Su Ruan felt that he was really wrong. The men who just started the meat are all beasts, without exception.

Some of them are straightforward and impatient, while others are scheming and step by step.

Lu Mingchen is the latter, but she thought he was prudent and self-controlled, gentle and considerate to her.

However, the fact is that she was about to cry while holding the quilt. Lu Mingchen hugged him and coaxed him very nicely. One sentence is more affectionate, and kisses her in her favorite tender way.

When they arched the high arc together, a thought suddenly crossed in Su Ruan's mind in the white light:

He was in a hurry to come back and even to clean up, all for this battle.

No, not a game.

Buckle up and enjoy slowly.

Su Ruan had no strength at all, Lu Mingchen leaned over and sighed unsteadily against her forehead, "After taking such a long rest, where did all the strength go?"

Su Ruan gritted her teeth angrily, "So you have been planning for a long time."

Lu Mingchen put his big hand on her dazzling white skin, rubbing it calmly, watching her slender waist just like the dance on New Year's Day, unconsciously twisting and seductive The curvature of the eyes, the color of the eyes deepened, and he chuckled softly, "This is all discovered by you."

Su Ruan suddenly let out an unbearable hum, and there was a cry in her voice, "You're a badass, let me go, no!"

Lu Mingchen picked her up with one arm, made her close to his chest, lowered her head and kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Good, you can do it."

He suddenly remembered something, looked at Su Ruan's moist eyes and smiled, "It doesn't matter if you don't, leave it to me."

Su Ruan had a bad premonition in her heart. In the past, she really liked his words the most, but this time is obviously an exception.

Sure enough, her intuition was right, and the consequence of giving it to him completely was that she lay dying on the bed, almost dying...

Su Ruan woke up humming when the sky was bright, but before she could open her eyes and bit her lip, the rogue scolded her lazily, "Don't hook people early in the morning. "

Su Ruan opened his eyes and slapped Jun's face in front of him, "You bastard, go away!"

After the paste, she made a "hiss", her waist...

Lu Mingchen smiled, Su Ruan glared at him, still smiling?

Lu Mingchen knew that he was wrong and reached out to massage her.

Although he has always been well-behaved, Su Ruan, who has already been cheated once, will naturally not step on the pit again. While enjoying his massage, he snorted coldly, "It won't help if you press it, tell you , it won't get better in three days."

Lu Mingchen squinted his eyes and smiled lazily, "Don't worry, if you can, leave it to me..."

Su Ruan:…

She is now afraid of the phrase "all to me".

It was after nine o'clock when the two got up. Su Ruan went to the kitchen to make porridge and heated the buns that Li Ruolan gave last night. Yesterday's lunch was late, and it was a little early after cleaning up the room. , did not eat dinner.

It turned out to be cheaper for someone.

Su Ruan came out of the kitchen rubbing her waist and found that Lu Mingchen had already washed clothes in the bathroom.

I didn't buy a washing machine here, so he just put a large aluminum tub on the washboard and rubbed them one by one.

However, Su Ruan didn't want to give him all the work. After eating, she took out another large basin, washed his clothes after rubbing them, and washed them a second time with clean water.

, and see what we're going out to buy in a moment."

Su Ruan's anger, it's all a mess to help?

Lu Mingchen lowered his head and pecked her pursed lips, "Let's do our part, this hard work..." He paused, then smiled very sincerely, "Just pay give me."

Su Ruan:…

She really can't face the words "leave it all to me"!

But except for some specific occasions, Lu Mingchen said this sentence is very reliable.

Before noon, he washed all the dirty clothes they had changed yesterday.

Su Ruan also made a list of what needs to be purchased, mainly to buy some rice grains and vegetables for temporary consumption, and other New Year's goods such as chicken, duck, fish and meat, and go to the uncle's house to get it in two days.

I heard Li Ruolan say yesterday that my eldest uncle's family is going to kill two pigs this year.

The two changed their clothes and went out, Su Ruan locked the door, Lu Mingchen slowly strolled down, Su Ruan remembered that he forgot to take the pocket, and when he went back and took the pocket and came out again, Lu Mingchen already downstairs.

She ran down and saw a slender woman talking to Lu Mingchen.

"Brother Mingchen?" Su Ruan called out.

Lu Mingchen looked up, the woman turned around, Su Ruan raised her eyebrows, it turned out to be Song Xiaozhen.

Song Xiaozhen saw that Su Ruan's face changed slightly, and then she seemed to realize something, and when she turned to look at this handsome and unique man in front of her, her face was incredulous.

