Bright followed Su Ruan through the vermilion gate, and was instantly attracted by the scenery in front of her.

Blue bricks and yellow tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, a jagged rockery in the middle of the yard, gurgling water, a few bright red koi swimming in it.

Following the cheongsam woman in the red-column corridor, he seemed to have entered another mysterious world.

Assistant Jack and the two bodyguards who followed also looked around curiously.


There is a large round table in the center of the hall.

The eyes of Bright and the others could not help but fall on the long table directly opposite the big round table in front, where there were cutting boards and a bunch of utensils that he could not name.

But obviously, it was a cooking station.

Director Lu greeted him with a smile when he saw him, "Hello, Mr. Bright."

Bright didn't know what Mr. Lu was going to do today, but he still said the draft he had already made, "Hello, Mr. Lu, I have to say goodbye to you today. ."

"I have more important things, and I have to leave tomorrow. If you can't confirm the order, I can only express regret, and I will not come next year."

Yesterday, after listening to Lu Chenming's analysis, Director Lu realized that he might be too impatient. Now, when he hears Bright's words, he smiles in his heart. To create a sense of urgency, it seems he really wants to do the deal.

Confirming this, Director Lu became leisurely, he heard the words and sighed, "In this case, I can't force it."

"But there is a saying in Huaguo that there is no benevolence and righteousness in business. Since you are leaving tomorrow, we will practice it for you."

Bright was stunned when he heard Jack's translation, they really didn't buy it?

No, there is no more advanced equipment in China. Even if it is only 50 tons, they should be dreaming about it.

I really have to negotiate the price. Westerners who are straightforward and straightforward are really not enough to see in front of Chinese people. Director Lu looked at his expression and was happy, but his face was full of He didn't seem to be interested, he just said to Bright, "Yesterday I saw that you are very particular about food, and you have put forward so many opinions. I think you have a lot of research."

"We will improve the western steak. Today, please try our Chinese food. If there is anything that needs improvement, please help me."

Director Lu smiled very kindly.

Foreigners who have suffered countless losses in later generations know that the Chinese people's modest words such as "I can't", "I'm okay" and "Please advise" are basically big moves.

It's a pity that Bright doesn't understand at all. He thinks that Director Lu is seriously asking him for advice.

That's fine, Bright thought, just to let these Chinese people who have never seen the world know their Western delicacy, and then look for a chance... Well, if the price is reduced a little, maybe they will Thanks Dade.

In addition to Bright, the assistant and two bodyguards were also seated.

Director Lu was accompanied by the narrator, Su Ruan clapped her hands, and two waiters, also wearing cheongsams, brought four plates of cold dishes to the table.

I understand that they can't use chopsticks and spoons, the waiter stood next to them to help them prepare dishes.

When the other party's chopsticks reached out to the white cut chicken, Su Ruan introduced with a smile, "This white cut chicken is probably the same as your steak. Soak it in slightly boiling water until it is just cooked, and then use ice water to calm it down…”

Bright didn't take it seriously, she was really backward in her heart, she even boiled the chicken with plain water, so the taste of the chicken would be lost...

Brett was picky, stuck a piece of chicken in his mouth with a fork, and thought for a while that he suggested that they should wrap the chicken in bread crumbs and fry it to best preserve the aroma of the chicken , However, the smooth skin and fleshy taste in his mouth made him slightly stunned.

The taste of the chicken has not been lost, and it has a strange fragrance.

Jack and the two bodyguards originally had the same mentality, but now they couldn't help but look at each other... It was unexpectedly delicious.

Su Ruan said with a smile, "This dish tests the heat you mentioned, the flavor of the chicken will be lost over time, and it will be raw when time is short, and only the right amount can lock in the freshness of the meat. Fragrant, keep the taste."

"Do you think there is anything we need to improve?"

Bright coughed lightly, obviously unable to think of anything, and finally said, "Not bad, it seems that you have good masters too."

The two bodyguards have rudely inserted a mouthful again and put it in his mouth. Jack glanced at him, and he couldn't help but insert one, his classmate was right, Huaguo's Food tastes really good.

A bodyguard bit the brittle bone of the pig's ear and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Su Ruan smiled and did not speak. Westerners only eat meat from animals, and they do not accept these corners very much. Su Ruan plans to tell him later.

