Chapter 20: The Black-Haired Barbarian Of Hubei Province (2)

Chapter 20: The Black-Haired Barbarian Of Hubei Province (2)

What made a story attractive?

There was a time when I was a college student, surviving on tutoring. Even after applying all my tips to boost my students scores in Math, English, and Science, I often got fired after exams.

Why did I keep getting fired after raising their scores? Initially, I was always puzzled by this, until I finally asked a students mother outright why she was discontinuing the tutoring. I had raised her childs scores, so why stop?

Our child said it was boring. Too much focus on studies and its exhausting, she complained. Sorry, even though you raised her scores.

I then realized that although parents paid, it was the students who evaluated my tutoring.

From that point on, I focused not only on their grades but also on their interests. Whether using these as examples in studies or sharing interesting stories during breaks, the students loved it. Thanks to this approach, I was able to make a living from tutoring until I joined the army.

In the end, an attractive story was one that aligned with the listeners interests.

It was the same now. When surrounded by uncles, it was best to bring up a story that matched their interests.

What can a barbarian know about interesting stories

Does a barbarian even know shame?

Why is he even trying?

My announcement that I would tell a story was met with less than enthusiastic responses. I could hear the grumbles of the uncles nearby.

Lets all be quiet.

As the Master Carpenter spoke, the room fell silent.

Kang Yun-ho, was it? Come here, in front of me.

Following the Master Carpenters gesture, I carefully made my way through the uncles and sat in front of him. As soon as I sat down, the Master Carpenter couldnt resist starting.

The title was Winning the Lottery After Divorce, right? Thats a unique name.

Yes. Precisely, its about a man whose wife runs away, and then he wins the lottery. In Joseon, its also known as Winning the Lottery After Divorce.

In this world, divorce was not just the end of a marital relationship but also seen as a failure of the husband to keep his wife, thus necessitating a different title.

Winning the Lottery After Divorce?

Whats a lottery?

A country bumpkin. You dont know what a lottery is? Its where you put sticks in a jar and draw one.

Oh! You pay for a stick, put it in, and someone wins it all?

Lotteries did exist in the Joseon era. Of course, this world had them too. They were not on a national scale like todays lotteries, but they were conducted among groups ranging from tens to thousands of people.

Just the title alone sounds interesting. Lets all sit in a circle. Lets hear this young mans story.

The Master Carpenter showed interest and gestured for the uncles to sit around. Right, if I was going to do it, I might as well make sure everyone could hear.

If everyone sits in a circle, Ill tell you an amazing story.

Getting in the good graces of the Master Carpenter was important, but it was also crucial to be liked by the uncles I worked with.

For the ten days I would be working here, it was better to be seen as an immigrant who moonwalked incredibly well on the construction site than to be continuously treated as a barbarian.

Why make us sit in a circle?

Hey! The Master Carpenter said to do it, why are you objecting?

Lets listen to a foreign story for once.

Murmuring among themselves, the uncles quickly began to sit in a circle.

I stepped into the center and scanned the crowd. Fatigue, distrust, anticipation their faces were a mix of these expressions.

This was just like talent show time.

Suddenly, I remembered the depressing talent show from my freshman year.

I dont have any talents, hyung. Im a freshman but I still have to do it. I dont have anything to do. Just go out there. No, I said Im not going. Hello. I am a freshman, Kang Yun-ho. I will sing a song.

Ugh. Suddenly, I remembered the cold reaction from back then.

To avoid killing the mood, I knew I had to perform well.

Divorce material.

Clichs abound of a husband who, betrayed by his wife, finds success after divorce. This wasnt a lengthy novel but a midnight story, so brevity was key.

I needed to distill the essence and bring it to life.

I decided to condense the cast to just three characters.

Inhaling deeply, I began my performance.

Honey! Ive been toiling away for a week, and this is the scene I return to?

Our protagonist: a kind and hardworking husband. Despite his anger, I pitched his voice slightly higher to convey his inherent goodness. Then, I contorted my body to the left, assuming the role of the wife.

Whats the issue with the house? I merely stepped out for some enjoyment. Hand over some cash. Sigh. Is this the best you could earn?

The malicious wife. Her opening remarks instantly branded her as shameless.

Jeez! You sound just like my ex-wife.

Your wife left you.

Thats why I said, my ex-wife!!

