Ye Ming always remembered the thing about the stolen goods, but the man didn't move again. Ye Ming even deliberately unlocked the door of the warehouse to try to enforce the law, but there was no gain.

This matter can't be figured out for a while, but the contradiction between Yu Xiaoli and Niu Chunfen is getting bigger and bigger.

In fact, in addition to Yu Xiaoli, several other people also have some criticisms about Niu Chunfen. At work, Niu Chunfen does not talk much and works well, but in private, she is too stingy and loves to take advantage .

As I said before, after coming this year, Niu Chunfen applied for not paying for meals on the grounds that someone in the family was sick.

So every day when it was time to eat, I asked Aunt Fu for some hot water, and went back to the room to eat the dried steamed buns and pickles that I brought from home.

Aunt Fu couldn't bear it, after all, she has been together for several months, and she is not bad when cooking, so basically when she gives her hot water, she will scoop a spoonful of vegetables for her, Niu Chunfen did not refuse either, and the food was fragrant.

With the remaining broth, she could eat three large steamed buns. You know, she usually eats the steamed buns she brought, and she is full after three or five.

Huang Xiaocao didn't know if it was because she was about to give birth. She was in a bad mood recently. Zhao Lei felt bad for her. Every day she came back from get off work, she would buy some fruit. Everyone lived together. Zhao Lei is also a generous character, and he will take out some to share with everyone.

, simply stingy interpretation to the extreme.

She seems to know that she is not very gregarious, except for meal time, she stays in the workplace all day and works hard and ignores no one.

At noon that day, Huang Xiaocao was in a trance while sitting in front of the workbench stringing the bracelet, and accidentally knocked over the material box at hand, and all kinds of beads and stones rolled on the floor .

Yu Xiaoli and Niu Chunfen were startled, Yu Xiaoli was closer to Huang Xiaocao, she looked at her pale face and said anxiously, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Huang Xiaocao was holding her stomach, and there was a cold sweat on her forehead. Seeing this, Yu Xiaoli quickly helped her go back to rest.

When Huang Xiaocao was settled and came back, Yu Xiaoli saw that the surrounding of her worktable was clean, she turned over the earrings she had made, and then looked at Niu Chunfen who was buried in the sewing machine, depressed On fire, he said, "Did you touch my thing?"

Niu Chunfen raised her head and said lightly, "When I helped Xiaocao clean up, what happened?"

Yu Xiaoli got angry when she saw the rags in her hand, "Who told you to touch my things?"

Niu Chunfen frowned, "I didn't move anything on your workbench, I just cleaned up the ground."

"You don't need to clean up the ground!" Yu Xiaoli was furious, "Aren't you just picking up those rags?"

"You really don't take advantage enough! You also need to pick up rags." She said more and more, and brought up the matter just now, "How much do you usually eat? Seeing that they are uncomfortable I don't even know how to take care of it."

Pointing to a pile of hair hoops on her desk, she said angrily, "I know how to do it! Are you looking for money? Can that few cents buy your life or what?"

Recently, Yu Xiaoli has always been angry with Niu Chunfen like this. Niu Chunfen generally ignores it, but today she is also angry.

She raised her head and looked at Yu Xiaoli coldly and said, "Xiao Li, I don't want to care about you.

Yu Xiaoli was suddenly angry, "I have to make an inch? You are far worse than me, because Brother Zhao and Xiaoye are not good at arguing with you, and it is not enough to take advantage of it, you should not go too far. "

Niu Chunfen picked up the fabric she had taken back, and looked at Yu Xiaoli, "Are you angry that I took advantage of it, or are you angry that I took these things?"

Yu Xiaoli exploded immediately and said sharply, "What do you mean?"

Niu Chunfen said coldly, "You know it yourself." Then she ignored her and went back to stepping on the sewing machine.

"I don't know!" Yu Xiaoli refused to let her go, and directly came forward to reason with Niu Chunfen. Niu Chunfen couldn't do anything, so she stood up furiously.

Aunt Fu and Huang Xiaocao, who heard the movement, came in and hurried forward to persuade them to fight.

Between the two pushing, they accidentally bumped into Huang Xiaocao, Huang Xiaocao stumbled against the wall, his face suddenly changed, and his pants were slowly getting wet.

"Little grass!" Aunt Fu exclaimed, "Hurry up, the amniotic fluid is broken."

Yu Xiaoli and Niu Chunfen didn't even bother to fight anymore, Yu Xiaoli hurriedly went out to get a taxi, while Niu Chunfen went to Huang Xiaocao's room to pack up the things for childbirth.

Su Ruan, who came back early because of the lack of class, was a little flustered when she saw Huang Xiaocao's appearance.

Fortunately, there is also a Niu Chunfen with production experience, "It's okay, her time should be here, don't be afraid, labor pains will take at least an hour or two, take a taxi to the hospital for half an hour, it's too late."

Her calm calmed everyone's emotions, and soon the group rushed to the hospital.

Everything went well after that. Seeing Huang Xiaocao being pushed into the delivery room by the doctor, and hearing the doctor say that there is no serious problem, everyone sat on the chair with a sigh of relief.

Aunt Fu said, "You have to call Zhao Lei quickly."

Niu Chunfen stood up and said, "I'll go."

After Niu Chunfen left, Yu Xiaoli blamed herself, "It's all my fault."

Aunt Fu comforted, "It's all right, it's time for Xiaocao, but don't make trouble with Chunfen."

