Although it is a bit dramatic, Yan Miao's design is really good.

On the second day, after I carefully understood the design style of the world, I handed over two design drafts in just three days, which was very amazing.

Obviously, I also know the pros and cons, which is much more convenient than going to Shanghai to study.

At the same time, Su Ruan also called on interested people to follow and learn together, to lay the foundation for her future designer team.

Yan Miao looked at Jiao Didi, and when she saw Niu Chunfen, she acted coquettishly and sold miserably, but when she really did things, she was very serious and did not complain about Su Ruan's oppression.

I just looked at Su Ruan pitifully when I saw Su Ruan, "I will definitely show all my martial arts skills, so that Boss Su can see my sincerity in selling myself..."

Su Ruan met her innocent dog's eyes and said coldly and ruthlessly, "We are a serious company here."

In any case, the arrival of Yan Miao put everything in the company on the right track temporarily.

Su Ruan also put all his attention on study, they will have the final exam soon!

But then again, Su Ruan really feels that she has never been easier to run a company in her life, although she has experience in her previous life and did not take detours, but Lu Mingchen helped deal with troubles before. , and later recruited Ding Jiu and Ye Ming in advance. Except for the design part of the product, she only needed to move her lips and grasp the general direction.

Therefore, the school's grades haven't dropped much, so maybe I can't think of a good grade, but there are still some good ones.

A week later, as soon as Su Ruan left the teaching building after the exam, he saw a slender figure leaning on a motorcycle not far away. Looking at her.

Zhao Yanyan teased, "You haven't been home for a week. Instructor Lu is in a hurry."

In order to prepare for the exam, Su Ruan lived at the school all week, and I didn't think about it when I was busy.

She ran over excitedly, Lu Mingchen put the helmet on her head, "Go."

Su Ruan stepped on the motorcycle, "Why didn't you drive?"

Lu Mingchen put her hand on his waist, and then squeezed the brakes a few times when he reached a place with few people.

Su Ruan threw himself on his back under inertia:…

Through the helmet, she could see the smirk at the corner of the guy's mouth, she laughed angrily, pinched the flesh on his waist angrily, and said angrily, "It's getting more and more impolite. , where did you learn in a mess."

Lu Mingchen laughed without saying a word, but he was having fun.

When she got home half an hour later, Su Ruan couldn't help kicking him after getting out of the car.

Lu Mingchen hid quickly, jumped up the steps in three or two steps, took off his helmet and looked at Su Ruan with a smile, "Come and see."

They are going back to the military family area. The house has been renovated at this time, and they will prepare the conservatory in the next two days.

some dishes.

In their generation, they can't see that there is empty land, a bit of soil, and the corners and corners can't wait to plant something. Before Lu Mingchen was not easy to contact, they didn't think about it, now they are with Su Ruan They had a good relationship. When I asked and knew that Su Ruan didn't have time to plant, they each shared a piece of land.

The two also discussed how to plant different things. Mrs. Zhang planted tomatoes and beans, and Teacher Han planted eggplants and cucumbers. If Su Ruan comes back, just pick and eat them. Money is second, it can save a lot of things.

Entering the house, the style is the same as the house in Donglin City, with light gray floor and off-white furniture, but the area is much larger, although each room has various partitions , but still very spacious.

Lu Mingchen hugged Su Ruan from behind, with a hint of joy in his tone, "But I'm so envious of Lu Chenming and Captain Yu, just watch, Nurse Mi and Teacher Han for a while I have to come here." This was a shame.

As soon as he finished speaking, Nurse Mi pushed open the door of the courtyard, and Teacher Han next door walked past, he clicked his tongue, and quickly pecked Su Ruan's lips, " Just no wink."

Su Ruan couldn't help but glance at him angrily, Lu Mingchen smiled and pinched her face, "I'll go to Lu Chenming and tell him to come to the conservatory tomorrow."

Su Ruan knew that he was not at ease when he looked at him, so he couldn't help telling him, "Don't bully others."

Lu Mingchen nodded perfunctorily, "Don't worry." He must be bullied hard.

Su Ruan can't laugh or cry, this person is getting more and more naive.

Let's not talk about cross-eyed men, but women are very harmonious. Teacher Han especially likes the small study room separated from the two living rooms of Su Ruanxi, with large bookcases and desks All in one, very long, it can sit two people at the same time and it is very spacious.

Nurse Mi likes her kitchen, "This integrated cabinet is good, big and beautiful, pots and pans can be placed, and it looks clean from the outside."

"What do you think about it, it's so good."

Of course, what they both like is heating, and they walked to the room separated by the back.

The boiler room at the back is about 12 square meters, the boiler occupies 3 square meters, and the rest is used to store coal and firewood.

"I didn't expect that the heating can be installed alone. It's much more comfortable than a building." Teacher Han said, "But you can't live here for a few years, right? I heard that this boiler is quite expensive? "

She was talking about Lu Mingchen's promotion to the military rank. When Lu Mingchen graduates as a graduate student next year, he will probably be promoted to lieutenant colonel immediately. If he may be promoted to associate division, he can live in the junior college in front of him. On the second floor, this set of heating equipment is naturally not used.

