Chapter 75.

Name:The Perfect Luna Author:
Riannon tried not to grin. She couldn’t tell for sure if there were any cameras

installed in this room, so she had to be extra careful just in case. To keep herself

busy, she took a glass full of wine and sniffed it to check that it wasn’t poisoned

this time. Given the history she had with foxes, she could never be sure...

But the fox king probably had some use for her even now, so the drink was clean

of any substances other than alcohol.

She took a slow sip and listened carefully.

“I am not interested in what kind of problems they have,” Castiel sounded

authoritative. There was no playfulness in his voice to which she was used to.

“Tell them that if they are not ready on time, they will share the destiny of those



Riannon gulped. She remembered how Alpha Ramina had been telling them that

foxes and bears were offering her to unite their clans in the war against wolves.

This was confirming her words at the Summit.

“And what about the wolves?” Castiel asked his companion, his tone displeased

and arrogant even now.

“The Alpha told us that they are ready to act and waiting for your command.”

Images flashed before Ria’s eyes. Back in the past, she saw wolves fighting

other wolves. It brought her to the conclusion that they were talking about the

traitors. But she needed more. More information. At least something. A pack or

the Alpha’s name, a location... anything that could help her find out who the



“And what about the white bear clan?” the fox king kept the interrogation of his

subordinate while she froze on her seat.

“Their king says that they will arrive soon. But he still has the same condition.”

Riannon placed her glass back on the table, trying not to crush the stem in her

hand from all the tension. White bears... This was a crucial piece of information.

That clan came from the North and, if she wasn’t mistaken, they lived right next

to the North Lycan kingdom.

him to deal with his lycan king as soon as he helps us deal with ours.” Now


sounded content.

But it was Ria who was the one truly pleased. All her effort went into pretending

not to care. Not to curl her lips, not to make any muscle flinch on her face. She

couldn’t give herself away. That was why she did her best to look bored while she


The two men discussed a few other things quickly, including doubling the security

around the territory. But that didn’t matter anymore. When Gideon came for her,

she would be ready.

The doors opened again and Castiel strode in with a faint smile on his face.

“Forgive me, Riannon,” he took his seat and at the same moment servants

appeared, bringing in the actual food. He probably ordered them to do it via the

mind link.

“Oh, trust me,” she straightened her back, “I was not offended. I think the less we

see each other, the better.”

He swallowed that almost insult, knowing that she wasn’t ready for him. Not yet.

Castiel loved watching that strong beautiful woman, who held herself like a

queen even in captivity. Her every move was filled with grace and confidence. He

had princesses in his harem, but none could even begin to compare in his eyes

to Riannon.

He was sure that he knew what she was thinking after seeing all those girls

today. He knew that he needed to do damage control if he wanted to have a

relationship with that woman. And he wanted it badly. She intrigued him at their

first actual meeting, but the more he watched her, the more his need for her was


She was the perfect Luna. Everything that any alpha could ask for. Beautiful,

smart, special... That made it especially hard to resist her charm.

“So,” she raised her brow at him and he loved how daring she was. The spirit of


“So,” he found herself mimicking her tone, waving for the omegas to leave

“I have to say that your plan was not bad,” she stated plainly, but this little

compliment made his lips curve a bit anyway.

“And yet somehow you saw right through it,” he smirked. “Tell me, Riannon,

where have I made a mistake?”

He didn’t make a mistake and that was exactly the problem. In her past life, he

won. And even now he was far from losing. Even despite everything that she


“I guess you angered the Moon Goddess,” she took a bite of her food. Whatever

it was, she had to take care of herself well. She had to have the strength for what

was about to come. So, she wasn’t going to starve herself out of spite and make

herself weaker.

He chuckled softly and followed her example.

“Tell me,” he said after a while, “how did you know that I was going to use the

name Everett? I was thinking about it for so long but I still can’t find an answer to

this question.”

“If you want any kind of information from me, you will have to answer a few

questions first yourself,” Ria put down her knife and fork, taking a napkin to

gently pat her lips. “And then maybe, I’ll share too.”

