Outside the castle town centered on the fortress, the forest spreads out.

That will come true today.

On the first day of His Highness Gresis’s holiday, the sky was clear and it was a perfect day to go out.

“Even though it’s a holiday, is His Highness Gresis wearing a knight’s uniform?”

“Just in case. The weather is fine today, so let’s go on a horse.”

“It’s good, if it’s horseback riding, you can ride as much as you like.”

“No, Lilith is just recovering from illness, so let’s share a ride.”

His Highness Gresis, who had straddled the horse first, put me in front and grabbed the reins to cover me from behind.

It was as if I was surrounded by His Highness Gresis.

On the rooftop, in bed, and now on horseback.

Lately, I feel like I’ve been wrapped up in various ways by His Highness Gresis.

However, there was no sign of getting used to it at all, and I was just embarrassed by the embarrassment.

His Highness Gresis, along with the assistant commander, Ager, and the two frontier knight guards, ran the horses.

After leaving the fortress, passing through the town, going under the gate on the outer wall, and crossing the bridge over the trench, the forest spread out in front of me.

In the forest, the sun shines through the trees, and the pillars of light make it look magical.

The refreshing scent of fresh greenery and the small flowers blooming at my feet healed me.

While enjoying the scenery from horseback, His Highness Gresis’s voice echoed near my right ear.

“There’s a waterfall ahead. It’s a place we always stop by on subjugation missions, but the water is beautiful and the scenery is nice. Let’s have a meal there.”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to what kind of place it will be.”

When I turned around, his face was closer than I thought, so I hurriedly looked forward out of embarrassment.

When I was concentrating on the scenery, His Highness Gresis suddenly stopped the horse.

“Lilith, we’ll get off the horse here.”

I was assisted as I was told and dismounted from the horse.

“Your Highness, the horse is-”

“Be quiet. There is a monster.”

His Highness Gresis stepped in front of me and readied his sword. In an instant, two large creatures about 5 meters tall ran towards us.

It’s like a lizard? But the head and limbs are hairy.

In the blink of an eye, His Highness Gresis swung his sword, cutting the tendons of the monster’s limbs, causing the monster to collapse on the spot, and only its neck was moving violently while emitting a strange sound.

His Highness Gresis blew its head off with more flowing swordsmanship.

Botori, and a large head rolled around my feet, and I felt that our eyes met.


A voice came out involuntarily, and I hurriedly covered my mouth with my hand.

His Highness Gresis, who immediately stabbed his sword between the eyebrows on its head, was bathed in blood and had a ruthless expression that I had never seen before.

The three escort knights were in the middle of fighting the other monster, and had just finished cutting the tendons of its extremities.

Without hesitation, His Highness Gresis cut its head off and stabbed it between the eyebrows.

He pulled the sword out of the monster’s head, shook off the blood and returned it to the scabbard.

It happened in an instant.

“I’m sorry, I showed you something you didn’t like.”

I shook my head sideways.

It’s fine, I’m glad your safe. I wanted to say that, but what happened in front of me was so shocking that I couldn’t speak.

“I have to do post-processing, so please wait.”

His Highness Gresis and the guards are dismantling the monsters and taking their meat.

To be honest, the dismantling of a monster is scary.

However, I was impressed that the knights had not only subjugation but also dismantling ability.

His Highness Gresis said after finishing the work.

“Her Highness Princess Lilith, come this way.”

Agar, the assistant unit commander, stretched out his hand from the horse.

I hesitantly took his hand, was pulled up, and straddled in front of Agar.

When His Highness Gresis blew a whistle, the horse that I thought had escaped earlier came back.

His Highness Gresis straddles the horse that has returned, and goes forward as if to lead the way.

What should I do, I made him angry. He doesn’t look at me at all. Wasn’t it wrong not to speak out? Even though he called out to me, was it useless that I couldn’t reply?

There are many things that come to mind.

What should I do, I have to apologize.

