The pregnant woman was also slightly surprised when she heard Miantang’s fluent barbarian language. Looking at Miantang’s bright features, she could not be a person outside the Checkpoint. But why did she knows how to speak her native language so fluently?

But there was no time to think about it, and another burst of unbearable contractions came. The woman grabbed Miantang’s hand, as if she had caught the last straw, and held it tight.

Miantang also held her hand and comforted her softly.

It was also her fate. The highly skilled miracle Doctor Zhao Quan soon came to Cui Ji pharmacy.

Just as Miantang expected, Zhao Quan returned from the Jinjia Checkpoint today. He happened to meet the secret sentry looking for him at the town’s gate, so he stopped his carriage and horse, explained the situation, and soon came to the medicine shop.

The study of Zhao Quan’s medical skills is based on his talents and hobbies. He is very good at complicated diseases. However, in the gynecology category, he never looks at it due to his noble identity as the Marquis.

Now the woman is having difficulty giving birth. Although he guesses that the fetal head is not in the right position, it is not easy for him to push the pregnant woman’s stomach. Otherwise, the innocence of the woman will be destroyed. Isn’t he going to be the ready-made father of the child?

Miantang saw that Doctor Zhao, who is usually out of tune, had a lot of taboos at this time. She was fed up with him being a gentleman. So she finally broke the taboo of not talking to Zhao Quan and asked directly, “What should I do? You teach me, I’ll do it!”

As soon as Zhao Quan saw that Miantang had finally spoken to him, he did not have the time to be happy. He only asked her to touch the pregnant woman’s stomach to see where the head of the fetus was at the moment.

Miantang reached out and touched it. At first, she was a little confused. At that time, the fetus in the pregnant woman’s stomach was clever to even hiccup. It was easy to identify the small head now.

It’s just that the head of the baby is making people worried. The head of the baby is facing up.

The first time Zhao Quan delivered a baby, he encountered such a thorny matter. If he could do nothing, wouldn’t it be a great disappointment to Miantang?

At that moment, the miracle doctor stirred up the fighting spirit. If the pregnant woman is unable to give birth smoothly, how could he show his ability?

At present, the pregnant woman is given a unique acupuncture point, and the foot is stimulated by moxibustion. At the same time, Miantang was asked to give the pregnant woman a special massage technique to try to turn the fetus around.

In this way, Miantang was so tired that her hand had no more strength. The pregnant woman’s breathing was also like the air when she finally turned the head of her child.

The next thing was taken over by Servant Li and other familiar old women.

Fortunately, the baby was not big, and after the birth, it was very smooth. But when the baby came out, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck, and the face was purple and blue. If it was dragged any later, it would be hopeless.

When the midwife hurriedly cut the umbilical cord, Zhao Quan quickly turned the baby upside down and slapped the baby’s buttocks. The baby finally choked on a mouthful of amniotic fluid and cried out.

Miantang was as tired as she had just given birth to a child. She poured herself into the chair with sweat and asked Fang Xie to pour her a cup of hot water.

Because the woman had just given birth to a child, she was very physically exhausted and could not move for a while, let alone be affected by the wind. So Miantang asked her to rest in the wing room of the medicine shop for a while.

The woman’s face was pale and had not recovered. However, the soft baby was sleeping on her side. Although she was very tired at this time, she had a happy smile on her face.

When Miantang came in to see her, she struggled to get up and thank her. Her Chinese was fluent, only with a slight accent.

Miantang handed her sugar water to replenish, and asked, “Where are you from and who is your husband?”

At this time, it was not easy for the woman to hide her foreign identity from the benefactor. What’s more, the medicine shop owner could speak the barbarian language, which added some trust and goodwill to her.

So she said, “I’m a member of the Guri tribe outside the Checkpoint. I married a businessman inside the Checkpoint. He has been away from home for years, so… Nobody was to take care of me this time…”

When she said this, her eyes were a little red, and it seemed that there was some unspeakable grievance, but she hid it and did not say it. She even tried to hold back her tears and turned to look at the baby in her swaddling clothes.

Miantang was considerate and did not ask again.

When a foreign woman marries into the Checkpoint, it means she has no father or brother to rely on. She doesn’t know what kind of man she married, but he had the heart to leave her wife, who was pregnant, without leaving enough silver for her to cope with unexpected needs.

