Su Ruan said that she had the opportunity to beat Huo Xiangyang again because she knew that Su Qingqing would not let go of the opportunity to save Uncle Gu in the past.

Uncle Gu, whose full name is Gu Weiliang, is an overseas Chinese in country T. His ancestors have been doing jewelry and clothing business in country T. After China's reform and opening up, he returned to China in the early 1990s to explore the domestic market.

In early 1992, she was robbed while inspecting the market in Shenshi, and was rescued by Su Ruan and Huo Xiangyang who were passing by.

And then Su Ruan relied on Uncle Gu to help him start his business. When the factory opened, Huo Xiangyang often brag about it in front of relatives, except for the process of beautification, the time and place All said clearly.

This is one of the biggest turning points in Su Ruan's life, how could Su Qingqing miss it.

Su Ruan naturally wants to go too, she doesn't care what chance Su Qingqing grabs with her, but Uncle Gu almost has the grace of knowing and remaking her.

Of course she would not trust others with his safety, especially the two unreliable things Huo Xiangyang and Su Qingqing.

They are also going to sell the stock.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the two set off for Shenshi. When they got on the plane, Lu Mingchen wanted to help Su Ruan, but she glared fiercely and threw his arms away.

Lu Mingchen touched his nose, and stuck it up like a rogue, hugged her to find a seat and sat down.

Su Ruan hissed when he sat down, and couldn't help but want to stare.

Lu Mingchen graciously helped her fasten her seat belt, "Okay, okay, I can rest now."

Su Ruan leaned on the back of the chair, snorted coldly, closed her eyes and rested, ignoring him.

According to Lu Mingchen's plan, they originally planned to drive on the fifth day of the first day. She was almost killed by Lu Mingchen on the night of the fourth day of the first day, because she would not be able to eat for the next two days, so she had to make up for it in advance.

Su Ruan couldn't hold it anymore, so he said to take a plane.


Expensive ordinary people seldom include it in the scope of travel, so that Su Ruan, who was poor for a while, also forgot it.

So Lu Mingchen went to buy a ticket for the seventh day.

I thought she had escaped, but last night she experienced this guy's inhuman torture, and the reason became two, first, the next few days may not be convenient; second, don't have to drive Don't worry about lack of energy, just catch up on sleep on the plane.

Fall! Could his perverted energy be the same as anyone else's? !

In the end, Su Ruan felt that she had passed out, and then she felt that she was called to set off just after closing her eyes.

It was rare for her to get up, and she didn't want to talk to Lu Mingchen all morning.

She was leaning on the back of the seat at the moment, originally closed her eyes and rested, but the sleepiness came in waves, and she gradually sank into her dreams.

Indistinctly heard someone say something loudly, it seems to be embarrassing the flight attendant. There are many upstarts these days, and their quality is really worrying. I take a plane and regard myself as a superior uncle.

Su Ruan frowned and wanted to open his eyes, but the voice suddenly disappeared again, and soon an arm came over, Su Ruan took advantage of the trend and leaned into the familiar arms and finally fell asleep.

Lu Mingchen looked away from the man with a beer belly next to him, and said to the flight attendant, "Give me a blanket."

The flight attendant hurried to get the blanket, the beer-bellied man touched his painful wrist and was so frightened that he switched to the empty seat behind him. very scary.

However, after he got the blanket, his eyes softened again, the blue blanket shook off the woman in his arms, covered it carefully, and patted the other person's back with his big palm. , Completely unable to connect with the man who just shot like electricity and looked fierce.

It was a very safe flight.

The trip of less than three hours seemed to pass by in a flash. Su Ruan felt that she hadn't slept for a long time, and was pushed to wake up, "Ruanruan, wake up."

Su Ruan opened her eyes in a daze, Lu Mingchen touched her forehead and lowered her head to help her adjust the seat belt, "It's about to land, wake up for a while, don't catch a cold."

Su Ruan stretched and stared blankly at the flight attendant's gaze.

When getting off the plane, the stewardess smiled at her very sweetly, "Welcome to your next flight."

Su Ruan responded politely and said to Lu Mingchen, "The flight attendant on this flight is very good. I seem to have heard people making noise before, but it soon subsided?"

When she finished speaking, she saw several people looking at her with strange eyes, which made Su Ruan confused.

Lu Mingchen looked at her blankly, laughed lightly, and took her hand out of the plane.

Su Ruan touched his face, "Although I know I'm beautiful, this rate of turning heads is a bit exaggerated, and their eyes look like..."

Lu Mingchen laughed, "Like what?"

Su Ruan said solemnly, "It's like a woman looking at eldest brother."

Lu Mingchen laughed, and flicked her forehead with his fingers, "It's called Big Brother."

Su Ruan wrinkled her nose and grinned, "Brother baby?"

He used to reject the name.

Who knew that he did smile at this moment, "Alright, Sister Cotton." He meant something, "soft."

Su Ruan kicked him angrily, he quickened his pace to dodge, and the two left the airport laughing.

They still found a guest house near the Municipal Public Security Bureau last time, which is obviously safer than other places, and the conditions are not bad.

Have a good night's rest, the next day after nine o'clock, when the stock exchange opened, the two of them went to the stock exchange with a box of stocks.

In the distance, you can see a crowd of people, as well as cheers from the crowd from time to time.

The popularity of exchanges today is not comparable to when Su Ruan came last year. The local people have reached a crazy level. There are people outside, some of whom are buying and selling. Yes, it is more to observe the rise and fall of the index.