Lu Mingchen told her about this before the renovation. Now the international situation is gradually stable, and the wartime status is less. His military rank may be promoted, but his position is not necessarily. After all, he is still too young. So at least you can live here for five or six years.

"I still want to live more comfortably, and when I move out, it's a big deal to sell it."

The more Nurse Mi looks at it, the more she likes it, "I will see the effect this winter. If it is good, we will save money to install one next year."

Nurse Mi and the others just left, and the others came to visit their newly renovated house one after another. The small boiler was ignored in a short time because of the price problem. The master who made the cabinets for them recently It is estimated that many orders can be received.

The next day, Mr. Han and Mrs. Zhang, who had summer vacation, came to help.

Green vegetables and zucchini were given, and even Mrs. Cai, the wife of Head He, brought a dozen eggs and half a basket of leeks.

In addition to the fish, chicken and pork belly prepared by Lu Mingchen last night, several women in the spacious kitchen prepared two great dishes in no time.

There is a table for men, a table for women, but no children. During the summer vacation, they are playing wildly outside.

They are all acquaintances in an alley, and they are naturally lively, but in a while, the men will start drinking.

He is especially addicted, his wife Cai sister-in-law glared at him when he saw him asking for wine, "You just want to drink less, if you dare to get drunk, the old lady won't serve you."

"Eat your meal." Head He stared, "Don't worry about our gentlemen's affairs!"

"Don't let people drink two sips of happy things?" Then he said to Captain Yu and Lu Chenming, "Come, come, today is a happy event, we won't go home if we don't get drunk!"

The first response of the head of Yu, "If you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

Sister Cai is not good at showing his face in front of everyone. The other party obviously took a fancy to this, so she had no scruples and started to draw punches.

Lu Chenming glanced at Nurse Mi, "I'll accompany them for two drinks?"

Nurse Mi was a little unhappy, Lu Chenming was a little addicted to alcohol, and she usually controlled not to drink it, but at this time, the men cooperated tacitly, and Head He took him to Nurse Mi Said, "Oh, Nurse Mi is not such a stingy person. Today, I celebrate the decoration of Xiaolu's new house, I have to drink!"

After saying that, he directly embraced Lu Chenming and said, "Hurry up, come!"

Lu Mingchen doesn't drink, but he doesn't care about it. After all, he treats guests to the conservatory, so there is no way to prevent guests from having fun.

Su Ruan squinted his eyes, brought a box of beer directly from the kitchen and placed it on the table with a bang.

Mr. Han and Nurse Mi immediately understood.

Mr. Han opened the box directly, and put a bottle in front of each person, "They are right, today is a big happy event, and we will not be drunk!"

Who is afraid of who, if you are drunk today, they will not serve you.

The men looked at them like they were watching the fun. In their hearts, how could these thrifty and peaceful women drink.

The head of Yu also looked at Teacher Han strangely, "Mr. Han, don't be fooled by the wine, how can you drink if you can't open the bottle cap."

Lu Chenming immediately hid the bottle opener secretly.

Sister Cai was so mad at him that she was about to scold when she saw Su Ruan pick up the beer bottle in front of her and a chopstick, but she didn't know how to do it. With an understatement, the bottle cap flew out with a "bang" and landed directly on Head He.

The man was stunned for a moment. Su Ruan had already picked up the wine bottle in Teacher Han's hand and repeated the trick. Captain Yu sat closer, and the bottle cap collapsed directly on his face.

Mr. Han clapped her hands suddenly, "Okay!"

Sister Cai was also very happy, she picked up the wine bottle and took two sips. Although I didn’t know what was so good about this thing, but in order to **** off Head He, I still learned his usual way. Appearance said, "Refreshing!"

Su Ruan opened all the wine bottles on the table, and said to the man's table, "You drink yours, don't mind us." Then he said to the women, "Let's also draw a punch, they Not the rude ones, let's play cute."

He looked at the head and wanted to speak, but Mrs. Cai blocked him directly, "You gentlemen don't care about our women's affairs!"

Mr. Han stared at Lu Chenming who was about to come over and said, "Nurse Mi only drinks once in a while. Today is celebrating Su Ruan's new home. Captain Lu shouldn't be so stingy..."

So, on the man's side, "the brothers are good, the three are more, the fifth leader" doesn't play, but the woman's "little bee, buzzing" is super lively.

But the men were right, these women were almost never drunk, so Mr. Han got drunk very quickly. After being drunk, Mr. Han was very sturdy, so he just emptied it The beer bottle fell to the feet of Captain Yu, "This is not strong enough! Change the liquor!"

Nurse Mi raised her hand in approval, "Change to white!"

Leader Yu and Lu Chenming looked at each other and hurried to grab Nurse Mi, "Ancestor, it's almost there..."

"Mr. Han, Mr. Han, have you finished drinking? Let's go back when you're finished?"

He looked at Mrs. Cai, who was staring at him like an eagle, and had an ominous premonition in his heart. Sure enough, Mrs. Cai, who had a big shoulder and a round waist, rushed up and pinched his ears...

The old lady is drunk, give you face!

Su Ruan watched all this with a smile, Lu Mingchen moved behind her silently, expressing his position firmly.