Chapter 277: Chaos

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"What? Winter City released the prisoners?"

After hearing the news of the prisoner's return, the first thing the Marquis Dawson felt was not joy, but shock.

Because his son, Earl Falco, was still on mission in the city, how could the Golden Lions suddenly release their captives?

Moreover, even if the conditions are negotiated, Earl Falco and Earl Anka cannot sign a contract with the St. Hild family in private.

So, this must be a conspiracy!

"Yes, Lord Marquis. But... the returning captive seems to be in conflict with the Menham family."

Hearing the report from the guards, the anxiety in Marquis Dawson's heart grew stronger.

After thinking for a moment, he decisively ran to the Maynum family camp.

As soon as he entered the territory of the Maynum family, the Marquis Dawson was surrounded by a team of guards.

"Take me to see the Marquis of Maynum!"

"Well, Lord Maynum is about to see you."

Seeing these heavily armed and grim-faced soldiers, Marquis Dawson flashed a trace of anger in his heart.

What does Marquis Maynum mean?

If he doesn't take the initiative to come, is he going to send someone to arrest him?

Enduring his inner anger, the Marquis Dawson came to the center of the Maynum family camp.

"Marquis Maynum, what do you mean?" As soon as we met, Marquis Dawson asked angrily.

"I also want to ask you, Marquis Dawson, why did Winter City suddenly release the prisoners of your family?"

"I don't know this, but I think this is most likely a conspiracy of the Saint Hild family!"

"Conspiracy? What conspiracy?" The Marquis Maynum remained unmoved, and his gaze toward the Marquis Dawson was still full of suspicion.

"Instigate discord!" Marquis Dawson said solemnly, "From the very beginning, the St. Hild family has been trying to instigate our relationship.

Did you forget the previous peace agreement that asked you to surrender me?

They know that we can’t trust each other, so they use this time and time again to try to divide our relationship.

The captives this time may also be their conspiracy!

Therefore, the more this is the time, the more we must trust each other and be honest with each other.

If I really want to betray you, I won't take the initiative to explain it at this time. "

When the Marquis Maynum heard this, his face was slightly loosened, and he seemed to believe the words of the Marquis Dawson.

He was silent for a moment, and asked, "Then what do you think should be done now?"

The Marquis Dawson breathed a sigh of relief. The attitude of the Marquis Maynum made him feel that there should be room for recovery, so he seriously suggested:

"I think that the first thing to do is to appease the prisoners who have been released, so that the warriors who have thrown their blood for the dwarves should not be chilled.

Then, on the one hand, we can carefully question the officers among the prisoners to see why the Golden Lion Army put them back.

On the other hand, we also want to contact Anka and Falco in the city as soon as possible..."

While the Marquis of Dawson actively cooperated with the Marquis of Maynum to try to eliminate the bad effects of the sudden release of prisoners, the development of the situation was rapidly deteriorating in an unpredictable direction.

The news of the prisoners being released soon spread in the Dawson family camp. Unlike the resistance and skepticism of the Maynum family, the Dawson family must be very willing to accept these prisoners.

After all, those captives are their comrades in arms, even relatives.

But when news of the conflict between the captives and the Maynum family army came, the officers of the Dawson family immediately fell into doubt and anger.

They came to the camp of the Marquis Dawson one after another, wanting to ask what happened, why did the Maynum family attack their captives?

But at this time, the Marquis of Dawson had already gone to see the Marquis of Maynum and was not in the camp at all.

Without the leader of the group of dragons, the officers of the Dawson family suddenly became a quarrel. Some said that they were going to rescue the prisoners, some said that they had to ask about the situation first, and some said they would wait for the Marquis Dawson to return...

In short, the Dawson family camp also became a mess.

At this moment, Wells was pushed out by the arguing officers.

As the second son of the Marquis Dawson, he had no prestige in the army, but under the current circumstances, the Marquis Dawson disappeared. The eldest son of the Marquis, Earl Falco, has not returned from his mission to Winter City, so Wells actually Became the person most qualified to lead the Dawson family army at this moment.

Although everyone knows that Wells is unreliable, a mediocre leader is better than no leader.

If this quarrel continues, it is estimated that the prisoners who have just been released will be killed.

Wells was also panicked at this time.

But facing the scorching eyes of the officers, he couldn't back down, he had to make a decision.

The tremendous pressure on his face made Wells start trembling involuntarily, sweating all over, and dry mouth.

He forced himself to calm down, but he still didn't dare to take responsibility when he spoke. He just said, "I think... we still have to find my father first..."

"The Lord Marquis Dawson went to the Maynum family. We have sent someone to look for it, but there has been no response!" an officer shouted loudly.

Wells panicked even more, but then, a thought came to him like lightning, making him blurt out:

"No! The Marquis of Maynum probably wants to detain his father and hand it over to the Saint Hild family in exchange for the other side's understanding!"


This sentence immediately caused the Dawson family officers to blow up the pot, and it was the first time they heard such news.

Immediately, the scene became more chaotic, but more people began to ask for an army to pick up the Marquis Dawson, and of course the released prisoners.

Wells seemed to feel that he had figured out the whole story at this time, and the reason why his father had been gone for a long time must have been detained.

At this moment, the glory of the Dawson family made him change his cowardly character in the past, and took the initiative to stand up and scream, asking everyone to go and rescue the Marquis of Dawson.

In the chaos and anxiety, the Dawson family finally has a unified voice. Although this voice may not guide them towards a bright future, at this moment, the confused people need a direction. No matter where it leads, it is better than Make a circle in the dark.

As a result, the loud bugle sounded in the Dawson family camp.

That is a signal of offense.


Hearing this voice, the Marquis Dawson instantly froze on the spot, and his whole person was stupid.

Originally, he was about to persuade the Marquis of Maynum to accept the prisoners first and stabilize the situation, but now, with the sound of such a horn, the entire camp of dwarves is boiling.

The eyes of the Marquis of Maynum also became sharp like a snake in an instant.

"Fran Dawson! What do you want to do!"

"This is a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!"

The Marquis Dawson explained profusely: "Marquis Maynum, it must be those idiots who saw that I was gone for a long time and thought that something happened to me. On impulse, this was the only way to do stupid things.

But I hope you understand that I have absolutely no desire to fight against you, and our two families absolutely cannot fight against each other. This will only make the St. Hild family cheaper!

Please let me go back, and I will surely appease those guys who only get into trouble! "

"Let you go back?" The Marquis of Maynum sneered. "You play tricks with me several times, do you really think I'm a fool?"

The Marquis Dawson was already sweating profusely, and his tone was already imploring: "Marquis Maynum, you can hold me here It will only increase the misunderstanding. , The conflict is getting worse!"

"Misunderstanding?" The Marquis Maynum's eyes were cold. "When you lied to me last night, there was no trust between us!

Now Winterfather City has released the prisoners of the Dawson family for no reason, and these prisoners actually start to attack my army without a word, hehe, do you really think you can continue to be deceived? "

The Marquis Dawson was stunned, and said in doubt: "Why did I lie to you last night?"

However, the Marquis of Maynum has lost patience with the Marquis of Dawson, smiled coldly, and said to the left and the right:

"Enter the Lord Marquis Dawson, no one is allowed to see him without my order!"

"Yes!" The guards immediately stepped forward to surround the Marquis Dawson.

"Marquis Maynum, Marquis Maynum! Listen to my explanation! This is a conspiracy of the St. Hild family, you can't be fooled!"

The Marquis Dawson was still shouting, but the Marquis of Maynum had left without looking back.