexin is really angry, caressing her chest with her hands, and her face rises with anger, but Su Ruan doesn't seem to see it, and continues, "That boy's affairs are covered by me, I'll help you out!"

"But I have to ask Senior Sister to help you with the rumors." She seemed to be afraid of Bai Kexin's misunderstanding, and hurriedly said, "I'm not jealous or stingy, it's mainly about the future of Brother Mingchen. ."

"As you know, we are a military marriage, and Brother Mingchen is an instructor in our school. Because of the reported matter, he has become an enemy. If this rumor spreads to the leader's ears, it will become Brother Mingchen's style of work might lead to expulsion from the military."

"Senior sister, you have taken Brother Mingchen as a savior for so many years, and you must not want him to be hurt."

But how can she be willing to promise her?

Su Ruan saw that she didn't speak for a long time, and sighed, "That's right, although it's a trivial matter, but senior sister is not in good health, I guess she can't do it."

"Forget it, let me do this."

Lu Mingchen said, "As expected, you are the most capable."

Su Ruan smiled complacently, "Can you marry me if I can do it?"

Bai Kexin, who was labeled as incompetent:…

Lu Mingchen said, "I don't think this is a troublesome thing. I will go to the school in person and clarify it."

Su Ruan glanced at Bai Kexin and said, "This will hurt senior sister, after all, she said that you are his boyfriend, but it turns out to be a lie, senior sister will be embarrassed of."

Lu Mingchen touched Su Ruan's head, "Ruan Ruan, you are just too kind."

Bai Kexin:…

Su Ruan sighed, "I wanted to keep a low profile. If everyone knew that I was your wife, I would definitely attract a crowd of onlookers, I'm afraid that everything will come to me."

"But your future is the most important!"

"Anyway, it's really not that difficult. I'll just take our marriage photo and marriage certificate to the school."

Su Ruan looked at Bai Kexin, "If someone asks, you can just put all the blame on me, senior sister, and say that I won the love with a knife, and Brother Mingchen fell in love with me, ruthlessly abandoned you."

"In this way, Brother Mingchen has moral flaws at most, and there is no problem with his style. Senior sister, you are also a poor person who has been let down..."

Sure enough, Bai Kexin gritted her teeth and said, "Don't you want to keep a low profile? Let me clarify this matter."

Su Ruan's eyes lit up, "Really?" Then she looked at her worriedly, "Can you do it?"

Bai Kexin glanced at Lu Mingchen and said decisively, "Yes!"