Yu Xiaoli pursed her lips, but there was still some resentment in her eyes.

After about ten minutes, other mothers in the delivery room came out to call their family members, and Su Ruan was also a little anxious, "Did Sister Chunfen call? If Zhao Lei is not available, what if there is anything Can we sign it?"

Aunt Fu frowned, "It's almost time to come back."

Yu Xiaoli pouted, "She's not going to do her own private affairs, is she?"

"Isn't someone sick at home? She must have come over by the car and went to get medicine by the way."

Aunt Fu sighed, "No, Chunfen is very reliable in her work."

Yu Xiaoli said disdainfully, "Why not? People who have to eat a bite of food, from our yard to the hospital, even if they take the bus, it costs a few cents. It's no wonder she doesn't take this cheap! "

Su Ruan couldn't help frowning, how could Yu Xiaoli be so hostile to Niu Chunfen, although Niu Chunfen was a bit unpleasant to take advantage of her stinginess, but it didn't bother Yu Xiaoli too much.

It seems necessary to have a good talk with her, Su Ruan thought.

However, the top priority now is to contact Zhao Lei as soon as possible. The most important thing for Huang Xiaocao to have a child is to face this kind of thing, she can't help but panic.

Just as she was about to go down to find Niu Chunfen, she saw Ye Ming hurried over, "Tell them, I have called Brother Zhao, and he will be there in a while."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Xiaoli asked, "Why are you calling? Where is Niu Chunfen?"

Ye Ming was silent for a while and said, "When I came, I happened to be on the public phone. I don't think she is very good at calling..."

Yu Xiaoli sneered, "Are you not very good at fighting, or do you not want to pay?"

"She did it on purpose, so did you pay for it in the end?"

"I'll say she's so stingy..."

"Sister Xiao Li, stop talking." Ye Ming suddenly interrupted her.

Yu Xiaoli froze for a moment.

Ye Ming sighed, "I just saw Sister Niu's son."

Su Ruan froze for a moment, "Her son is sick?"

Ye Ming said, "I don't know, but judging from the fact that the child is quite familiar with the hospital, he must have lived here for a while."

Aunt Fu said, "Chunfen didn't tell you what happened?"

Ye Ming shook his head, "I saw it when I was passing through the corridor after calling, but Sister Niu didn't see me, I think she never said it, maybe she just didn't want others to know. ?"

He thought of the child who was only seven or eight years old, and he was still a little uneasy, "Why don't I go down and find out in a while, in case something really happens."

Aunt Fu agrees, "She's so boring, she doesn't like to talk about anything, it's really something, everyone can't help with big things, but you can always help with small things."

Ye Ming nodded, but before he could go down to inquire, they learned about Niu Chunfen from Nurse Mi.

Nurse Mi heard that Su Ruan came to have a look, and just heard them talking about Niu Chunfen, she couldn't help but sigh, "I know her."

"Few in our hospital don't know about her." Nurse Mi gave a thumbs up, "That woman is particularly admirable."

It turned out that Niu Chunfen's husband, Zhang Weiguo, died five years ago. At that time, Niu Chunfen was only twenty-six years old and the child was less than two years old.

Many people thought she would remarry. After all, as soon as Zhang Weiguo left, the family was left with a mother who was not in good health and a younger brother who was just twelve years old, which was a big drag.

However, the fact is that Niu Chunfen did not leave. It is said that her parents have already found a good home for her. The other party is also married for a second time and has no children. She is willing to accept her to marry her son with her.

But when she was leaving, she changed her mind after seeing her frail mother-in-law and twelve-year-old brother-in-law, and decided to stay.

In the past five years, she has been relying on farming, helping her everywhere, prescribing medicine for her mother-in-law, and for her brother-in-law to study.

Hearing this, Aunt Fu couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder she is so frugal, these are all made by her little by little."

"No! It's stingy." Nurse Mi said, "I see that her mother-in-law has been in the hospital for half a month, and she hasn't eaten a full meal herself."

Su Ruan asked, "Is her mother-in-law sick?"

"Well, there's something wrong with my heart and I'm going to have a bypass surgery."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Aunt Fu quickly said, "Is it okay? Is that expensive?"

Nurse Mi said, "The chances of new technologies coming back from abroad are 80 to 90 percent."

"Her mother-in-law doesn't want to be treated, she just said that she will keep it slowly and go wherever she goes, but she doesn't agree." Nurse Mi sighed, "I have never seen such a loving person in my life. righteous woman."

" She took out her husband's pension and worked hard to make money, but she was willing to give her mother-in-law and two children something to eat. She was either eating steamed buns or drinking gruel. , I don't think she can get enough to eat."

"It's the doctor who persuaded her. After all, the Zhang family is now the backbone of her. If she breaks down, the Zhang family will have no hope in the future."

"I guess I heard it, and I look better recently. Sometimes I carry a few fruits or hard candies in my pocket, although most of them go into the mouths of the two children and her mother-in-law , but at least see her eating herself."

Everyone was silent, and invariably thought of the three big steamed buns that Niu Chunfen worked hard to eat and the silently packed fruits and snacks.

Aunt Fu murmured, "No wonder she always works against time."

Yu Xiaoli also bit her lip and stopped talking.

From then on, he and his younger brother depended on others, so no one knows better than him the feeling of being helpless after losing a close relative, and no one knows better than him the value of Niu Chunfen's choice...