In the small auditorium, Bai Kexin's face turned pale. She grabbed the school newspaper and flipped through it with shaking hands.

Impossible! impossible! how could this be? This is not what she imagined at all...

"No," she was a little excited, "Xu Wen didn't tell me that."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Wen walked in. The news department also had to follow up on the party's affairs. She wanted to come to see the first organized meeting.

Bai Kexin stared at Xu Wen with red eyes, "You clearly told me to report on the vanity of contemporary college students..."

"Yes," Xu Wen seemed to be confused, "What you said is indeed a profound problem. It's in the last edition. What's wrong? What's the problem?"

Bai Kexin turned to the last page with the last glimmer of hope, stared at the small page [Beware of the erosion of the spirit of college students by vanity], looked up at Xu Wen, "You play me "I didn't dare to say the three words.

Xu Wen didn't seem to see her expression, pointed to the main page and faced her, "Thank you for the report of this edition, thank you for providing me with such valuable news materials ."

"I think this topic is very profound, and I have already submitted it to the city newspaper."

"Go to the city..." Bai Kexin's fingers turning white while holding the newspaper, the newspaper slapped her face like a slap.

Others slapped:

"So, she also asked the Ministry of Information to report Junior Sister Su? I didn't expect that their stall would be so meaningful."

Someone said incredulously, "Even if this stall is meaningless, Junior Sister Su won't steal or rob, so what's hindering her? You want to be ridiculed in newspapers?"

"Yes, if Junior Sister Su was not calm enough, wouldn't this kill a person? What kind of hatred?"

"So Su Ruan didn't wrong her at all, just because they look down on others' street stalls, so they can't keep their heads up in school?"

"Alas, there is no distinction between high and low occupations, but there are people. No matter how well-born some people are, they cannot hide the fact that they are despicable."

Disdainful words and mocking and disgusting eyes poured over from all directions, Bai Kexin clutched her chest tightly and couldn't breathe, this is not right, this should obviously be Su Ruan's treatment, what is it? What went wrong!

No, it can't be like this, calm down, calm down, Bai Kexin squeezed the newspaper to force herself to calm down, gritted her teeth and said softly to Su Ruan, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I'm in the hospital I met your cousin here, and she told me that you framed your father for a better life..." She paused before continuing, "I hated you before I investigated the situation, I apologize to you. ."

As he spoke, he gave Su Ruan a bow, but it blocked everyone's mouth.

However, Su Ruan was not going to let her go, and directly exposed her trick of retreating, "I haven't investigated clearly, that is, I haven't confirmed whether I am good or bad?"

"Sister Bai, are you misunderstanding or deliberately targeting?"

"When I set up a stall, my senior sister thought I was a lowly, hypocritical person. According to what you said, you didn't know me or even know me before I set up the stall."

"I hire someone, and you think I'm oppressing the disabled. With so many students here, who would want to go there?"

"Are you just speculating maliciously about me, or is your psychology just so dark and you think everyone is doing things for other purposes."

The outspoken girl before said, "It's all said that what a person thinks in his heart, what he sees is what he sees, I'm afraid it's not to save others by himself."

"No wonder I don't have friends. I thought it was because of my infirmity. It turns out that no one looks down on it."

Bai Kexin defended, "No, no! That's what her cousin said..."

Ming Jiaojiao, the host and senior sister next to her, couldn't stand it any longer, "Bai Kexin, we remember very clearly, what you said happened by chance at the market, what are you talking about now? Sister, which one of your words is true?"

Su Ruan said, "It's just because I can't make a fuss about the stalls, so let's change the topic. If the cousin's matter is untenable, is Senior Sister Bai still going to my hometown to investigate? Let's take a look at the eighteenth generation of my ancestors."

She stared at Bai Kexin coldly, "I'll just ask you, my cousin said that I can do anything, or I can set up a stall, what is your business?"

"Or is there any reason why Senior Sister Bai must make me unworthy?"

Pang Ce also said, "Well, I wanted to say, who would think of taking pictures when they meet alumni at a stall?"

Someone said, "So she was premeditated."

Bai Kexin said angrily, "I don't!"

However, everyone is not a fool. Maybe everyone will be confused by one side, but the right and wrong of the confrontation between the two sides is clear.

"Tsk tsk, how did Junior Sister Su offend her? It's too terrifying to be so deliberate."

"I'm not, I don't!" Bai Kexin defended angrily, "I took the photo just to let her clarify the rumors for me, I wanted to give it to her in private!"

"I never thought of using photos to harm people. The photos on the bulletin board were not made by me! Gu Junfei can testify. I gave Gu Junfei the photos and negatives. He knows."

Zhang Shishi, who had been hiding in the corner to observe the situation, was suddenly shocked when she heard the words, and looked at Bai Kexin suddenly.