“And what exactly do you want to know?” Castiel didn’t feel like hiding much from

her. She was already there in his hands. What was the point? When she knew –

she would only be impressed by the scale of the work he had done. She had to

be impressed

“How did you fake a scent of Brayden’s mate on Roxanne?” she shot the first

question at once, without any hesitation, “I know that she is a siren and used that

alluring ability of hers. But you had to work on the scent too. Because it was the

first thing that attracted him to her.”

“You are still not over that?” he smirked, and she felt a prick of shame. Because,

no, she wasn’t over it. She had to know everything. She did not love her ex

anymore, but she needed to learn what happened there exactly.

“I thought we were trying to have an open conversation here,” she taunted him.

hardly ate anything.”

“I am full,” the Luna cut him off.

“Then let’s go. I am going to show you something,” he grinned at her with delight.

He stood up and gestured for her to do the same. Riannon had no objections to

that. A part of her was worried that he would take her to the dungeons, where

Brayden’s real true mate was chained to the walls... But they didn’t walk far, as

the fox king pushed one of the next doors and held it for her.

She entered a spacious room that looked like some kind of a laboratory. Test

tubes, microscopes and equipment she couldn’t even name were everywhere. It

looked professional enough to her and all she could do was to give the fox a

questioning look.

“This is where the scent was created so that Roxy could copy it,” Castiel smirked,

looking a bit smug.

“How? You had to have a sample,” Ria tried to reason with him, trying to find an


“I’ve been studying shifters’scents for many years,” he started explaining.” You

see, in most cases, mates’ scents are connected biologically. This is how we

recognise our couple. Mates are so closely connected that over time I managed

to see a pattern. By testing and probing, I managed to find out what scent would


a person if I had his or her DNA. It’s not a 100% match, of course. One would

recognise their true mate. If he meets him or her. But as far as you know, your

husband never did. I don’t even know if he could recognise his mate prior to your

rejection. You know how marking works.”

“I do,” she smirked and took her hair away, moving the dress slightly aside to

reveal her beautiful golden crescent mark.

Castiel growled at that, his eyes glued to her flesh. It would be an

understatement to say that he did not like what he saw. But at the same time, he

was fascinated by the gold shining on her delicate skin.

“An unbreakable bond,” she rubbed it into his face, pulling the dress back on to

“We’ll have to test that theory out,” he stepped closer, “when I kill Gideon.”

“You could try,” she chuckled, “but there is a reason why you tried to break

werewolves first. You can’t deal with him without that. And now that part of your

plan is gone.”

“My plan doesn’t solemnly depend on that. And part of it still worked. The biggest

pack was broken into two parts. And the Alpha of one of them is mine now.” His

eye glowed again as he was dangerously close.

“Why is only one of your eyes glowing?” she decided to distract him and it

worked as he turned away from her at once.

“That’s a long story,” he sighed.

“As you have told me before, we are in no hurry,” Ria took that chance to

distance herself further from him and pretended to look at the equipment he had


“I wandered into the wrong place and encountered the wrong person when I was

young,” he said at first, but after hesitating for a few moments, added in a hoarse

voice. “My father... It was my father.”

Riannon’s lips parted but she quickly clenched them back. “Why?” she heard

herself saying.

“I wasn’t exactly the son he wanted,” Castiel confessed, still not looking at her.

“Not the pure blood that he wanted to see as his heir...”

“What do you mean?” she felt that this was important too.

“I am a hybrid,” he turned to face her abruptly and in no time he was right next to

her again. “My father stole my mother from the bear clan. She was already

married, but he did not care.”

“But you were still angry at Gideon’s father for killing yours,” Ria pointed out,

crossing her hands on her chest in a defence motion. She did not like the way he

stared at her. As if he was hungry.

“Of course I was,” he sneered at her, tracing his finger over one of her arms and

making her shudder. “First of all, it was a matter of honour. But second of all, it


“How?” she tried not to give him any reaction, knowing that this was exactly what

he was looking for.

“Too many questions for someone who didn’t share anything yet,” he bent lower

to her, his face way too close to her liking. “Let’s just say that my path to

becoming a king would be shorter.”