However, the man has changed his indifference and alienation when facing her, looking at the person with a smile on his face.

He naturally reached out and took the pocket in Su Ruan's hand.

Su Ruan glanced curiously at Song Xiaozhen and asked Lu Mingchen, "What did you say?"

Lu Mingchen took her hand, "It's nothing, the neighbor in the next building said that I have eyesight."

Song Xiaozhen couldn't help biting her lip, she just introduced her to the Urban Planning Bureau, in his eyes just a neighbor?

"What are you talking about, Xiao Zhen? Why are you still at the door after going out for a long time?" An old lady stuck her head out from the first-floor window of the next unit, "Hurry up and go grocery shopping, Qiangzi. I'm in a hurry to go out after dinner!"

After he finished speaking, he muttered, "Don't do business all the time, hook up everywhere, Qiangzi, do you want to watch it?"

Seeing Su Ruan's surprised look, Song Xiaozhen was ashamed and angry, and left in a hurry.

Lu Mingchen said, "Know?"

"I know," Su Ruan said about the origin of Yan Shaoyu and Song Xiaozhen and Gao Qiang, and finally said, "It seems that she really married Gao Qiang."

It just seems that the Gao family doesn't take her seriously?

Hearing that Song Xiaozhen calculated Su Ruan's dowry and laughed at her from the countryside, Lu Mingchen narrowed his eyes.

Su Ruan didn't take it to heart, after all, she wasn't there often, and even if she was, it would only always remind Song Xiaozhen how wrong her original choice was.

After they arrived at the market, they couldn't care less about chatting. It was almost New Year's Eve. There were people and noise everywhere. Su Ruan took Lu Mingchen's arm and bought it in front of the vegetable stall. After buying a few vegetables, she bought and paid for it, and Lu Mingchen consciously put all the vegetables in the bag beside him.

The two were walking when they suddenly heard a "quack" laughter, they looked at each other and laughed in unison, Su Ruan smiled, "It seems that the lady boss who sells eggs is still there. ."

The two walked to the stall, the proprietress even remembered them, glanced at Lu Mingchen, and teased Su Ruan, "Yo, the man you robbed will laugh, Shaolin Kung Fu Learning Are you afraid that you won't be able to keep people?"

Su Ruan smiled confidently, "I have completely conquered it with my personal charm, even if the angels come, I can't go."

The proprietress was made to laugh again by her, and Lu Mingchen also glanced at Su Ruan with a half-smile, and reached out to take the eggs that the proprietress handed over.

Finally standing in front of the fish stall, Su Ruan looked at the silver carp a little confused, "Can you buy it?"

Lu Mingchen squatted down and picked four.

"Too many." Su Ruan said, "Two is enough, you are not afraid of being tired."

Making fish **** is no easy task.

"Grandma and mother will deliver it," Lu Mingchen said, leaning into her ear and chuckling, "Don't worry, don't you know I'm the best at working hard?"

Su Ruan:…

She kicked him expressionlessly, and Lu Mingchen flexibly avoided, "If the kick is dirty, you have to wash it." He whispered next to her ear, "Why, like me Work hard?"

Su Ruan couldn't bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand and pinched him hard, Lu Mingchen begged for mercy and admitted defeat.

The fishmonger helped them kill the fish while laughing, "You two have a good relationship."

Lu Mingchen carried a large bag of vegetables in his right hand, three big silver carp in his left hand, and Su Ruan held a bag of eggs in his hand and walked back together.

Song Xiaozhen, who was following behind them, felt very uncomfortable.

She still remembered that Li Ruolan once said that Su Ruan's husband was not only a very powerful officer but also a graduate student. I didn't expect the appearance to be so one-of-a-kind.

But such an excellent person is still gentle and careless in front of Su Ruan.

Because she was on the same road, it was hard for her not to pay attention. The man didn't let Su Ruan touch anything heavy during the whole process. Su Ruan was only responsible for paying the bills.

Looking at herself, Song Xiaozhen looked at the red marks on her fingers, and then thought about her mother-in-law...

"Su Ruan!"

The familiar voice made Song Xiaozhen turn her head, and she bit her lip in embarrassment when she saw the man, and muttered, "Shaoyu."

Yan Shaoyu nodded lightly at her, then looked at Su Ruan with a genuine smile, but Li Ruolan next to her ignored her.

"Brother." Su Ruan looked back at him and smiled, "You came so early, did you know we were going to make fish balls?"

Yan Shaoyu smiled and said, "It seems that he has caught up. He turned around and told Yan Shao to go home and bring a kitchen knife. Your sister's kitchen knife should not be enough."