Someone said, "She said before that she threw the photo away?"

Bai Kexin said, "I just said that because I didn't want to involve Gu Junfei."

Su Ruan said, "Then why are you involved now?"

Bai Kexin choked.

Someone said with disgust, "It's full of lies, not a single word can be trusted."

Bai Kexin clutched her chest and gasped, "If those photos were posted by me, the sky would be struck by lightning!"

As soon as she finished speaking, someone suddenly said, "I posted the photo."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, when they saw a girl in smart dress and makeup standing up, she continued, "But Senior Sister Bai asked me to post it!"

Su Ruan looked at Zhang Shishi in surprise.

Bai Kexin obviously didn't expect that Zhang Shishi would fall into the trap during this chaos, and his expression couldn't help but hideous, "What are you talking about? What are you doing to frame me."

Really frame her!

Zhang Shishi squeezed her fingers nervously, and said calmly, "Su Ruan framed you, and I framed you too, but Senior Sister Bai said that we have any reason to frame you?"

Of course Bai Kexin couldn't give a reasonable reason.

On the other hand, Zhang Shishi had her reasons for instigating her, "You know that Su Ruan and I don't deal with each other, so you found me on purpose."


Zhang Shishi looks like a deceived person, "You said that as long as you let everyone see her true face, you can wash away your grievances, I believe it..."

Bai Kexin pointed at Zhang Shishi, speechless, "You, you want to frame me!"

Bai Kexin said the truth this time, but unfortunately she told too many lies before, but no one believed her anymore.

And Zhang Shishi is also a ruthless man, the logic is very clear, "Then how do you explain that I can get that photo and negative?" She said directly, "You just said that all the photos and negatives are I handed it over to Senior Brother Gu Junfei, how did you get it?"

There is no other possibility than what she gave.

Bai Kexin was once again blocked by her own lies.

Zhang Shishi was secretly relieved when she looked at her speechless appearance, she must blame Bai Kexin for this.

There is a school newspaper to correct Su Ruan's name, Bai Kexin is obviously going to end, and now she has realized that she was used by Bai Kexin.

Besides, Bai Kexin is not particular at all, Xu Wen, Gu Junfei and the like all climb at will, and in the end, there is a high probability that they will bite her, even if they don't...

Thinking of what Su Ruan said on the bulletin board, Zhang Shishi can only do it first.

Before the military training, she had been taught by the school to report at will, and said that if there is another time, she will make a big mistake next time. This time, the photo is much more serious than the report. It must not be her fault, she did not break the law !

Everyone looked at Bai Kexin, Bai Kexin seemed to feel that he was surrounded by monsters and had no way to escape.

Niu Jun, the head of the Organization Department, arrived, "Mr. Luo has something to do. Today, let's go through the process ourselves."

Mr. Luo is the chief planner of this party. This meeting should have been led by her. Before she arrived, Niu Jun, Minister of Literature and Art, was about to start first. After approaching, he looked suspiciously With the strange atmosphere in the auditorium, he said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Ming Jiaojiao glanced at Bai Kexin and smiled, "It's okay, why can't Mr. Luo come?"

Niu Jun faced his girlfriend and couldn't help but say more, "It seems that someone from the military region came to investigate something, and Mr. Luo was called over."

Bai Kexin, who was still struggling in desperation, lit up when he heard this, stepped forward and said, "Investigator of the military region, are you sure?"

Niu Jun was taken aback by her eager appearance. She didn't know why she was so excited. "Anyway, I saw a military vehicle, so I don't know the details."

"It must be!" Bai Kexin's expression suddenly became calm, she looked at Su Ruan, "You actually know why I am targeting you, right?"

"And everyone." She looked around and met the eyes of those who despised her, with a look of humiliation, "Yes, I really didn't target her because she set up a stall, it was just me She just found a better reason, after all, I have to be concerned about... other people's face."

"The hypocrisy is much lighter than her real problem."

Su Ruan was convinced by her robber logic and couldn't help but say, "So, you just think I have done something very abhorrent, but you don't have to use open-minded means, and you have to set me up A not-so-bad reputation and ruining my reputation?"

"So, what is the purpose of giving me a less hateful reputation? To show your kindness?" Su Ruan looked into her eyes and smiled contemptuously, "Or cover it up to cover up your shame. thought."

Bai Kexin's face changed slightly, she said coldly, "Don't rush to attack me, what's going on, everyone will know soon."

Speak up and leave.

Su Ruan stopped her, "Since you will know soon, why don't you sit down and wait together, I also want to know, what is your real reason for targeting me?"

"Or is Senior Sister just bluffing and preparing to run away?"

Bai Kexin looked up at her, "Okay, I'll just wait here, don't regret it."

