Yan Miao's due date was in a week, so she planned to go to the hospital the day after tomorrow, but she didn't expect it to start early.

Yan Miao couldn't hold back her anger when she was picked up by Xu Ziyan, "You must be mad at me!"

"It's me, it's me." Xu Ziyan probably didn't hear what she said, and asked nervously, "How are you feeling?"

Thanks to Yan's father and Yan mother who went shopping in time to come back in time, otherwise Su Ruan and Xu Ziyan, two completely inexperienced people, would have to panic all the way.


Xu Ziyan had a cold face, and when he saw the nurse, he asked how his wife was doing. Mother Yan was dumbfounded by him, so she quickly persuaded, "Ziyan, sit down and wait, she I just went in, and it's not that fast to have a baby."

Xu Ziyan actually knew that, but he couldn't calm down at this time.

Su Ruan was also quite afraid of this, and she didn't embarrass herself. Seeing that they had nothing to prepare, she volunteered to help them run errands, deliver meals, and the time would not be so difficult.

She also went back to school in the afternoon for an afternoon class, and when she brought them food to the hospital in the evening, even Yan's parents and Yan's mother were obviously anxious, but Xu Ziyan was calm at the moment It looks like he is methodically following the work to be done these days with the secretary.

Until the secretary couldn't bear it any longer, "Mr. Xu, you just said this."

Xu Ziyan paused and said, "Then according to these plans, don't come to me if you don't have anything important these days."

The secretary obviously saw Xu Ziyan like this for the first time, and had a clear understanding of the position of the proprietress.

After the secretary left, Xu Ziyan looked in the direction of the delivery room, his face so cold that it could freeze.

Finally, there was another loud cry of a baby in the delivery room. Yan's father and mother involuntarily stood up and walked to the door of the delivery room. After a while, a nurse came out with the baby in her arms and shouted, "Yan Miao family!"

Yan's father and mother were so happy, "We, we are."

The nurse smiled, "Congratulations, it's a son."

Mother Yan hugged the child happily, Xu Ziyan asked the nurse, "Where's my wife?"

The nurse was scorned by him at first, but now she has been asked about a hundred times, and she is immune. "The mother is still cleaning up and will come out soon."

Sure enough, Yan Miao came out after a while and seemed to be in good condition. Xu Ziyan immediately stepped forward to hold her hand, "How is it?"

Yan Miao felt his trembling hand and shook it back, "It's okay, what about the child?"

Xu Ziyan's expression softened, and then he looked around. Mother Yan hugged the child happily and leaned forward to show Yan Miao, "It's very beautiful."

Yan Miao looked at the wrinkled mass, and couldn't help but disgust, "It's so ugly."

This is probably what every new parent has to experience. The little angel who is full of expectations is a crumpled little monkey, and the psychological gap is still not small.

Mother Yan glared at her, "Nonsense, how beautiful, like Ziyan."

Xu Ziyan's eyes finally landed on the small group, hesitated for a while, then reached out his hand cautiously and touched his little face.

The little guy closed his eyes and moved his little head. Xu Ziyan was so frightened that he retracted his hand, but his eyes were filled with a soft smile.

Su Ruan was also very curious and stretched his neck to look, after all, this is the legendary hero.

Mother Yan, who looked back, was amused when she saw her appearance, and held her child close to her, indicating that she could touch her, "Come on, thanks to you today, the baby has to thank you, auntie. "

Su Ruan was a little nervous, but she couldn't bear to brush off the kindness of others, pursed her lips, and extended her hand cautiously.

She wanted to touch his little hand, but the little guy opened his hand and grabbed her finger.

Su Ruan was taken aback, and quickly retracted her hand, but she didn't want the little guy to be so strong that he couldn't pull it out.

Yan Miao's mother couldn't help laughing, "It seems that he likes you very much."

Su Ruan only felt a strange feeling from the fingertips to the heart, looking at the little guy's eyes could not help softening...

The little baby is really not what she imagined.

When I got home, Lu Mingchen had already come back, and was sitting on the sofa flipping through her book, he had obviously heard the news, "born?"

Su Ruan nodded, "It's a boy."

Lu Mingchen sighed, "It's really not easy to give birth." He said happily, "Fortunately, we didn't give birth to that crime."

Su Ruan thought of the expressions of Yan Miao and Xu Ziyan today, did not speak, and silently nestled into his arms.

Lu Mingchen put his arms around her and pointed to the content written in the book, "Min Jianguo, Lanshi City, Hui Province? What is this?"

Su Ruan was attracted, "Professor who invented the water-filled dam."

Lu Mingchen sacrificed his life to fight the flood in his last life. Pei Zhiming talked a lot about the flood fight, and he always mentioned it every time he had effective equipment.

"If there was this, the boss might be fine" or something.

However, the reason why this water-filled dam Su Ruan is very impressive is because the inventor of it is also a soldier's family. , was washed away when the **** was blocked with sandbags.

