Zhao Yanyan angrily returned to the classroom, "I thought she was such a good person, she looks so beautiful, but I didn't expect her to be so mean. Her father is a teacher, so she is superior! We even talked to her. It's not worth talking."

Li Na curled her lips, "I now think that our instructors must not look down on such people. It should be that she did not catch up with Instructor Lu, so she said that she had a crush because of illness."

Li Juan also said, "I've wanted to say it for a long time, her words about Instructor Lu's wife are not credible, and when Instructor Lu is confused, Instructor Lu is not a fool ."

Zhao Yanyan snorted coldly, "80% is jealous of others."

Su Ruan nodded with satisfaction, "You are right."

Most of the classmates watching today have similar thoughts to Su Ruan's roommates. The legendary Senior Sister Bai Kexin is actually high and looks down on ordinary classmates.

Now even if Bai Kexin comes to apologize to Su Ruan in person, this impression is hard to erase. After all, there is still suspicion of acting in apology?

The desire to spread will be very high.

Bai Kexin was originally suspended from school to re-read, and there are not many people in the same grade who are familiar with her. In this way, it will not be so easy for her to integrate into the classmates and call for anything.

Su Ruan is in a very good mood.

Bai Kexin is obviously the opposite, she also quickly realized this from the alienation of her classmates, she couldn't help but get angry, she originally planned to destroy Su Ruan's reputation step by step , so that everyone looked down on her, spurned her, and felt that she was not worthy of Brother Mingchen.

When things ferment to a certain extent, report her messy things to the military area.

What if you get married then? What about military marriages? Military marriage protects the soldier, not her.

She has no virtue, and she has done something sorry for brother Mingchen, so it is light to order her to divorce!

I just didn't expect the first step to fall into the sand, I really underestimated her!

Thinking of this, Bai Kexin sank his face and thought for a while. After class, he didn't go back to his off-campus residence, but went directly to the office of the student council president.

The student union is in the activity building of the school, and the president of the student union has a separate office.

Bai Kexin opened the door and saw four or five people sitting inside talking about something. When they saw her coming in, everyone stopped their mouths, and Feng Jingye said hello with an embarrassed look, "Ke Xin. "

Don't think about it, I'm definitely talking about what happened two days ago.

Bai Kexin was a little unhappy.

The wheat-colored skinned, tall boy who was surrounded by the middle smiled and said, "Who made us angry?"

Except Feng Jingye, the others stood up and stepped aside. One of the girls helped Bai Kexin move a chair and put it next to Feng Jingye and the boy.

Bai Kexin's expression softened slightly. After sitting down, she pouted and hummed unhappily, "Aren't you two discussing?"

The wheat-skinned boy scolded, "Well, don't be angry, it's just a misunderstanding, we are also discussing how to help you clarify, or I'll look for that one tomorrow. classmate?"

"Who said I misunderstood? Why don't I misunderstand others, just misunderstand her?" Bai Kexin said angrily, "Gu Junfei, also think I'm the kind of person who looks down on others?"

Gu Junfei was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean, that woman deliberately framed you? Why? I don't even know you."

Bai Kexin said, "Who said I don't know her anymore, it's precisely because I know her and I know she's not a good thing that I don't want her to get close to me, but I didn't expect her to beat me."

The more Bai Kexin thought about it, the more angry she became.

Gu Junfei frowned, "Why did she frame you?"

Bai Kexin said aggrievedly, "Who knows, probably because I hate her."

"Who is it, and what's going on?" Feng Jingye asked.

Bai Kexin glanced at him, "Speaking of which you know Su Ruan, I heard that you are still pursuing her?"

Gu Junfei immediately matched the number, and immediately laughed, "Is that the stubborn girl who rejected Feng Dashao and said she didn't like his type?"

Feng Jingye's face was a little bad. He really liked Su Ruan a little bit. At that time, he thought about taking her to see friends after military training. face look.

In the end, he made him lose a lot of face among his friends, and he has been teased even now.

Bai Kexin snorted coldly, "Feng Jingye, didn't you tell her that your family is rich?"

Feng Jingye frowned slightly, Bai Kexin had already started to talk about what she knew, "I met her cousin when I went to the hospital for a review last week."

"...Anyway, I'm from a small mountain village. I didn't go to university until I was 20. Speaking of which, I was a year or two younger than us. I ran into her mother by chance and felt that her mother was in the city. Yes, I just wanted to have **** with her mother, but her father wouldn't let her go, she almost stomped her father into the mud, saying that his father abused her, and then cut off the relationship and left..."

"Her cousin came to Yan City and was disliked. She went to take a look at the hospital after miscarriage, but she was also to warn her not to come to her. I guess she was disgusted with poverty."

"I was so enthusiastic when I met me, and I was so disgusted with her cousin in the blink of an eye. I was thinking about why her cousin was so afraid of her. The experience that happened a few days ago can be regarded as an insight. Here, Su Ruan is amazing."

"At that time, I saw that she just wanted to curry favor with me, so I didn't want to pay attention to her. As a result, she didn't like me and even framed me directly. She has earned a reputation for being neither humble nor arrogant."

Feng Jingye frowned, he couldn't imagine Su Ruan was that kind of person.

Gu Junfei's eyes widened, "So scheming?"

"It's not just scheming." Bai Kexin said, "Pretending to be aristocratic and rich, in fact, he is a market stall."


Several people widened their eyes and asked in unison.

The ruthless means in the front are somewhat illusory, but in the end, the impact is a bit big, especially Feng Jingye.

He has been in contact with Su Ruan for a period of time because of military training, and he can see that the girl's food and clothing are not bad, and the habits and temperament that inadvertently reveal make people think that she should be a rich girl That's right.

Are you pretending to have money?

"Are you sure?" Gu Junfei also asked, how expensive college students are in this era, which one is not decent, and someone would set up a street stall?

Bai Kexin said, "It can't be confirmed any more."

"If you don't believe me, just go and have a look next time you go to the market in Wei Village. I heard that the ones in the south are selling. I guess the money her mother gave her is not enough to spend."

"After all, even in the city, there is still a stepfather. They have two sons, so it would be good to pay her tuition."

"It can be seen that for money, there is no shame at all."

Bai Kexin glanced at Gu Junfei, and she saw his face rise with interest. Among them, Gu Junfei's family was the richest and most powerful, and he especially liked to tease girls, especially annoying girls .

"So, we, Young Master Feng and Princess Bai, were actually bullied by a girl who set up a street stall?" Gu Junfei laughed, "That's not acceptable."

"Wait, I will avenge you."

Bai Kexin pouted her lips and deliberately said, "Come on, since she can refuse Feng Jingye, she must be very thoughtful, maybe she should slowly find out, after all, it is not long after the start of school, it may not be possible. Look at you."

Gu Junfei is bound to win, "Then let's see!"

Feng Jingye frowned, but didn't say anything in the end.

No one noticed the corners of Bai Kexin's mouth.

She is not worried about Su Ruan saying that she is married. Su Ruan, a good person like Ming Chen, doesn't want to expose, saying that she wants to live a low-key college life. In her opinion, Su Ruan is probably just to enjoy the popularity of boys.

If her married status is revealed, her college life will be less interesting.

In this case, then enjoy it, Gu Junfei is not as easy to refuse as Feng Jingye, it is best to make more troubles.

Oh, by the way, you should also break the news about the stalls.

After returning home in the evening, Bai Kexin called her classmates in the journalism department, "Xu Wen, are you interested in the fact that Yanjing Normal University students set up street stalls?"