Chapter 1029: Intentionally tearing one's face(2)

Chapter 1029: Intentionally tearing one's face(2)

Chapter 1029: Intention to break up (2)

After leaving the Prince's Mansion, Xiao Ruiyuan did not return to the Marquis Mansion, but went to the General's Mansion not far from the Prince's Mansion. As early as a few days ago, the General's Mansion entered the renovation stage. Two top gardening masters have joined forces. Even if it is only a prototype now, it can be predicted how beautiful this house will become after completion.

This is not the first time for Xiao Ruiyuan to come here. He has also seen the design drawings of the two masters, so he is very reassured. After walking around the yard and finding nothing inappropriate, I returned to the study.

Because Xiao Ruiyuan often stayed at the General's Mansion, so there was a Marquis Mansion and a General's Mansion, which made it convenient for him to handle official business in the General's Mansion.

In the study, Xiao Shiyi had been waiting for a long time. When he saw his master coming in, he bowed his hands and presented a stack of paper in his hand to the table: "This is what I just heard from those guys who spread rumors in the teahouse." Please ask the master to take a look at it."

Xiao Ruiyuan nodded, picked up the more than ten pages and started reading. In just a moment, he had read all the pages without any change on his face. It was obvious that everything described on the paper was within his expectation.

Xiao Shiyi stepped forward and carefully took the wooden box, which was not heavy in weight: "Master, please rest assured, my subordinates will never say another word."

Xiao Ruiyuan nodded and waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

Xiao Shiyi exited the study room holding the wooden box, and met Xiao Jiu who appeared out of nowhere at the door.

Xiao Jiu looked at the wooden box in his hand curiously, and reached out to open it, but Xiao Shiyi avoided it: "The master gave this to the madam, do you really want to see it?"

When Xiao Jiu heard this, he retracted his hand as if he had been stung by a wasp, and complained with lingering fear: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" If he had known the origin of the box, and given him a hundred courages, he would not have dared to open it. !

Xiao Shiyi rolled his eyes, not wanting to pay attention to this guy, and walked straight past him.

"Eleven, wait, wait." Xiao Jiu quickly stopped him: "Did the masters of those people in the dark room tell them how to deal with it?"