Since then, he has been researching something that can replace sandbags to quickly intercept torrents, and it was not until the advent of aramid fibers that he found a suitable material.

"Water-filled dam?" Lu Mingchen was curious, "Can it replace sandbags?"

Su Ruan nodded, "I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but Pei Zhiming said it's very fast, usually they are stacked, just one cubic size, one person can lift it, and use it later At that time, it can be directly stretched by about ten meters, open the water injection port, and fill the bag with water to form a dam, which can be completed in seven or eight minutes, and the most important thing is that it can be spliced ​​at will."

Lu Mingchen, who has participated in all kinds of rescue and disaster relief, naturally understands what this means. The most dangerous thing when fighting floods is blocking the floods, and the most soldiers are washed away when carrying sandbags.

"This is good stuff."

Su Ruan said, "Well, I plan to go find him in person during the summer vacation. I remember that his son seems to have participated in the flood fight in 1991. I hope he can have this mind now."

The flood disaster in 1991 was the time when Su Ruan pitted Wu Sheng for 200,000.

Lu Mingchen turned another page, "So do you want to make an enhanced life jacket first?"

Su Ruan nodded.

Lu Mingchen touched her hair, "Your plan is still full."

However, Su Ruan's life jacket production factory still failed to complete, this time it was Nurse Mi who was going to give birth.

Just after dinner on Saturday morning, I suddenly heard Lu Chenming screaming, "Come on, my Mi Yue is going to give birth!"

Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen quickly put down the tableware and ran over.

As she walked past, Mrs. Zhang instructed, "Captain Lu, go drive! Su Ruan, take the hospital items prepared by Nurse Mi."

Then said to Mr. Han who was running next door, "You go and inform Mr. Lu."

Finally, she said to Lu Chenming, who was holding Nurse Mi, "Be quiet! Nurse Mi is going to scare you if she's okay! Take her to the car!"

Mrs. Zhang's calmness calmed their emotions very well. After the labor pain, Nurse Mi also eased her breath and comforted Lu Chenming, "It's all right, I can stick to the hospital, it's too early to die. ."

Lu Chenming took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

When the car drove to the hospital, Mr. Lu and his wife also followed. With them, Nurse Mi was working here, and everything was arranged.

Su Ruan and the others had nothing to help, Lu Mingchen went back to train recruits for Lu Chenming, Su Ruan thought about it, and went directly to see Yan Miao.

Yan Miao looked at him as if looking at the most precious treasure in the world.

Su Ruan thought it was amazing, "This has changed too much."

The corners of Yan Miao's mouth curled up unconsciously, "It's incredible, it turns out that my mother said that the child is not exaggerated at all."

She said to the little guy, "Isn't it, Eggy."

Su Ruan: "What's his name?"

Yan Miaoxiao, "It's called Dandan, isn't it cute?"

Su Ruan seriously suggested, "Let's change to something cooler." After all, he is the male protagonist.

Yan Miao hummed, "If you don't change, who will make him the son of a bad guy. I didn't call him bad or bad, but good."

Su Ruan looked at the ignorant little guy with sympathy, this is a black history left by his mother.

As he was talking, Xu Ziyan came in with the food box, "Miaomiao, it's time to eat."

Mother Yan said to Yan Miao, "You go to dinner first, I'll watch the child."

Xu Ziyan was a little nervous, Yan mother smiled, "Don't worry, he is not that fragile."

Xu Ziyan clenched his fingers, and finally couldn't help stepping forward.

"Yes, this arm is like this, this hand supports his little butt..."

Mother Yan looked at Eggy and smiled, "Looking at it this way, it's really like Ziyan was carved out of the same mold."

For the first time, Su Ruan saw Xu Ziyan smiling so happily, even showing a row of white teeth.

When she turned her head, Yan Miao's face was bright, she couldn't help laughing, "So happy."

Yan Miao drank the soup and looked at her and said, "I don't believe you haven't thought about giving birth to a baby for your deer head."

"As small as each other in my arms..."

Su Ruan's mind couldn't help but think of a small Lu Mingchen, who was not tall enough Milky pounced over to call her mother.

…My heart will melt.

Su Ruan was stunned when he realized what he was thinking.

The prenatal exercise that Nurse Mi has been doing is still very effective.

Just after noon, the child was born, Master Lu happily hugged the child, Lu Chenming did not dare to start, just looked at his father's hand, and suddenly tears fell, "He Why is it so small?"

Lu Mingchen, who came to pick up Su Ruan, laughed at him, "Promising!"

Lu Chenming wiped away his tears, his expression instantly sullen, "Lu Mingchen, I have a son!"

Lu Mingchen pretended not to hear, and said to Su Ruan, "Let's go, go home."

How could Lu Chenming let him go, grabbed Master Lu's arm, and deliberately said loudly, "Son, I have a father!"

Lu Mingchen and Su Ruan paused at the same time, and when they turned around, they saw Master Lu raised his leg to kick Lu Chenming, and said angrily, "If you can't speak, don't speak, when did you have no father?! "