Yan Miao moved into Su Ruan's house.

Su Ruan also knew why Xu Ziyan was so worried, because the person who kidnapped them that day was not an accomplice of the gang of robbers in Paris at night, but had something to do with the Xu family in Hong Kong City.

The kidnapping specifically for their husband and wife is naturally hard to prevent.

Yan Miao did not go home not to avoid the limelight, but to divorce.

Su Ruan finally knew the story of the two of them.

"He is the male **** of our school. He is smart, handsome, reliable, but a little cold, but I fell in love with him at first sight.

Yan Miao said with a smile about the initial beauty, "...I chased him for three years, from the first year to the third year, when he promised me, I really felt that the world was blooming. "

"At that time, I naively thought that as long as he likes me a little bit, I can insist on loving him for the rest of my life..." Having said this, Yan Miao's eyes dimmed, "I later learned that, in fact, We were wrong from the start."

"I just married the wife who came home because he was angry with the family."

"Lan Qiurui is his mother's favorite candidate for a daughter-in-law. The two are childhood sweethearts and have similar family backgrounds. I heard that they were about to get engaged, but Lan Qiurui was unable to come back because of studying abroad. He got pissed..."

"I later learned that the day before he accepted my confession, he broke up with Lan Qiurui because of a conflict over the engagement."

"On the day Lan Qiurui returned to China, he proposed to me."

"For his cold personality, being able to do this is enough to make me happy. At that time, I really felt that I was the happiest person in the world."

"My parents also persuaded me, saying that Qi Da is not a puppet, Xu's family is too messy, and he doesn't understand the style, I will be very hard." Yan Miao smiled, "But where can I hear it, I firmly believe that as long as he is there, I can persevere no matter what."

"Unfortunately, from the moment I entered my marriage, I was going through a storm."

"The wedding arrangement is Lan Qiurui's favorite, and the person accompanying his mother is also Lan Qiurui. All the people are called Lan Qiurui's name. I seem to be just a foil."

"I held his hand tightly at the time, watching him smile at me, and I had confidence again, I cheered myself up, the person he eventually married was me, and he also bowed to me He tied his shoelaces, bowed his head and kissed me emotionally, I am the one standing beside him, and I am Mrs. Xu."

"However, after we got married, we didn't live in Xu's house. He bought the wedding house alone. The first month was fine, at least I could see him every day, but then he got busier and busier. ."

Speaking of this, Yan Miao seemed to find it funny, "You may not believe it, we sleep in the same bed every night, but except for the good night before going to bed at night, we spend the whole day In a word, because every night I waited for him to fall asleep before he came back, and when he woke up in the morning, he was already out."

"I tried so hard, I hired a teacher to learn their etiquette rules, and then went to the old house on his sister's birthday."

Yan Miao seemed to remember the unbearable situation at that time, and laughed again, "Their family is affectionate towards Lan Qiurui, and sneers at me. They look down on me and make things difficult for me."

"Even he had a cold face and dragged me to leave early."

"I came home in dismay and suddenly felt that I couldn't hold on..."

"I was obviously a person who dared to chase after a super iceberg, but then I was humble and timid like a beggar, and every day I carefully prayed to him for a little warmth."

Yan Miao finally wiped away her tears, "I don't want to go on like this anymore, my parents dote on me, it's not for me to live like an ant."

Su Ruan sighed, "Didn't you have a good talk? Did he admit all of this?"

Yan Miao shook her head, "He doesn't talk much, especially he doesn't like to talk about family matters."

"I can't help but talk sometimes, he frowns when he hears it. We didn't spend much time together, he's in a bad mood, I don't dare to make him angry, he's in a good mood Now, I'm reluctant to spoil the atmosphere again."

"After two years of marriage, I don't even know about the Xu family, do you think it's ridiculous?"

Su Ruan felt that things might not be what Yan Miao thought.

The Xu family in Hong Kong City is notoriously chaotic.