Miantang saw that in the delivery package she brought with her, the baby swaddles that wrapped the child were all made from the old quilt. This woman is obviously having her first child, and people usually make a new one. It can be seen that she is too poor to make a new swaddle for the baby.

Moreover, the Chinese name of this woman is Lin Siyue. Her Chinese is very good. Her words and sentences seem to be educated. Her appearance and behavior are not like ordinary vagrants outside the Checkpoint. She doesn’t know how her life was before she married.

However, the old servant of Lin Siyue, chatted with Servant Li privately and told the truth. Where did her master go out to trade? Her madam was coaxed out by her husband!

It turned out that Lin Siyue was married to the Hu family, a big family in nearby Tianqi Town. The Second Young Master of the Hu family went on a business trip outside the Checkpoint and got to know Lin Siyue.

The Second Young Master is also good-looking. He is as handsome as a girl. After they met for a while, the two of them secretly agreed to live for life. Lin Siyue, despite her father’s opposition, decided to elope with the Second Young Master to the Checkpoint.

However, how can this woman who has made a private agreement get the approval of her husband’s mother-in-law?

The Hu family is rich, and it’s not a family that can’t afford to marry a daughter-in-law! Therefore, the old lady of the Hu family is also picky about Lin Siyue, and she refuses to agree with her second son to marry her as the legal wife.

She had no other way, so Lin Siyue took on the role of concubine after eloping. Hu Lian, the Second Young Master, said that he would persuade his mother to change her mind after she gave birth to a son.

However, when she became pregnant, the war broke out at the border. The Old Lady Hu gave an excuse that if there were foreign women at home would provoke the anger of the people in the village and even involve the family. In the end, she threw her twenty taels of silver and a roll of old bedding and coaxed her out of the house.

From the beginning to the end, the Second Young master Hu who had sworn to Lin Siyue never showed up.

Nanny Sheng is an old servant who is going to return to her hometown to live her life in retirement. The Second Young Master still considers some past relationship with the Lady, so he secretly gave her some money and asked her to take care of Lin Siyue, who was about to give birth.

Nanny Sheng is kind-hearted. Looking at Lady Lin, she is too pitiful. So she took on the job.

In the first few months, the Second Young Master sent someone to secretly give them money, but later he did not send anyone again. It was not until she went to the rice shop to buy rice on credit that she realized that the Second Young Master had married a new wife!

Nanny Sheng could not bear to leave Lady Lin behind, so she decided to take care of her till her birth, before taking leave and returning to her hometown.

It’s just that she doesn’t know what to do with this orphan and widowed who was abandoned by the man in the future.

Liu Miantang didn’t expect this foreign woman who had difficulty giving birth had such an experience. It makes people angry.

But this road was also chosen by Lady Lin herself. She can’t blame anyone else now. What Miantang can do is to take care of the food and drink of the mother and son for free. If she is willing to go back to find the father, she will just give her some more money.

However, Lin Siyue seemed a little wooden.

Although she later learned that Nanny Sheng had revealed the secret she hides, she did not feel ashamed, nor did she feel the deep resentment of an abandoned woman. She just smiled at the child in her arms all day long. She could eat three meals a day. Besides nursing the child, she slept, as if her husband had really gone on a long trip.

As for Miantang, the benefactor of saving their life, Lady Lin was also light-hearted. Although she thanked her, it was not extreme. She looked like she was living in her own home. She felt very comfortable.

Lady Lin’s behavior made Bi Cao hard to tolerate. She said to Fang Xie in private, “She’s a barbarian woman after all. There’s no etiquette in the Central Plains. No wonder his man doesn’t want her!”

Miantang, who was dialing the abacus, frowned slightly and reprimanded Bi Cao, “How can a man drive a woman out of the house when she has shortcomings? It’s okay for a man to say that. If you as a woman also says so, it’s no wonder that men all over the world look down on women!”

Bi Cao listened and hurriedly lowered her head to grind the herbs.

Miantang, however, really didn’t care whether Lady Lin had the heart to repay her kindness. It was only a small effort for her to cure Lady Lin. she did not intend to be rewarded by others. Naturally, she would not be critical of the woman’s words.

After Zhao Quan treated the pregnant woman, he did not leave in a hurry. After saving the pregnant woman that day, he originally wanted to take a cup of tea and leave.

