Back to the courtyard, Ye Ming and Ding Jiu have also come, but they helped Zhao Lei to go to the temple fair to set up a stall today, only to find that there are people selling their things at the temple fair.

Zhao Lei is still reluctant to believe that someone among them will steal something, "Did I remember it wrong? Or from the supply and marketing agency?"

They also supply a large grocery store and two large private supply and marketing cooperatives. It is also possible that the other party goes to the temple fair to sell. , It's rare once a year that everyone's hands are looser.

Ye Ming shook his head and said, "No, I know very well the supply situation on their side. The goods they buy are just enough to sell in their own shop, and it is impossible for them to supply the temple fair."

"And I ordered the goods in Jinxin Department Store myself. I'm sure there are fewer. I guess there are few other things."

The man was clearly premeditated.

Because of the small number of staff, the entrance and exit of the courtyard are not standardized.

Like Huang Xiaocao, Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli, they calculate their wages according to their performance, and according to the rules, they are recorded after Aunt Fu counts;

But Aunt Fu was already old, everyone lived in a yard and gradually became familiar with life, and they all had a relationship with the military, so this kind of supervision is inevitably loose, such as Zhao Lei himself out of the warehouse , Record the number of varieties by yourself, Aunt Fu glances at the same, or sometimes does not look at it is also a common thing.

Especially in order to stock up Jinxin Department Store, the warehouse is full, and the goods are taken evenly.

The other party probably didn't expect Ye Ming to be so meticulous and remembered all the quantities clearly.

This is an unavoidable disadvantage of a small workshop, so Su Ruan thought to quickly formalize the company, and the first person he asked Political Commissar Wang was the warehouse manager.

Because if you want to supply Jinxin Department Store, you must first be strict when entering and leaving the warehouse, but I didn't expect problems to occur so quickly.

Zhao Lei sighed and said, "I'll go get the list and check the goods."

Su Ruan said, "Forget it."

"Don't make any noise about this matter," Su Ruan said, "Ye Ming doesn't have much to do right now, so you should take care of things going in and out of the warehouse first."

Don't have any trouble in your heart, these rules are not so much a restriction, but a protection for you, at least there is something that can prove everyone's innocence."

Everyone didn't say anything, but when they thought that there might be a thief among them, everyone was in a bad mood.

Su Ruan did not take this matter to heart. In her opinion, it is not a bad thing to expose problems when there are few people, and the personalities of these people introduced by Political Commissar Wang There should be no problem. She wants to make things clear, and it will be bad if she wrongs someone.

The next morning, she smiled and prepared seven red envelopes, including Aunt Fu, who started work one by one.

Although there was not much money, everyone's mood finally became clear. Zhao Lei gave the red envelope to Huang Xiaocao and asked her to save it for the child. Their child will be born in more than a month .

Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli arrived at 9:00 in the morning. The two of them are locals in Yan City, but they live a little far away from here. It takes more than two hours for a one-way trip, so they usually live in The dormitory is convenient for work, but I still go home during the holidays.

However, neither of these two people had any joy after the New Year, but there was a melancholy between their brows.

Yu Xiaoli is young, obviously, Niu Chunfen is just more silent.

Aunt Fu also asked curiously, "What happened to the two of you?"

The two looked at each other in surprise. It was obvious that they had their own worries, and their worries were not the same thing.

In any case, after getting the red envelope, the two of them finally had a smile on their faces.

Everyone is working hard.

Su Ruan went to Political Commissar Wang to urge recruitment; Ding Jiu also found a decoration team to go to the factory for decoration, and also consulted about equipment according to Su Ruan's request, Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen Saying that 300,000 has a more important use refers to this. Although she and Uncle Gu know differently in this life and may do different things, she believes that their relationship will not change.

During the first half of the New Year, he found three similar shops in other districts.

Although the order volume is not large, but the few accumulated so far, as well as their own shops, are enough for Huang Xiaocao and the others.

However, Huang Xiaocao will give birth next month. Although it seems to be moving smoothly now, it is inconvenient and cannot sit for a long time, and after giving birth, someone needs to bear it.

Su Ruan also thought that if the political commissar Wang couldn't find them temporarily, she would recruit two people in the society, but she didn't expect Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli to keep up with the clockwork, which was very powerful .

The two were busy almost day and night, not by Su Ruan's request, but by themselves.

In fact, the current inventory is enough for the time being, but the two of them seem to be more energetic, and one does not stop while the other is in the workplace.

From 6:00 in the morning on the workbench, not even at meal time, Niu Chunfen brought dry food because he did not pay for the food.

She seems to be very short of money this year, and she applied with Su Ruan to stop eating with everyone every month, so that the ten yuan for food can be saved in the salary, so she brings her own dry food every day .

Yu Xiaoli seemed to be eyeing Niu Chunfen. Liu Chunfen didn't leave her on the workbench, and she worked hard.

However, Niu Chunfen was very able to sit still, from morning to night, except for eating dry food and going to the toilet, she never stopped.

Yu Xiaoli gritted her teeth and followed her rhythm, her mood gradually became irritable, and then she would stab a few words every day, Niu Chunfen seemed to be inaudible. .

