Chapter 368: First Marriage Proposal: The Little Baicai Heroine (4)

Chapter 368: First Marriage Proposal: The Little Baicai Heroine (4)

Chapter 368 The first marriage proposal, the heroine Xiaobaicai (4)

Mo Qingze only went home once a month. The next day, Mo Yan took him to see the depressions, terraces and ponds, and talked about her plans for the coming year. She also wanted to hear if her father had any better opinions.

Mo Qingze listened to his eldest daughter's slow and well-founded words with a smile. He felt that everything was going well, and he felt a boundless sense of pride in his heart again!

The daughter is so capable, and he, as a father, would be proud! All he can do is study hard and strive to pass the autumn exam next year and the spring exam the year after in one fell swoop to obtain Jinshi qualifications. Only with a certain identity can family members be given more protection.

After talking, Mo Yan did not miss the things in the shop. She just ignored her transaction with Yan Junyu and blamed shopkeeper Xing for his help. The father is the head of the family and he has the right to know everything that happens in the family. He didn't mention it to his father before because he was worried that it would affect his studies. Now that the matter is over, it doesn't matter if he talks about it again.

Even so, to avoid this girl hiding it from him in the future, Mo Qingze still said with a straight face: "I won't care about it this time. If there is another time, I would rather quit the academy than stay at home to guard you."

Yeah, yeah, Im sure there wont be a next time! Mo Yan responded in a flustered voice.

Mo Qingze touched his eldest daughter's head with satisfaction and saw that she was almost reaching his shoulders. She would be hair-length next September, and his heart moved.

Recently, in addition to studying, he has also been paying attention to the unmarried students in the academy, and he has also discovered a few young talents with similar family backgrounds who are diligent and studious.

These people are all seventeen or eighteen years old, and their appearance is not bad, but their character needs to be examined. If they are really suitable, you can ask someone to discuss them.

Thinking of this, the open-minded Mo Qingze decided to ask his daughter for her opinion: "Yan'er, dad wants to arrange a marriage for you before you get pregnant. What do you think?"

"Huh?" The topic changed so quickly that Mo Yan didn't react for a moment and looked at his father stupidly.