Keep it down, will you! Just a notch!

The uncles began to show interest, likely because the acting wasnt half-bad.

Honey. Youve been going out quite often recently. I spotted you with a man near the market. Who is he?

The husbands voice was tinged with worry. He seemed reluctant to doubt, but couldnt shake the suspicion.

Huh? Just some guy I met. Hes been assisting me with some work.

What sort of work? Im the one bringing home the paycheck.

Oh, a variety of things. Why? Are you getting pathetic and suspicious now?

The wifes provocative demeanor. The troubled husband. The situation was clear to any observer.

But, I have no intention of taking you back. Keep suffering. Haha!

I added a twist to the dialogue.

Oppa! Lets eat ginseng quickly and spend a cozy night. What? Whos this old woman? Lady, go beg somewhere else.

Right. Right. Its cold outside, lets go in.

I pretended to hold the waist of the new wife and turned my body to act like we were returning home. Then, I suddenly stepped back and knelt.

Honey! Honey!!

The wailing wife. The wife was eventually driven out, and the husband lived happily ever after with the young wife.

I gave a neat ending. The uncles seemed entertained, all with content and happy expressions.

How was it?

Great Uncles. No, Master Carpenter. You will reward me, right?

Then I realized I hadnt checked the Master Carpenters reaction. When I looked at Mr. Master Carpenter, his mouth was slightly open, staring at me.

You, lad.

Mr. Master Carpenter said in a surprised voice.

Were you a Storyteller?


Using various voices and skillful gestures to tell a story. Isnt that something only famous storytellers in the market could do?

I wondered what he was talking about.

Was he referring to that storyteller?

A storyteller seemed to be someone who entertainingly told the contents of a book or famous folk tales among people and got paid for it.

It was like a personal broadcast streamer nowadays.

No, its not that. Back in Joseon, when I taught children and they couldnt concentrate, I would tell them stories. I became accustomed to acting this way.

You see, I tutored in college! Taught in study rooms and academies! I had done it all! Of course, this was the first time I had ever knelt like this.

You were a teacher! Oh no, I failed to recognize someone important from another country.

I was just an assistant at a Seodang in Joseon, teaching children.

There was a principal! Why this misunderstanding?

But there was no need to completely clear up the misunderstanding, so I simply humbled myself.

I did think you were too young. Anyway, you taught children, so that was the educational method of Joseon schools?

No, not really. Which academy taught you to divorce and then win the lottery?

You were a teacher?

No wonder you didnt quite fit in with the barbarians at the construction site. You seemed more refined.

Arent you a storyteller? Ive seen many storytellers, but you seem much better than them.

Right. The storytellers werent very interesting, but your story just now was really fun.

As soon as I mentioned being a teacher, the crowd around me started to murmur.

Anyway, that was amazing. Was that a story from Joseon? It was really interesting.

Clap, clap, clap.

Mr. Master Carpenter seemed to admire my story and clapped his hands.

Barbarian!! It was much more interesting than I thought!

I should try this lottery thing after work!

Listening to that, I thought of my wife. It made me want to switch her out!

If youre happy with your wife, theres no need to do that. The uncles all clapped too.

Mr. Master Carpenter wasnt just flattering me because he liked me, right? Its a bit embarrassing. But I was satisfied with the successful performance.

Thank you. I will return to my seat now.

The reward will be taken care of, I guess.

Wait a moment.

As I was about to return to my original corner, Mr. Master Carpenter stopped me.


I have never seen a storyteller who can speak like you. Its late tonight, so sleep now, but could you possibly tell us such stories every night?

I was not a storyteller.

Ah, thats

That was a bit troublesome.I turned my head to one side and made a troubled face.

Is that so?

Mainly doing material transport, I get tired after work. I told a story as you seemed bored, Mr. Master Carpenter, but doing it every night would be difficult.

Why would I have to keep volunteering for free at night?

People would start to take advantage if you kept obliging.

Absolutely not! Why would I do that annoying task!

Hmm, I see.

Mr. Master Carpenter stroked his beard, contemplating. Then, unexpectedly, he made a proposal.

The story just now was interesting, so let me make you an offer. From tomorrow, stop the material transport and work as my assistant. The work will be very easy. Ill even arrange for your salary to be raised. In return, keep telling such stories every night. How about it?

Might as well give it a try.