After all, psychology can also affect appetite.

Bright couldn't help but take a few more bites.

The first hot dish came up, and the waiter directly used a spoon.

Su Ruan continued to introduce, "This is homemade tofu. I bet you have never seen this ingredient. This is something unique to our country. You can guess what it is made of."

Filled with taste buds, he nodded involuntarily, "Great taste."

"Is it made of flour?"

Su Ruan smiled and shook his head, but he didn't give a shit, "It's made of soybeans."

"Soybeans?" Not to mention Brett, Jack and the two bodyguards stared at the tofu in their bowls in amazement. They obviously couldn't imagine how soybeans could become food like this.

Su Ruan didn't explain further, just motioned them to look at the cooking station in front.

There is already a chef cooking a fish.

Brett finally found a place to comment, he said, "They only use a knife, in fact, they should use a lighter knife for fish."

Su Ruan asked suspiciously, "Do you have a lot of knives for cooking?"

Bright said proudly, "Of course, different ingredients need different knives. Speaking of cooking utensils, you guys are too rough."

Su Ruan looked at him and smiled, "We have a saying in China, called 'the good writer does not choose the pen', a real master, a knife and a pot are enough. Only those who are not skilled, Only use a bunch of tools." She thought for a while, "It's just that there are so many stationery."

Bright suffocated, but when he looked up, he saw the master cutting the fish with the big knife, and the fish showed no sign of separation.

Su Ruan said, "I didn't hear you talking about knife skills just now. I don't know what your western knife skills are like. Do you need different knives to cut different shapes?"

"Look at our cutting method, what tools do you need?"

A bit like pine needles after snow after a circle.

Bright was speechless, their western handling of ingredients would not be so complicated, let alone a heavy knife.

Su Ruan seemed to know this and didn't say much, just smiled and introduced them, "This dish is squirrel mandarin fish,"

"Oh, by the way, you liked this dish very much when President Kesson visited China."

, indeed like the fur on a squirrel.

Su Ruanxiao, "This dish is also a test of knife skills and heat. The fish must be cut continuously until the skin is cut, and the cut thorns must be evenly distributed. As for the heat, the heat of the fish is very particular. , Ordinary people can't do it, so you Westerners don't like to eat fish, probably because you can't do it."

"Otherwise your Mr. President would not have a soft spot for this dish."

Bright listened to her words, and was very unconvinced. Although they asked him to give pointers, they seemed to be picking on his thorns everywhere.

He almost harshly found out what they did not do enough in their dishes, "The food should not only look good, but the decoration is also an important part."

“Know that food that is pleasing to the eye can stimulate the appetite, just like we have fruit parquet…”

They eat all the bark of the poor bark, and there is absolutely no leisure to carve flowers, Bright thought confidently.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the young man beside him put down the small sharp knife in his hand, shake the small radish in his hand, and a beautiful lifelike peony appeared in front of him.


Jack was still a little restrained, the bodyguard couldn't help but let out a surprised voice, one of the bodyguards couldn't help applauding, the carved young man saw that foreign friends recognized him so much, he was even more energetic now, and picked up a The carrot made a beautiful five-petal flower in three or two times.

Su Ruan looked at Bright with a smile and asked, "Is that so?"

"But this is just the basics. He will carve more beautiful ones for us later. That one is a little more troublesome, so it will take some time."


He always felt that this oriental woman was mocking him, but he couldn't find any evidence.

Soon his suspicion was interrupted by the fragrant taste, the chef poured the boiled golden sauce on the fish, the domineering aroma exploded on the nose of everyone, the young man put two beautiful flowers The carvings are placed on the edge of the dinner plate, and they pose a welcome gesture to them.

The bodyguards can't wait to return to the table, Jack and Bright follow.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the crazy saliva in his mouth betrayed him. The moment the fish was in his mouth, Bright understood why Mr. President had a soft spot for this dish.

While they were eating, a waiter came over with a plate, and the two bodyguards had already stretched their heads to look in anticipation. Now they are full of yearning for Chinese food.

Brett coughed lightly, wondering what else they could do.

Place the plate on the table, lift the lid, and see two cabbage cores standing alone in the middle, which does not look very delicious.

Bright was wondering when the waiter picked up another pot and poured clear water from the middle of the cabbage core. The cabbage core slowly bloomed and finally stretched into a beautiful lotus shape.