There are also special police booths around, with several policemen patrolling nearby.

Lu Mingchen kept Su Ruan in his arms and looked at the index that the staff had just changed on the small blackboard at the door. up."

He made more than 20,000 yuan this day, and he couldn't help but be moved. After two days of doing this, they all paid for the renovation of the house, the courtyard can be heated, and the bedroom can be changed bed…

Su Ruan didn't know that he was driving again in his mind, so he directly pulled him to sell stocks.

Their stocks have gone up to 200,000 yuan, and they have a special small room to trade, and because of this crazy increase, more people are buying, but fewer people are selling, the staff also confirmed with them again and again .

In just a few moments of communication with the staff, the eight stocks rose by about 1% in general, and they got another few thousand dollars.

Su Ruan pushed the box directly to the staff, "Sell!"

On the first day of the new year, there were still 220,000 stocks, and on the eighth day of the new year, more than 256,000 shares were obtained, which is still Lu Mingchen's own.

Su Ruan invested 13,000 shares last year, and now it has sold more than 140,000...

The stacks of stocks were exchanged for a whole suitcase of money, and it was not noticeable that the two of them came out of the exchange. After all, there are many people like this in this place.

Before leaving, Lu Mingchen was curious to see how much the index had risen, but Su Ruan stopped him, "Don't look, or don't tell me!"

Lu Mingchen wondered, "What's wrong?"

Su Ruan clutched her chest and said with a heartache, "If it still rises, I will be heartbroken."

This game that can earn thousands or even tens of thousands a few minutes or hours late is really exciting.

When she started learning to play stocks in her last life, it was already an intelligent trading platform. The stock account was bound to the bank card, and the in and out were all numbers, and this feeling of holding money in your hands Very different, after all, a thousand bucks is a thick stack.

Lu Mingchen laughed, looking at her calm expression the whole time, thought she didn't care at all, but he still looked back and said, "Hey, I fell."

Su Ruan was overjoyed and immediately turned around, "How much did it drop?"

Lu Mingchen originally wanted to make her feel more comfortable. She might as well move so fast. Although she couldn't see the small blackboard, the excited cheers from the crowd had already explained the problem.

Su Ruan angrily wanted to screw Lu Mingchen, but his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"What's wrong?" Lu Mingchen followed her line of sight and saw Su Qingqing and Huo Xiangyang.

The two were obviously more cautious this time, wearing grey clothes with hats and masks, but Su Qingqing's bulging belly and the bruise on Huo Xiangyang's forehead were still very conspicuous.

Su Ruan saw that they were originally in the selling team, walked up to them and backed out, obviously not willing to sell.

Su Ruan shook her head, "I bet they won't earn much in the end, believe it or not?"

Lu Mingchen touched her head and smiled, "Xin, didn't you say that people who think about making a lot of money end up going bankrupt?"

As Su Ruan expected, Su Qingqing and Huo Xiangyang, who had decided to sell their stocks today, came to them and were reluctant.

Because of the robbery incident last year, the stock that Su Qingqing forced Huo Xiangyang to buy failed to sell. Later, the two were frightened by the robbers who locked them up for a long time. to the exchange.

But Su Qingqing has been paying attention to the news of the stock market. When Huo Xiangyang later saw that the stock rose sharply, after they bought 3,000 stocks and earned dozens of dollars a day, he finally felt at ease and also Start to follow stock news frequently.

In the second half of the year, the daily limit of the stock was released, and he became excited when he saw the soaring stock.

Nowadays the stock is really the same as Su Qingqing’s dream, the stock they bought from 3,000 last year has risen to 30,000, and the loan from Kaiyun County Rural Credit Cooperative, they used a Wanwu opened a shop in Yan City to purchase goods, and the remaining 15,000 were all invested in the stock market, which has now nearly quadrupled.

Su Qingqing and Huo Xiangyang stared at the index on the small blackboard and held hands tightly.

Huo Xiangyang lowered his head and whispered, "30,000 plus 60,000, now it's 90,000, and today it has risen to 10%, 9,000 yuan!"

His tone was unstoppable excitement, "Let's not sell it today, I heard that it may rise by 20% tomorrow, which is more than 18,000."

Su Qingqing hesitated.

Huo Xiangyang continued, "You only dreamed that it was February, and there are still more than half a month left in February. Even if it increases by 5% every day, the 90,000 yuan in ten days can change. more than two hundred thousand."

Su Qingqing did not hesitate to follow him out of the crowd.

The last two kept their eyes on the index until the market was closed, 16%! They made another nearly fifteen thousand dollars that day!

The two happily booked a high-end hotel for one night and went to watch again the next day. They were shocked when the index turned green in the middle. , the index turned red again, and rose rapidly.

The people who sold the stocks scattered, Su Qingqing hesitated, but Huo Xiangyang had already dragged her away firmly, "I won't sell it, I will sell it tomorrow."

"But..." Su Qingqing said, "We have more important things to do tomorrow, so we can't come."

"The day after tomorrow!" Huo Xiangyang's bruised face glowed red, "How good is this increase, I think it will increase for a few more days, more than ten thousand yuan a day, The increase in the past two days alone is enough for us to repay the loan."


Su Qingqing also thinks about it, even if it falls, it will be too late to sell again. Maybe February in the last life is the end of February.

Besides, they will meet Gu Weiliang soon, even if they lose tens of thousands, it will be a drizzle for them.