Who would have thought that he was sitting at the counter and picked up several “exorcism amulets” on the counter? When asked, he realized that it was the prescription written by Lady Liu.

That word… Even if Zhao Quan can’t bear to scold the beauty and wants to praise her, he’s speechless. After careful identification, the highly skilled miracle Doctor Zhao Quan was shocked.

He thought that from the moment he study medicine, he would never dare to take the prescribed medicine of Lady Liu!

At that moment, Doctor Zhao Quan has a kind heart of a doctor and he couldn’t help but call Liu Miantang for a scolding.

He didn’t expect that he said so impolitely, Lady Liu was so convinced that she humbly asked him for a prescription.

Zhao Quan was greatly satisfied with the feelings of many men who had been defeated by Lady Liu. For a time, he also wanted to show off, so he wholeheartedly taught her how to write a prescription.

But even for the same disease, the symptoms of the patients are different, and the dosage of the medicine is different. How can it be explained clearly in a few words?

Thus, after Zhao Quan show an example of treating a serious patient with abdominal water, it seemed that all the people in the city were sick, and the patients poured in one after another.

Every time Zhao Quan treated a patient with his wonderful hands and kindness, Lady Liu looked at him with starry eyes.

Several times Zhao Quan wanted to leave and return to the State of Zhen. But the words rolled in his throat and swallowed again that he can’t tell. Thus, he sits in the medical hall, treating the long queue of patients outside the pharmacy.

Miantang originally thought that the medicine shop she opened would make her lose all the money. Unexpectedly, Zhao Quan’s arrival made the pharmacy finally see a profit from it.

When Cui Xingzhou returned to the Wuning Checkpoint again, he could not help frowning when he saw that Zhao Quan, who had been away for several days, was still there.

He stood at the corner of the street and stopped before he could turn out. The people in the medicine shop had not noticed him.

Zhao Quan changed into a plain white robe and wore a blue cloth square scarf on his head. He was gentle and unrestrained. From afar, he seemed to match Lady Liu, who was also dressed in coarse cloth but with a slender waist and charming appearance, just like the original husband and wife.

There was an old lady who had no eyesight, after she got diagnosed and was prescribed, she said in a loud voice to Miantang, “Boss, your husband’s medical skills are superb. We people from a radius of 100 miles away are lucky. We thank you both couple from the bottom of our hearts!”

Hearing this, Zhao Quan was so happy that he smiled and said loudly, “No worries, that’s what we should do!” and the voice of Lady Liu’s urgent explanation was suppressed.

Cui Xingzhou stood aside and heard clearly. He was covered with northwest frost. He waved to Fan Hu and said, “Why didn’t you tell me that Marquis Zhao is still here?”

Fan Hu cautiously and honestly replied, “Report to Your Highness, you had instructed me a few days ago. If it is not necessary, I must not leave Lady Liu for half a step. I must protect her with integrity… In addition, Marquis Zhao is not a villain, so I didn’t report it…”

Cui Xingzhou looked coldly at his honest and mindless subordinates. He felt that after the war ended, this group of secret sentries should be replaced from head to toe.

Anyone who has a clear eye should know that Marquis Zhao is more dangerous than a tiger to Lady Liu!

However, these secret sentries treated the Marquis as their own people.

In this case, when they return to the State of Zhen, he will deploy them to the Marquis’s Mansion to serve!

He didn’t bother to continue seeing Zhao Quan’s pride in pretending to be her husband again and walked past with great strides.

Miantang was busy taking the medicine. When she saw her husband returning with a bamboo hat, she immediately looked happy. She called her husband and hurried out.

Zhao Quan is enjoying the pleasure of running a medicine shop with Lady Liu. He is immersed in this happiness. Unexpectedly, Cui Xingzhou did not stay at the Jinjia Checkpoint and returned. The Marquis immediately elongated his face.

Cui Xingzhou gently greeted his good friend and asked, “Why hasn’t Brother Zhao returned?”

Zhao Quan has now figured it out. Even if Lady Liu loves Cui Xingzhou very much now, her title is not legit. She can’t even be counted as a concubine now. What kind of real married couple are she and Cui Xingzhou?

His shortcoming is that he only met Liu Miantang after, and Cui Xingzhou had an advantage over him. If they get along with each other as they do in the Wuning Checkpoint, they will surely have feelings towards each other over time.

