Dr. Wen picked up the minibus, but dared not keep it in this office. Lu Mingchen, a careful guy, is like a sword of Gendamocles, and he feels that he will take the minibus as a hostage again at any time.

It can only be said that Dr. Wen is indeed a psychiatrist who predicts things like God, of course, that is something else.

Although Xu Ziyan has some careful thoughts, he cannot deny that his arrangements are very comprehensive.

After Yan Miao's parents came, she really felt more at ease, and the house was bought near the factory. The complexion was obviously getting better.

Su Ruan also focused on making money. With the experience of her previous life, her factory has steadily expanded to more than 80 people.

Last month, after the first batch of order samples passed the inspection there, Shengchao finally officially placed a large-scale order, a one-month deadline, an order worth 300,000!

Several backbones are all excited, this is the largest order in their factory so far.

For their company's own brand, Shiwaixian, the shop on Jiefang Road plus the counters of five department stores, the total shipment per month is less than 100,000.

Compared with other factories' incomes of hundreds of thousands, their factories can barely maintain a balance of payments in the past few months.

Now finally making money.

"It's all done, perfect delivery!" Niu Chunfen counted all the goods and reported to Su Ruan.

Nowadays she is completely different from the taciturn female worker at the beginning of the year. A study trip in Shenshi gave her a lot of knowledge. Following Yan Miao’s study made her full of self-confidence. Months of training and supervision of workers gave her a faint momentum.

In short, she is now a person under Su Ruan who can be on her own.

"The next batch of orders should be in half a month, and we will produce our own products in this half month."

Niu Chunfen wondered, "Are 60 people working together? Can't we produce so many goods?"

Su Ruan said, "We'll be out soon."

She has already advertised in the newspapers of Yan and two neighboring cities.

She originally planned to take it slow next year, but now she can't wait, she needs to make money quickly.

At the end of November, a new round of stock bull market is about to begin, and the more original funds she has, the better.

Her foundation is still too weak now, because new products are constantly added, the turnover of Jiefang Road's shops has stabilized from more than 30,000 per month to about 50,000; five department store counters The shipments are worse, with an average turnover of about 30,000.

After deducting various costs, her monthly net profit is about 50,000 yuan. In addition to the previous ones, she has saved less than 200,000 yuan in her account in the past few months.

To accumulate some more funds, the fastest way at present is to open a franchise store: small accessories are not food, it is much more convenient and faster to expand franchise.

And now she has the biggest advantage - there are no imitations in the world.

To tell the truth, this kind of small jewelry factory is basically opened in the south, cheap materials, advanced machinery, mature technology, labor and superior geographical location, each item can make her more high profits.

However, she was not mainly for making money, but for Zhao Lei and the others. Most of Lu Mingchen's comrades-in-arms are here, and it is much more convenient for those survivors and orphans to work here.

Now there is an unexpected joy. If the world is in the south, it is estimated that the new style will be imitated everywhere.

But the north is different. Today's transportation is inconvenient. Like Su Ruan, there is no one who spends a lot of time, transporting machinery and materials, and sacrificing part of the profit to open the factory here.

So the brand and style of Shiwaixian are unique in Yan City. Now at least the students and white-collar workers near Jiefang Road and department stores have regarded the new style of Shiwaixian as a fashion Trend, first see the brand effect,

What Su Ruan has to do now is to take advantage of these few years of inconvenient transportation and communication, and a natural protective barrier, to expand the influence of the aliens in the north.

Joining is the fastest and best way.

But after the newspaper was published, Su Ruan thought that even if the franchise opened, it would be at least a year later.

But I didn't expect to open three a month, and the follow-up is still follow-up.

And all this is because of Sister Xia.

Sister Xia specially looked for her that day at the nightclub. Su Ruan thought she would contact him soon. After all, people who can seize the opportunity to get rich these days are basically good at drilling.

However, the day after she posted the newspaper to attract investment, Sister Xia came over.

Sitting in a car, wearing a lady's business dress, the big gold necklace around her neck is extremely eye-catching, and there is a male secretary behind her to help her carry her bag and her big brother.

Seeing Su Ruan is a warm handshake, "Little sister, remember me."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, "Sister Xia, why don't you remember."

The smile at the corner of Sister Xia's mouth couldn't help but expand, she said, "Actually, I wanted to come to you, but I know that there are many taboos in the army, and the nouveau riche like me contacted you rashly for fear of affecting you. No, I'll have to compromise, and think about giving help when something happens, so that no one can say anything."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, why didn't she realize that Sister Xia also likes to be a cultural person.

