“When heading to the frontier, we’ll stay overnight at an inn that’s purveyed by the Knights on the way. It’s normal for the Knights to rent out the inn so that we don’t miss out on the details of our mission.”

In the carriage, His Highness Gresis told me.

We arrived at the inn in the evening.

Compared to the aristocratic mansions that took care of me when I came, it was a small and lovely wooden building overall.

The inside of the building is larger than I expected.

“There are single and twin rooms at the inn. The rooms have baths and toilets, and you can choose to eat in the dining room or in your room.”

While listening to an explanation of the inn by His Highness Gresis, I was guided to a room on the second floor.

There is a window in front of the room, and there are two beds on on each side of the wall. There is a simple stand between the beds, and a lamp is placed on top of it.

On the right front was the door to the bath and toilet, and on the left front was the closet.

Lilith and I will be in this twin room. Use whichever bed you like. I will have dinner in the dining room, but Lilith’s meal will be prepared in the room.”

“Why am I the only one eating in the room?”

I was curious and asked.

“Lilith is a princess, but when I’m in the Knights, I’m not a prince, but a unit commander. That’s why I eat with the knights when I’m on duty.”

“Then, now that I am not a princess, but the commander’s wife, is it okay if I join you for dinner?”

I folded my hands in front of my chest and stared straight at His Highness, and his eyes narrowed.

“Oh, that’s true. Let’s go to the dining room together. We don’t need an escort.”


I went to the dining room guided by His Highness Gresis.

There were several tables for six people in the dining room, and the knights were already seated.

Somehow, I feel the gaze from the knights.

I’m sure they’re just looking at their boss, Prince Gresis.

His Highness Gresis sat down at a table that still had empty seats.

“Lilith, come here.”

His Highness Gresis pulled out a chair next to me, so when I sat there, the food was brought to me immediately.

When the food was distributed to everyone, His Highness Gresis quickly stood up.

Then, all the knights who had been chatting up until now all turned their attention to His Highness Gresis all at once.

“You’ve worked hard so far. Eat well, rest well, and prepare for tomorrow.”


All the knights responded to His Highness Gresis’s words in unison, and the meal began.

The food was dynamic, with meat and vegetables cut into large pieces and placed on a plate, but the taste was very good.

“Lilith, how does it taste?”

“Yes, this monster’s meat is very delicious.”

“Yes, good.”

Even thought I was just talking to HIs Highness Gresis, the area was buzzing.

I feel that the hands of the knights who were with me stopped and they stared at me.

I was worried about their gaze, so I called out to the cheetah beastman sitting across from me (if I remember correctly, he was called Agar, the assistant to the commander).

“Agar, what is it?”

“No. Nothing.”


It didn’t look like nothing, but I didn’t pursue it any further and continued eating.

It had different flavor from Bane’s delicate dishes.

But I prefer Bane’s for my brother. What was I thinking?

Before I knew it, Agar was talking to His Highness Gresis.

“I have something important to tell you about the mission. Give me time after dinner.”

“Did something important happen?”

“Yes. It’s very important.”

“What? Okay, I get it.”

His Highness Gresis didn’t hide his troublesome attitude toward Agar, who was speaking casually.

I know that they are good friends with each other.

It’s the first time I’ve seen His Highness Gresis who seems to find it troublesome.

It was a little fresh because I’ve never seen anything but a straight face.

“Then, I will return to the room first.”

After eating, I said a few words to His Highness Gresis, and left the dining room with my maid Mai.

At that moment, there was a loud rattling sound, and the dining room suddenly became noisy.

There is no door in the dining room, so when I look back, I can immediately see what the dining room looks like.

I wonder what happened? The knights are gathering around HIs Highness Gresis with some amazing force.

Agar said he had something important to talk about, so that must be the reason.

When he was with the knights, His Highness appeared to be more open and lively than when he was in the royal palace.

Looking at his earlier exchanges with Agar, the knight order must be a place where His Highness Gresis can be in a natural state.

I quietly left the place so as not to disturb him.

I returned to my room, was taken care of by Mai, and took a bath.

I waited for the return of His Highness Gresis while drinking tea.

However, there is no sign of him returning even after eleven o’clock.

“Your Highness, I think it would be best for you to take a rest so that you don’t feel tired tomorrow.”

Mai looks worried.

She must be more tired than me, so I have to let her rest early.

“Yeah, I’m going to rest now.”

“Then please take a rest.”

Mai leaves the room and I lay down on the bed on the right side of the entrance.

While staring blankly at the bed next to me, I waited for HIs Highness Gresis’s return, but before I knew it, I fell asleep.

It seems that Prince Gresis stayed up late with the knights, and when I woke up early in the morning, he was no longer in bed.

The comforter was in disarray, so I knew that he had probably laid down a little.

I wonder if everyone is okay with lack of sleep?

It’s only been a day.

The knights are waiting to subdue monsters once they reach the frontier.

I couldn’t help but worry.

“There are many guards outside, so there is no need to guard inside the carriage. You can take a break in the carriage, so please sleep.”

I tried calling out to the knight in the carriage.

“It’s okay. It’s part of my mission.”

The knights stubbornly refused to take a rest, so I consulted with His Highness Gresis during the break.

“It’s part of my duty not to worry the escort target. That’s what the commander told me.”

Assistant Commander Agar told me when it was his turn to get on the carriage.

“Then, I will take your word for it.”

Thanks to His Highness Gresis, who understood my feelings and responded immediately, the knights declined a word and then fell asleep.

After all, the knights fell asleep, and even if I talked to Mai and Crane, there was no sign of waking up until the next break.

The Tenar Kingdom is a country that was created by clearing forests in the mountains, so country roads and forest roads continue to the frontier.

The resting place has a waterside and a slightly open place was chosen, so it was perfect for refreshing.

I open my arms and inhale the refreshing scent of grass, flowers, and trees, and feel the natural energy filling my body.

“Aren’t you tired?”

His Highness Gresis is the one who is sleep deprived and should be tired from riding a horse all the time, but he always takes care of me.

He is kind in that way.

“Yes, I feel fine when I come into contact with nature.”

When I answered with a smile, His Highness Gresis, who was watching over me, narrowed his eyes and gave me a nice, gentle smile.


Almost at the same time as my heart throbbing, the knights who were waiting in the distance let out an indescribable voice, which surprised me.

When I looked at them, they were talking to each other with a serious expression while looking at us.

Suddenly, I remembered that the knights were gathering at His Highness in the dining room.

“Maybe the knights have something important to talk to you about during the break. Wouldn’t it be better to go?”

At my words, His Highness Gresis shook his head and spoke.

“No need. They’re only thinking about nonsense anyway.”

“Huh? Those serious-looking knights?”

I tilt my head in disbelief.

“It’s true that they’re serious about their work, but it’s something else in their heads.”

Even though I pretended to be calm, I saw His Highness Gresis’s smile, and my heart throbbed when I held his hand.

“It’s true that you are free in your head.”

The outside and inside are not necessarily the same.

I knew it from experience, so I was strangely convinced.

I want to know what they talked about after Lilith went back to the room! Author, why must you tease my poor curious heart?!

I am considering putting advanced chapters on Ko-fi as I finish translating them. If you would be interested in that, please let me know in the comments. If not, we will just continue on as we have been.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!