We reached our destination, the waterfall.

Fine sprays of water drifted like a thin mist, and although the slightly damp air was comfortable, my feelings remained depressed.

“Excuse me, but please wait in that hut for a while.”

His Highness Gresis pointed to a wooden hut with a chimney.

You always say it when you have something to say, but why don’t you say anything? That’s what I want to hear.

But I don’t want you by my side. When I thought about being rejected, I was too scared to ask.

“Nature is comfortable, so I’ll wait for you nearby.”

With a smile on my face, I asked Agar to dismount from the horse and sat down on a nearby rock.

“Please wait a little bit.”

Agar quickly laid out a rug.

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing.”

Agar’s smile soothed me and distracted me a little.

His Highness Gresis began to wash away the blood at the water hole right next to the waterfall.

Not only his hands and face, but also his jacket began to be taken off, revealing his well-trained physical beauty.

Shocked, I averted my eyes in haste.

“When we get dirty from subjugation, we wash the dirt from our clothes in the water here. Beastmen are particularly sensitive to smells. If it’s really dirty, you have to take off the top and bottom, so you often get naked, but as expected, that’s not going to happen today.”

Ager told me, who was blushing.

“I’ve kept you waiting. Shall we have a meal? It’s peaceful, do you want to have it here?”

While I was relieved to see His Highness Gresis, who sat next to me and treated me as usual, I couldn’t get the matter from before out of my head.

“I’m sorry, I seem to have offended you just now.”

I was finally able to say it.

“Huh? No, there was nothing to worry about?”

“Really? You didn’t ride with me or make eye contact with me, weren’t you angry with me?”

Feeling uneasy, I stared at the yellow eyes as if peering into them.

“…I’m sorry, there seems to have been a misunderstanding.”

That’s good, he looks me straight in the eye and talks to me.

“At that time, the dirt and smell were terrible, so I left it to Agar, who was not dirty. I thought you would be scared of me just like with the monster, so I couldn’t make eye contact.”

“Your Highness?”

Certainly, the monsters that became like that after subjugation were scary enough to appear in my dreams.

But even though I thought it was amazing, I didn’t feel scared of His Highness Gresis who protected me.

“I thought Lilith would reject me so I couldn’t look you in the eye. I’m so scary when I’m subjugating monsters that I’ve been dubbed the Black Demon God.”

His sad expression made my heart hurt.

There was no way I could reject such a kind and wonderful person.

I sat down so that I could see His Highness Gresis’s face better, and gently touched His Highness’s cheek with my finger.

“It’s impossible to reject you. I want to be by Your Highness’s side. From now on, forever.”

I realized after I said that.

I like His Highness Gresis as a man.

I have no intention of marrying and loving you. Even with that being said, it didn’t do much damage.

The royal family lives for the sake of the country, and if I can spend my time freely for the sake of friendship, there is no problem. I thought that.

But just now I thought, I’m afraid of being rejected.

And knowing that His Highness was also afraid of being rejected by me, I was happy that he felt the same way.

“. . . thank you.”

He gently grabbed the hand that was touching his cheek and kissed my finger.

It’s good that my feelings were conveyed, but I’m in trouble because of doing such an embarrassing thing lightly.

“Wah, my fingers are not food.”

I tried to pull my hand out, but he wouldn’t let go.

“It looked delicious, so I couldn’t help it.”

He gave me a mischievous smile, and this time he kissed me on the back of my hand.

“So, Your Highness. . .”


Still staring at me, I don’t think he’ll let go of my hand yet.

“I would like to send the meat of the monsters you hunted to my homeland.”

I desperately change the topic.

“Okay. I’ll make arrangements. You don’t waver, Lilith.”

His Highness Gresis gave a wry smile and kissed my palm.

“His Highness is the one who doesn’t waver.”

I can’t help but blush.

Diverting the topic ended in failure, but I think I can achieve my goal of sending monster meat to Onii-sama, so let’s say it’s good.