"As long as it's not illegal, it doesn't matter if I make friends."

Sister Xia suddenly became happy, "We will get together often after that."

He quickly talked about the business, "I mainly saw the advertisement of your company's investment promotion, how do you do this? I want to book two rooms."

Book two…

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing and laughing, "I remember you opened an electric city."

"Yes, I drive an electric store, but I still have a few shops at home." Sister Xia sighed and said, "It happens that I have two nieces who are not working, I Mom asked me to arrange it."

She had a "you know" expression on her face, "To tell you the truth, in my electrical appliance city, I won't let those relatives who are messed up except those who are really capable."

"Guangyao Electric City, that is my opposite home, how beautiful it was in the past, and in the end it was made by the relatives of those seven aunts and eight aunts... What blessing?"

"To make a fool of myself."

"Yes, it's just to be intimidating and ruin it. I can see it clearly. I definitely can't learn from him."

"I just saw your investment promotion, I also went to your shop and counter to see it, I think it can be done! It can be regarded as giving me charcoal in the snow!"

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, this sister Xia is really a wonderful person, so it's no wonder she can succeed.

She is obviously a resolute person. Su Ruan said that the shops and people needed to join will be ready by calling immediately.

Su Ruan personally went to inspect her shop, and seeing that it really met the conditions, she quickly signed the contract.

Su Ruan thought it was over, but during the decoration and sales training of the two shops, Sister Xia greeted her with friends and friends, and found Su Ruan seven or eight to follow her The situation is similar, boss friends who need to arrange jobs for "relatives".

This group of people simply looked at the contract, and saw that the investment was only over 10,000, and the signing was extremely refreshing.

After all, when I first came in, the receptionist of the company asked the store's address first, explaining that there can only be one franchisee in the same area.

So a month later, three Shiwaixian franchise stores opened, and ten more were undergoing renovation and training, three of which were in Tianjin City next door. In short, the company's salesmen were busy. touch the ground.

The joining fee and the first batch of purchases were made 130,000 yuan. Sheng Chao's balance was received, plus the previous deposit, Su Ruan's account is now 600,000 yuan.

Su Ruan asked Lu Mingchen to go to the bank to get 500,000 yuan and carry it back.

Lu Mingchen looked at the big box of money and clicked his tongue, "You can make too much money."

To know that he made more than 300,000 yuan in the stock market a few years ago, he still thinks it is a huge sum of money, and it has just doubled in less than a year.

Su Ruanxiao, "In February next year, the money will at least triple."

Lu Mingchen wasn't too excited, anyway, he didn't need to buy a house anymore, he still had no desire for money.

Su Ruan said, "Introduce me to a few reliable comrades in arms, the bodyguard work can be done, I will place the first order."

Lu Mingchen knew that he couldn't persuade her, so he could only hug her and lean on the sofa lazily, "Leave it to me."

He doesn't like to make money, but he likes to help his daughter-in-law.

Su Ruan's dependence made him more satisfied.

Let Lu Mingchen and Su Ruan stop worrying about things. She contacted Sister Xia and wanted to invite her to play once. After all, she helped her a lot this time.

You must know that everything is difficult at the beginning. When the situation is unclear, most people will choose to wait and see first, and then they will swarm after they are determined.

Now because of Sister Xia, her franchise store has not experienced the wait-and-see process at all, saving her a lot of effort and time.

She originally planned to invite Sister Xia to a nightclub. After all, she liked that one, but when Sister Xia heard it, she waved her hand, "No."

Su Ruan thought she was having a psychological shadow because of what happened that day, but listened to her, "That day, the old lady was considered a ghost, and now she can see through the world."

"At that time, I saw a soldier who was slashed on the arm in order to save a little white face who was running around. He was bleeding for three feet before it was too late."

"At the time, I thought, these soldiers risked their lives to save us, without asking for anything in return, but I'm giving so much money to those little white faces who can only rhetoric. Not worth it."

"I want to do something serious, but the army doesn't accept donations, let alone giving things, and the impact is not good." She looked at Su Ruan, "Your man belongs to the army, what's the matter? Do you need my place?"

Su Ruan's heart moved, "There are definitely no troops, but it may be useful in the future."

As soon as Sister Xia heard it, she said, "If you have something to say, I will definitely die."

This idiom of loyalty is not wrong, Su Ruan laughed.

In the end, she asked Sister Xia to do a SPA and massaged her. Sister Xia was very happy.

After all the franchise stores began to operate normally, Su Ruan also took the winter vacation to return to Donglin City.

But Li Ruolan was waiting for her angrily.