Who is Lady Liu’s true love at that time, nobody knows yet!

Therefore, when Cui Xingzhou asked him, he said with high-sounding words, “The border war is in full swing, the doctors have run away, and the poor people left are short of doctors and medicine. How can I have the heart to leave the people and return to the peaceful place in the south of the Yangtze River?”

Cui Xingzhou continued to smile and said, “Brother Zhao has such a heart of love for the people. It’s excellent… The newly recovered township is short of good doctors. Why don’t I buy two more medicine shops for Brother Zhao there, so that Brother Zhao’s medical skills can be brought into full play, What do you think?”

Although those villages and towns were recovered, there was a danger of barbarian soldiers coming back at any time. What was Cui Xingzhou’s reason wanted to buy a shop for him there?

Hearing this, Zhao Quan glared at Cui Xingzhou angrily. He was about to open his mouth when he saw Miantang coming with a smile. Marquis Zhao immediately showed a gentle face and said, “The Ninth Master thinks very well, but there are several important patients in the Wuning Checkpoint who need continuous recuperation. If I leave, their lives are in danger. How can I, as a doctor, give up halfway?”

Miantang was listening, and could not help nodding approvingly.

On that day, she was reprimanded by Zhao Quan, she had a deeper understanding of “medical skills”, which was really beyond the reach of her layman.

However, after Zhao Quan came to the Wuning pass this time, he no longer talked a lot of strange things and was devoted to relieving the people’s worries. He helped people with pressing needs.

At first, Liu Miantang thought of her husband’s jealousy and did not want Mr. Zhao to stay. However, as Mr. Zhao said, several important patients really cannot leave him. If he is driven away, will it not cost the lives of those patients?

Miantang doesn’t have any private contact with Zhao Quan normally. To avoid suspicion, she specially rented another house for Zhao Quan in the town. When the war slowed down, she found a reliable doctor and thanked Mr. Zhao. She will ask him to return home before her husband comes back.

She didn’t expect that her husband would come to visit so soon. He happened to meet Mr. Zhao. This could not help but make Miantang feel short of breath, thinking about how to explain it to her husband.

However, her husband has a good manner. When he saw Mr. Zhao, he talked and laughed happily, saying that he was worried about the country and the people.

A pair of good friends confided in each other, and Miantang’s half-hung heart gradually eased.

However, when she returned to the mansion, Cui Xingzhou asked with a sullen face why she had not explained to the others the misunderstanding between her and Zhao Quan as a married couple?

In fact, Miantang loves to see her husband’s jealousy. He is a gentleman normally. However, when he looks at her ferociously, it adds to the strong and heroic spirit of her husband!

So Miantang only hung her two thin white wrists around Cui Xingzhou’s neck and sneered, “Why didn’t my husband talk about this when you were laughing with Mr. Zhao and only used it to reprimand me? Is it possible that you are also a man of friends like brothers and women like clothes?”

Cui Xingzhou thought that her giggling face was really like a street wanderer. She was very smooth and rascally, and what strange words did she say? She must have been spoiled by Zhao Quan.

Prince Huaiyang was completely gloomy. If anyone who knew his temperament saw him now, they would be scared to the ground.

However, Miantang touched his tight cheek and said, “Don’t be so unhappy. I have a lot to say to you… By the way, husband, do you know why I can speak the barbarian language?”

Cui Xingzhou was shocked when he heard this, and then asked, “How did you find that you can speak the barbarian language?”

So Miantang told Cui Jiu about rescuing Lady Lin who had been chased out of her husband’s house.

Cui Xingzhou heard this and said lightly, “I don’t know why you know the language. Maybe it was taught to you by Young Master Ziyu…”

This is really what it calls it never rains but it pours. Miantang had just put Mr. Zhao’s vinegar jar in place, and her effort was gone as she knocked over Young Master Zi Yu’s old vinegar as she turn around.

Miantang felt that in her journey from Lingquan Town, there was no hardship as tough at this time.