"Okay! There are fish **** to eat!" Yan Shaoshi turned his head and ran happily.

Li Ruolan smiled and said, "His father is planning to buy two fish for Shaoyu tomorrow. Now that Mingchen is here, he is taking advantage."

Song Xiaozhen noticed that even if Su Ruan only had a bag of eggs in his hand, Yan Shaoyu naturally took it in his hand after walking over, and Su Ruan just had to hold Li Ruolan's arm and follow behind them.

Looking at the happy family in front of her, she couldn't help being a little dazed, really like her mother said, is money more important?

But now Yan Shaoyu is richer...

"Song Xiaozhen!" The old lady stuck her head out of the window on the first floor again, "What are you doing, it takes so long to buy a dish?"

"The hadron is going out, are you going to starve us?"

Song Xiaozhen lowered her head and hurriedly went home with the dishes.

Su Ruan was still curious. After returning home, she asked Li Ruolan, "Why are Song Xiaozhen and Gao Qiang in this community?"

Li Ruolan pouted, "Show me off."

God, but I don't know how to spread it later, saying that you were seriously injured and went to Yan City for medical treatment, and your brother spent a lot of money on safety equipment, safety promotion, I always feel that our family will lose money."

"That's so strong, and that Song Xiaozhen is probably doing it on purpose for us to see, I think she can marry better if we don't marry her. house."

Su Ruan was curious, "What about the dowry, it's really 50,000 yuan."

"Where? In the end, I gave more than 10,000 yuan." Li Ruolan said, "At that time, Song Xiaozhen's younger brother took the project as his own. A huge loss."

" Gao's family is angry, naturally they will not give the promised dowry, and they will say harsh words at the end, otherwise Song Xiaozhen will marry Gao Qiang obediently without the dowry, or send Song Xiaozhen's younger brother to the police station ."

"Of course the Song family's parents couldn't send their son to the police station. In the end, Song Xiaozhen was looking for life and death, and the dowry was given more than 10,000 yuan according to the normal market price."

"But I'm looking at it, that 10,000 yuan probably didn't fall into her own hands." Li Ruolan said, "Now Gao Qiang's mother doesn't take her seriously at all, and let her buy it all day long. She doesn't give any money for cooking or anything, she uses her own wages."

"I'm afraid she will subsidize her parents' family."

Su Ruan couldn't help but sigh, this is really... self-inflicted.

After a while, Yan Chengru and Yan Shaoshi both came along with Yan's kitchen knife and cutting board.

Su Ruan simply moved the coffee table and dining table to the middle of the living room, and the whole family went into battle to make fish balls.

Six people scraped the fish floss, three big men took turns whipping, and a few big fish were finished in three hours.

After cooking, they are all frozen outside, and they can be brought to grandma’s house in a few days. Grandma Li likes to eat this.

A few people rested for a while before Yan Shaoyu talked about today's business. He gave Su Ruan a bag full of money, "The balance is fully cleared, 50,000!"

Su Ruan also laughed, making money is always a happy thing.

Yan Shaoyu got up and said, "Let's celebrate today, I'll treat you, go out to eat!"

Yan Shao was instantly happy, and it happened that everyone was tired and went out to eat together.

Su Ruan came out of the shower in the evening, and saw Lu Mingchen sitting on the bed, throwing the bundles of money one after another, his eyebrows stretched, he looked very happy, he couldn't help laughing, "When did you Become a fortune fan?"

Lu Mingchen said, "How much money do we have now?" It should be enough to buy a building, right?

Su Ruan thought of last night, and suddenly understood the real reason why he was obsessed with buying a building, not only because of convenience, but also because he could have fun!

He's having fun, she's going to die.

I couldn't help but beat him, "That's all that's left, but it will have to be spent in the spring of next year."

Fingers crossed, "The money earned a year ago and the dividend of 30,000 yuan have been registered in the company, and the venue has been rented. Next year, our employees will expand the number of employees, and if we want to add new products, we have to buy some equipment..."

"In the end, there's basically not much money left."

Lu Mingchen watched her tender fingers disappear one by one, and the smile on her face also disappeared.

Su Ruan laughed complacently, and was suddenly hugged by him and threw it on the bed, pressing down dangerously and sighing, "Since there is no money, leave it to me."

"No, stop!" Su Ruan struggled, but of course it was still in vain in the end.

When he was blown away by his strength, he suddenly heard him pretending to say in his ear, "Oh, I remembered, our stock can be sold."

He smiled, "It must be two hundred thousand."

Su Ruan bites his shoulder firmly, and doesn't buy it after selling it, hum!