The most shocking part of Xu Ziyan's later life is that, as the eldest son of the eldest wife of the Xu family in Hong Kong City, he left the family directly and returned to the mainland to start a new business and founded Xiaoyan Film and Television.

Later, Xiaoyan Film and Television rose rapidly and became one of the three major film and television giants in China.

Keep yourself clean. Anyone who wants to use him to stir up scandals, no matter whether you are popular or not, whether to terminate the contract or hide it, anyway, it is very "wife management".

This is also the reason why Su Ruan felt that Yan Miao had a good face at that time. As Xu Ziyan's wife, she would naturally attend some public occasions, but her temperament at that time was dignified and decent, coupled with the label of "strong wife" , and the quirky and quirky actress when she met her, Su Ruan didn't think of it.

Let's not talk about the rumors of later generations, but that night in Paris, Xu Ziyan couldn't lie about Yan Miao's nervousness.

Su Ruan sighed, "Yan Miao, do you remember we went to the nightclub that day..."

Yan Miao thought she was going to talk about his saving her, so she smiled and said, "Actually, if Lan Qiurui was replaced that day, he would do the same thing."

"He is a very responsible person and has always been reliable in his work. Otherwise, I would not have been confused by him."

"Actually I believe that he has nothing to do with Lan Qiurui. He is very serious and responsible for people and things, even a little old-fashioned. will be held accountable to the end.”

She smiled self-deprecatingly, "Just like me, I still have this child."

Su Ruan smiled, "I don't mean to say this, I mean, before you entered the nightclub, you were obviously so scared, and felt like there were some kind of beast inside, but after opening the door, it was actually That way, isn't it?"

Yan Miao thought thoughtfully, "You are right."

Su Ruan didn't say anything. In fact, in her opinion, it was Xu Ziyan's fault. Even if he really loved her, he didn't give her enough security.

The trust and confidence that Yan Miao needs to rebuild is what Xu Ziyan has to learn to give her, no one else can help.

Su Ruan was very enthusiastic that night, Lu Mingchen was entangled by her and wished to die on her.

"What's wrong?"

Su Ruan hugged his waist, "It's nothing, I just feel lucky."

In contrast, although this guy was very irritating at the beginning, when he was sure of his intentions, he went ahead and never made her feel uneasy.

Lu Mingchen listened to her reason, turned over and pressed her down again, "Then I think I am more fortunate..."

Sure enough, the happiness is compared.

Nurse Mi was speechless when she looked at the stuff in the room, "Is this the life of a rich man? It's too happy."

Yan Miao said with a smile, "There are too many of these things, I can't use them. Sister Mi, you can share some of them later."

Nurse Mi is also polite, and the harmonious relationship starts from the exchange of courtesy.

Yan Miao staying is a good thing for Su Ruan.

She originally thought that once Yan Miao left, she would take over the design work again. After all, Niu Chunfen and the others have not yet reached the point where they can design independently.

Now, at least half a year, enough for her to train some new people.

Su Ruan took advantage of the summer vacation to recruit and train a group of people, and she was busy all day long without touching the ground.

Lu Mingchen saw that she was writing a plan again at night, and couldn't help but persuaded, "It's okay to take this matter slowly. No hurries?"

Su Ruan didn't lift her head, "I'm ready now, I don't need to worry about it when I go to school."

"Oh, by the way, does Xu Ziyan need bodyguards?" Su Ruan asked, "How many brothers do you have now? I want to set up a bodyguard company."

Lu Mingchen picked her up and pressed her on the bed, "Let's understand this factory first, then we'll split it in half."

Su Ruan hugged his neck and kissed him, she couldn't slow down.

Although she tried to refute, Su Qingqing's words still stabbed a thorn in her heart.

She knew in her heart that the fate of others could be changed, but Lu Mingchen was different: he died in the great flood of 1998.

—that is the unalterable force of man.

But she still has to change.

Maybe she can't change the coming of the disaster and his mission as a Chinese soldier, then she will improve the rescue conditions and rescue equipment, even if there is a slight possibility she will change it.

These all require money, a lot of money.