For a moment, she also felt a little self-abandonment. She could not help but loosen her wrists and beat her head in frustration. “What was the matter with me before? I learned chess from him, and I also learned barbaric language… Could it be that he was the teacher of the females, and I happened to learn from him? I really… Can’t remember…”

Cui Xingzhou saw how hard she hit, and immediately grasped her wrist, “It’s fine if you can’t remember. It’s not important…”

Miantang stopped hitting herself, but snuggled softly in Cui Xingzhou’s arms and said in a low voice, “I never thought what a woman who was abandoned by her husband’s family would be like before. But after seeing Lady Lin, I realized that she was so pitiful. Husband, will you turn over and forget my kindness and coax me out of the house?”

Cui Xingzhou sighed for a long time. He forgot Liu Miantang’s previous experience. Wasn’t it because the bandit Lu Wen was tired of playing with her and threw her into the river?

If it is more miserable, she is more pitiful than that foreign woman.

But he still tried to prevaricate with her about Ziyu. Wouldn’t it try to remind her of her painful memories?

Thinking of this, Cui Xingzhou could not keep his face tightened anymore. He held her up and said, “You said it was not easy for me to come back once, but why did you get upset first? Since you can speak a barbaric language, it’s really good. In the future when there aren’t any interpreters to interrogate the prisoners before the battle, you can be used to support…”

Cui Xingzhou is tall and strong, and his arms are steady and thick. It is a very safe and thick feeling to lie on it.

After smelling the sandalwood-like sense on Cui Xingzhou, Miantang’s heart calmed down. After all, her husband was not the irresponsible generation of the second son of the Hu family, who deceived an innocent girl into becoming a concubine. She and he were married with a marriage certificate. Her wild thoughts were groundless!

So she said it with a smile. However, Cui Xingzhou’s smile reduced, and said, “… Concubine. There is nothing wrong with being a concubine. For example, the girl should have known that she is a foreigner. How can she become the legal wife of a big family in the Checkpoint? But her man is not responsible. Otherwise, even if she is a concubine, she should be properly taken care of. It is better to live in a rich family than a nomadic life outside the Great Wall.”

Miantang felt that only a man would say something like this. She opened her eyes slightly and said, “If you can be a good wife, why do you want to be a concubine? If I were you, I would rather not be married than be a concubine!”

Cui Xingzhou’s smile was even lighter, and he looked at her straight. After a pause, he asked, “If I were to take you in as a concubine, are you willing?”

Miantang, however, thought that her husband was joking. She only looked at his handsome face, hugged and kissed him, and said, “If we can’t be a husband and wife like this, I’ll have a good time with you. Get a taste of your beauty of a handsome man first and when you’re tired of it later, we’ll part our way!”

The tone of her voice is very much like the King of the mountain and the prodigal in the hook!

Cui Xingzhou was also amused by her. He held her head with his hands and kissed her passionately. He then looked up slightly and looked at her with a slightly ferocious look. “Leaving after sleeping with me, it’s not that easy!”

Miantang doesn’t want to leave at all. She is her husband’s legal wife. Naturally, she wants to live with him forever. She only plays with his long belt with her long finger and said in a soft voice, “I won’t leave until I have given birth to your child…”

It’s unbearable to be so charming. Cui Xingzhou’s eyes were deep, and he almost lost his self-control. He only said to her in a low voice, “When the war is over, we will return to the State of Zhen. I will let you have enough child!”

However, the wish of Prince Huaiyang to extend his descendants could not be realized for a time.

Because the first great victory of the Jinjia Checkpoint was a heavy blow to the arrogance of barbarians. Although the lost land in the border areas was not fully recovered, the enemy and they are no longer under the pressure of large armies as before.

For a time, the people in the border areas were no longer in danger, showing a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. But Cui Xingzhou got a piece of secret information. The barbarian soldiers didn’t retreat. They were just like wolves surrounding their prey and waiting for an opportunity to move.

Shanyu Agufan, the new barbarian, is a person that doesn’t slack off. How can he give up?

Speaking of it, this Agufan is a natural wolf.

He was originally the old Shanyu’s adopted son, but he killed his brother in name and took the throne in a bloody way. In fact, he was unpopular among the barbarian tribes.

At that time, not everyone in the barbarian tribe agreed to attack the Great Yan Dynasty. However, Agufan’s methods were bloody. For a time, he intimidated the general tribe, so they could only follow him.

However, Agufan thought he was the savior of the barbarian tribe.

The brother who was killed by him has no son but only one daughter. Now she is missing. So even if his brother doesn’t die, can they still let a woman inherit the throne?