Bright's assistants and bodyguards applauded.

Brett always remembered his responsibility to point them out, gave a symbolic applause, and then said, "No denying that this dish is really interesting, but the most important thing is the taste of the food."

He pointedly glanced at the carved young man, "Blindly pursuing novelty and grandstanding, but forgetting the original intention, this is not desirable."

Su Ruan, Director Lu and others all laughed and said nothing. The waiter helped him divide the dishes and scoop the soup. Director Lu made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile, "Mr. Bright is not as good as Try it first."

Brett shook his head, drank a little soup out of courtesy, then paused…

Maybe its appearance was too ordinary, he didn't have any expectations, so that when he ate it, the taste was so amazing that he couldn't believe it, and he drank it almost uncontrollably One bite.

Jack and the bodyguard over there, just like Blake, did not have any expectations and went for novelty, but now they have the same expression as Bright.

Jack blurts out, "It's not water."

Su Ruan smiled, "Of course not, this is a broth that used no less than ten ingredients and took nearly a day to lift, just like water."

She looked at Bright, "You're right, deliciousness is the essence of a dish, and that's why our chefs don't delve into tools."

"The dazzling tools and embellishments are just the icing on the cake, and to tell you the truth, this is the most complicated dish you've ever eaten."

"The most complex and minimalist is the highest level of a dish."

“Do you have such a dish in the West?”

Come here, this woman is mocking him again!

Bright didn't think about what to say when a bodyguard blurted out, "No."

He has obviously been completely eroded by Chinese cuisine.

Su Ruan looked at Bright and smiled, "You may not understand just by saying that. You will understand what I mean when you watch the next soup."

The chef is still on the table, but the ingredients in his hand have been replaced with tofu.

Brett remembered that they said it was made of soybeans, he couldn't imagine that even if the soybeans were completely crushed, it would not be so tender.

Soon, he saw a scene that made him even more puzzling. The master started to cut the tofu, or the big knife, cut it on the soft tofu, not big or thick flakes, as if you want to chop the tofu?

The speed of the knife was like an afterimage, and the tofu gradually looked a bit like muddy tofu.

Bright thinks this is superfluous, "There's no need to show off like this, I want to break it..." He used a spoon to flatten the remaining piece of tofu in his bowl as a demonstration, " Wouldn't that be alright?"

"Mr. Bright," Manager Lu smiled, "this is not chopped, but shredded." He pointed to Bright's hair, "It's like hair."

Bright's eyes widened in surprise when he heard Jack's translation, "A filament like hair?"


Their cabbage can't be cut that fine!

Actually, Lu Chenming and Lu Mingchen are also very curious, not to mention that foreigners have never seen it, they have never seen this thing themselves!

However, in order not to show their timidity in front of Bright, they are all used to it.

When Su Ruan invited Bright to watch, they followed suit. Of course, Jack and the bodyguards were not to be outdone.

I saw the chef put the cut lump of tofu into the water and stir it gently with chopsticks.

It's really a filament!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock, and Brett couldn't help but blurt out, "Oh, my God! This is incredible!"

Su Ruan laughed, Wensi tofu is very suitable for a shocking dish, and Huaguo himself was shocked for a while.

Assistant Jack was also a little excited, he gave the chef a thumbs up, "You are a master."

The corner of the chef's mouth couldn't help but rise, but he still waved his hand and said, "Where is the master, this is just the basic skills of our chefs."

Although Jack has learned Chinese, he obviously doesn't know how modest the Chinese are. He translated to Bright, "Their chefs can do this!"

Bright just thought it was incredible, how could food be so ingenious in a poor and backward country?

They just watched the chef re-boil the soup neatly, even with tofu in front, when the fungus and green vegetables were cut into hair-like filaments, they still couldn't take their eyes off.

"My God, it's incredible, a machine can't do it to such an extent."

Black, green and white filaments are scattered in the clear soup, thickened with starch, like a beautiful ink painting.

Bright has completely forgotten about the thorns, and is aiming at this god-like technique. He feels that this bowl of soup cannot fail in any way.

Like cabbage.

Jack and the bodyguard are also shocked.

Is it just a slightly complicated carving?

What are their really intricate carvings like?