Su Ruan smiled, "I'm afraid that senior sister will be disappointed in the end."

Niu Jun, who just arrived, didn't know what was going on. He waited for the two little girls to finish their quarrel, and asked Ming Jiaojiao, "What are they talking about?"

Ming Jiao smiled, "It's okay, let's have a meeting."

Other departments understand their respective divisions of labor.

So the overall speed is not slow.

Pang Ce and Ming Jiaojiao were also worried about how Bai Kexin's affairs would affect Su Ruan, and they took care of her secretly and secretly, but they found that their worries were unnecessary.

This little sister not only does not need their care, but also does not even have the jerky and dazed newcomer.

It's not so much dignified, it's more aura, compared to the two brothers and sisters who have several years of hosting experience, it's not inferior, this is very pleasant, as long as you take care of Just another little brother.

Bai Kexin was sitting under the stage, watching everyone compliment Su Ruan and unconsciously crumpling the newspaper in her hand, how good is she! Everything was not brought to her by Brother Mingchen, but she didn't know how to cherish it, and she hooked up everywhere...

"My God, several boys outside the auditorium put flowers and balloons in a circle, as if they were going to confess to someone."

"This is like Senior Brother Niu Jun, so romantic."

"But it was much more pompous than Senior Brother Niu Jun. Senior Brother Niu Jun was downstairs in the dormitory at the time, and this was in front of the officers of the Student Union of various departments."

"I don't know which girl it is, she is happy to die."

Hearing the whispers behind, Bai Kexin's mouth finally showed a little smile, she fixedly looked at the high-spirited Su Ruan on the stage, you see, God is helping her, It was so coincidental.

In her plan, it was only Gu Junfei who made the matter bigger. When the investigator came, it was easy to find out the news.

At that time, Su Ruan would be at a loss for words, but Gu Junfei didn't know it. If it wasn't for Su Ruan's deliberate seduction and ambiguity with boys, Gu Junfei would be able to pursue her and confess to her?

Anyway, even if she doesn't admit it, she will inevitably be taken away for questioning...

Bai Kexin felt lightened when she thought of Su Ruan being taken away in front of everyone's eyes.

At that time, even if she comes back to study again, Gu Junfei, who has been teased, will not be able to spare her!

The dance of the English department was over, and a girl ran back to her seat with a serious face. She picked up the newspaper and read it carefully again, showing a dreamy expression.

Soon her eyes fell on Bai Kexin's face, and she showed a sudden realization, followed by contempt.

Bai Kexin remembered that she was Su Ruan's roommate, she couldn't help but snorted coldly, a so-called stall to help disabled soldiers, what about it?

She directly shoved the crumpled newspaper in her hand into the hole in the table to relieve her hatred a little, just wait, the person they should despise after a while is Su Ruan.

Thinking of that scene, Bai Kexin couldn't help it, she kept raising her wrist to look at the time, it's almost two hours, someone should come and take Su Ruan away...

Zhao Yanyan could not wait to take Su Ruan to interrogate immediately, she confirmed the last line of the newspaper for the fifth time; [—Written to my instructor Lu]

She looked up at Su Ruan again, but Su Ruan just didn't look at her, as if she didn't notice her at all, but Zhao Yanyan knew that that guy had a guilty conscience!

So the deer instructor above is the deer instructor she thought?



"Are you sure?"


"Instructor Lu's wife is Su Ruan?!"

"It's really from our school?"

Today, many freshman female dormitories are filled with such screams.

Thanks to Zhang Shishi who filled the bulletin board with photos, when everyone found that there was a report on Su Ruan in the weekly newspaper, they all quickly bought a copy.

When they were moved by the great sacrifice of the soldiers and Su Ruan's silent efforts, they suddenly caught a glimpse of the word "military sister-in-law". "The message came back to his senses, and he was stunned by the words "My Deer Instructor".

Especially the freshman students, who doesn't know the instructor Lu, the legendary girlfriend of the instructor Lu that they miss most is actually by their side? !

However, there are dorms that are slightly different.

405 Dormitory.

After repeatedly confirming the authenticity of the school newspaper, Li Na said tremblingly, "Did I say that my husband is an instructor deer?"

Li Juan trembled with her, "Yes, I said you were pretending to be me."

The door of the dormitory was suddenly pushed open with a bang, "Instructor Deer is here!"

At the time, the two cowardly people hugged each other in an instant, Li Na said, "Ah, ah, forgive your life, forgive your life, those who don't know are innocent!"

Li Juan said, "No way, come to us to settle the account?"

Han Xuefang, who came back from fetching water, looked at them and said, "What are you doing?" Then she became excited, "Come on, Instructor Lu is coming to school!"

"It seems to go to the small auditorium!"