She tried to step away, but he trapped her between one of the tables and his


“So, how did you know about Everett?” a smirk spread over his face as he looked

at her lips.

“Axel didn’t suit you.” Riannon tried to stay calm.

“I thought that we agreed to share information,” he took it as a game, “not lie to

each other.”

“You have your sources and I have mine, Castiel,” she dived down and managed

to escape him, hearing his laughter behind her back.

“Cass,” he said. “I want you to call me Cass.”

“And I want you to call me Alpha Michaels,” she retorted, “but something tells me

you are not going to do that.”

“Who knows,” he took another step in her direction, and she liked it less and less,

“It has a good ring to it.”

“Do you want me to kill him?” Onyx asked, growling inside. “Can you?” she

couldn’t help but wonder.

“I think we can take one hybrid,” now her wolf sounded offended, but ready to

spring to action any time.

“I have no doubt,” Ria sighed, “but it will not stop the war. And now it might only

complicate things. I need more information before we act.”

“Who works in this lab?” she decided to throw the fox king off the topic.

“This is my little heaven,” he said with pride. “And a little hobby of mine that

brought me so many fruitful results.”

one of the tables to make sure there was something between them.

“You mean Eden,” Castiel chuckled. “Yes, I suppose one might say so.”

“And what’s the plan there?” she quirked her brow up. “When do I get a red


He watched her for a few seconds while furrowing her browsbefore answering,

“Never. The day you become mine, I let them all go.”

This wasn’t what she counted on. She wanted to use the harem against him. And

here he was dismissing its significance instantly.

But she knew far too well that it was yet another tactic to manipulate her.

“What was the point of keeping them there in the first place if you are going to

discard them now?”

“Believe it or not, Alpha Michaels ,” he smirked when he said that, “But they were

useful in many ways. Each of them is there willingly. It was their choice. And I

treasure each of them in my own way.”

“And is that why you are starving them tonight?” she reminded him of the simple

fact that he prohibited giving them dinner that day.

“I am punishing them for misbehaving.” Castiel informed her firmly and without

any shade of hesitation or regret. “They touched what’s mine.”

“I am not yours!” she gritted her teeth.

“Of course, you are. Everything in this house is mine. They knew you were mine

the moment they saw you. But they still chose to attack you.” He scowled.

“Maybe they can sense that they are about to be thrown out on the street?”

Riannon snorted.

“I am not going to throw them out on the street!” he let out a deep chesty laugh. “I

trained them for years for a reason!”

“As you did with Roxanne?” it suddenly occurred to her. He was going to use

those women as his pawns. Send them to different packs, plant them as spies,

put them in other men’s beds.

“Too many questions,” he shrugged it off. “Let’s go. I want to show you other

“I am too tired,” she did not let him finish. “I want to...”

“Okay,” the fox king looked slightly disappointed, but he nodded reassuringly.“

Not all at once. I get it. We have all the time in the world to get to know each



She was relieved that he chose that approach. But she knew that she shouldn’t

count on him sticking to it for too long.

He took her back to her room personally, not saying much on the way there and

she hid behind the door when he tried to give her a kiss on the cheek, escaping

the undesired contact.

Riannon sat on the bed and listened to his receding steps. And when he was

gone, she waited some more. In about half an hour, she opened the doors and

looked at the short guard, ignoring the tall one. This one seemed mentally

weaker to


“King Castiel said I can ask for whatever I want and I have some requests,” she

announced with a tone that did not take prisoners, making both men swallow.

“Don’t worry,” she sneered at them like a cat who was about to devour a little

mouse,“ Nothing dangerous is on my list.”

Just an hour later, the three of them entered the Eden. Girls in red were looking

at her in shock, not believing that she dared to come there again.

“What the hell have you forgotten here?” the same blonde with her two friends

appeared before her first.

“Ladies,” Riannon popped a bottle of champagne with ease, gesturing for the two

guards to bring in the sushi and other snacks she requested, “I think we started

with a wrong foot. Why don’t we fix that?”