As long as there are no major conflicts and work, Su Ruan doesn't care about these matters. After all, they are adults, and I believe they can solve such private matters by themselves.

Besides, she didn't have that much time and energy. After the sophomore year, they had more professional courses, and most of the work was handled by Ding Jiu and Ye Ming.

But some things still have to be done in person. Ye Ming called Su Ruan that day, saying that there seemed to be a problem with the order of Jinxin Department Store, and the manager over there wanted to meet her in person.

After learning Su Ruan, he rode his motorcycle to the courtyard, Ye Ming was already waiting at the door, his eyes were full of irritability.

Su Ruan said, "Don't worry, what's going on?"

Ye Ming said, "Originally, the contract had to be stamped, but they suddenly transferred a deputy manager the day before yesterday to ask about this matter, and then suspended the contract, saying that they would come and inspect it in person. ."

The two of them entered the door and saw a short, fat young man looking at the yard with disgust, seeing Su Ruan coming in, with his hands behind his back and asking, "You are The boss of the celestial beings?"

In an arrogant tone.

Su Ruan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Manager Tian stood beside him, glanced at Su Ruan a little embarrassedly, and introduced, "Ms. Su, this is our deputy general manager Meng Dong, Mr. Meng."

"Mr. Meng, this is Ms. Su Ruansu, the boss of Shiwaixian, a college student at Yanjing Normal University, and a military wife."

Meng Dong looked at Su Ruan with the expression of a college student, and looked at Su Ruan critically, as if he couldn't find anything wrong, and his tone became even more unpleasant, he turned his head and said, "Manager Tian, ​​we After all, Jinxin Department Store is also a big shopping mall in Yan City, how can things from such a small workshop come in?"

Manager Tian gave Su Ruan an embarrassed look and quickly explained, "The things of Shiwaixian are actually very good, they are registering the brand, you can go to their shop to see it, and they Regular companies and newspapers have reported it.”

Ye Ming still wanted to actively fight for this order, and echoed, "Yes, our factory is being renovated, and we can move there next month." Speaking of which, his tone was a little proud , "Just in the craft flower factory, very..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Meng Dong, "How big can you be? Just three or two of your kittens, how could it be possible to supply our Jinxin Department Store? Besides, you guys He still has his own shop."

He seemed to have an idea, and said directly, "You can enter our mall, let's change the contract, or move your shop to our mall, I'll be responsible for paying you wages ."

"Or, supply for half the price."

Su Ruan's eyes narrowed, where did this mental retardation come from?

Manager Tian frowned fiercely, "Mr. Meng, this is not good..."

Meng Dong raised his chin and looked at him, "What? You are the vice president and I am the vice president?"

"You don't have to worry about this!" Then he said to Su Ruan, "Either do what I just said, or forget about it."

Su Ruan can see it, this person is afraid that he is a related household, he obviously doesn't understand anything, but Manager Tian and the others don't dare to provoke him.

Su Ruan was too lazy to waste time on such a person, and smiled, "It seems that we are not qualified enough, so let's wait for the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Meng Dong probably thought that Su Ruan had to put down his body to beg him, but he didn't expect to refuse directly, and sneered in annoyance, "It's quite arrogant, think the last newspaper is amazing?"

Su Ruan kept smiling and did not speak.

He probably felt bored, and finally took Manager Tian away.

Huang Xiaocao, Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli, who heard the movement, all ran out, Huang Xiaocao frowned and asked, "Is this a yellow thing?"

Su Ruan nodded, "It should be impossible."

Everyone suddenly looked worried and made Su Ruan laugh, "Oh, the Jinxin family is not the only one in the department store, let's talk about it."

The three of them are not optimistic. Although the shops on Jiefang Road can make money, their output is much higher than that. They hoarded a lot of goods for Jinxin Department Store a year ago. In business, they also know that it is all about money.

Su Ruan saw that Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli were both frowning, and laughed, "Don't worry, your salary is indispensable. No matter how much you do, I will pay you all, just hurry up and do it. ."

Ye Ming was not reconciled, and asked Ding Jiu to help him inquire about the situation, and a few days later, he ran angrily to report to Su Ruan, "That Meng Dong, the owner of Jinxin Department Store Bao Bao Honey's younger brother."

Xiaomi, mistress, was the most popular term in the 1990s. The rapid economic development made many people laugh at the poor but not as prostitutes. Nouveau riche, I feel that no one has a mistress, and the mistress has become a shameful and incompatible thing.

The red flag at home does not fall, and the colorful flag flutters outside, which is the motto of many "rich people" in this era.

"...that thing doesn't have the ability, so he likes to go around and ask about things. Anyway, as long as it is a predetermined thing, he must not agree."

To put it bluntly, it is to find a sense of existence and enjoy the feeling of being in control.

Ye Ming said more and more, "Do you know what that guy is doing?"

"He said that a small workshop like ours lives on the list of their Jinxin Department Store. If there is a backlog of goods and can't be sold, the workers can't be paid, and in the end we have to sell it at a low price to them."

"Bah!" Ye Ming was angry, "Wait, I must find a better department store than Jinxin Department Store! Slap that grandson in the face!"

Niu Chunfen and Yu Xiaoli both lowered their eyelids, not knowing what they were thinking about.