When it was about to end, a bodyguard couldn't help but ask, "What else do you have in Chinese food?"

Su Ruan said with a smile, "That's a lot. We have dozens or hundreds of ways to do just one fish."

The bodyguard looked at the squirrel mandarin fish, how could he still do it?

"If you want to eat all of China," she suddenly remembered an interesting rumor in her previous life, a foreign guy determined to eat all of China before going back, but he was still in Qingshi a month later.

"You just eat the same thing every morning, noon and night, and you won't be able to leave China for about a year."

The bodyguard's eyes widened, and Bright expressed his disbelief.

Su Ruan looked at him, "I know you think we are poor and backward."

"But in fact, we Chinese people are just like our Chinese food, there are gorgeous and extravagant Manchu and Han banquets, but more often they are like boiled cabbage and Wensi tofu, which may seem unremarkable , but the real possession inside is unmatched by anyone."

"Those are the treasures that our ancestors left us."

"If you don't believe me, you can wait and see. Within ten years, any top technology in the world will have a place in China!"

As those people in later generations said, no matter what you do, there will always be a Chinese person who will do better than you. The wisdom and diligence of Chinese people are the best in the world.

This oriental woman is proud of her being a Chinese from the bottom of her heart. That is the confidence and confidence that five thousand years of civilization gave her. Bright found that she had never been superior in front of her.

Instead, she was looking down at him, and Bright, who realized this, was a little upset, "But you don't have aramid."

Su Ruan suddenly tilted his head and smiled, told him a few chemical formulas, and then said, "If I guessed correctly, the production process in your country is polymerization, filament spinning, and tow. Spinning, polymerization uses strong acidification, your latest model has added flame retardancy…”

Bright finally changed his face. Although he didn't know the chemical formula or even the process, he knew the performance of aramid. She was right.

Su Ruan asked the waiter for a piece of paper, and neatly wrote down the chemical formula and key process steps, "Of course, this is just our guess, you can check with the factory."

She wrote it too lightly, causing Bright to produce a typo that it was just an ordinary technique, he took the paper and said, "This is the top secret of the factory."

This is top secret, but the state factory's own process, of course they won't say.

Su Ruan said lightly, "No, just like I told you that tofu is made of soybeans, you can't make tofu either."

"And aramid is to us what Vance tofu is to you. You know the process and steps very well, but none of you can cut tofu as silk as hair."

"The same is true for us. Due to comprehensive reasons such as technology, our aramid production may take a few years, but at that time, with the attitude of the state company towards us, I am afraid There is no way to cooperate with each other.”

"As a company with almost a monopoly on aramid, I think you know what that means."

Su Ruan stood up, "We have a saying in China, Hedong in thirty years, Hexi in thirty years. Don't bully the poor."

"5,000-year-old giants always doze off and rest. All we need is time. After all, shredding tofu can be practiced, but it is not that easy to turn soybeans into tofu."

Speaking of this, she suddenly smiled, "And there is one thing in our country, which is unmatched by any country in the world."

Bright said subconsciously, "What?"

"Unity and efficiency." Su Ruan smiled, "I remember that there is a building under construction opposite the International Hotel, I don't know if you remember what it was like when you came, you can take a look What it looks like now."

Before leaving, Su Ruan said again, "Oh, by the way, the cold dish served at the beginning was pig ears."

Bright and the bodyguards widened their eyes in surprise.

Su Ruan smiled, "We don't eat these because of poverty, on the contrary, because of wisdom, no matter how inconspicuous, we can make it delicious." And you can't.

Thinking about the plate of pig ears that were eaten up, they couldn't refute.

Bright took the piece of paper back to the hotel, and when he got out of the car, he couldn't help but look at the high-rise building opposite, but he didn't notice it.

But someone noticed, a bodyguard said, "Three days ago, it was only one story high."

Bright was stunned for a moment and said to Jack, "Go and find out how many workers are building that building."

Jack nodded, Blake returned to the room, and carefully placed the piece of paper given by Su Ruan in the middle of the leather bag, he must go back to verify as soon as possible, in case what she said is true...

Two hours later, there was a knock on the door of Bright's room. Jack said in surprise, "There are only more than fifty workers! Start working at six in the morning until the sun goes down at night."

"The work they do in three days may take us more than ten days to complete. The Chinese people work really hard."

Bright frowned.