Chapter 9 - Chapter 8


((( ERIEZ )))

"That kid had been through so much," Wenziel said to no one specifically.

I agreed and opened the file at my hands. His neat signature caught my sight first. Then the dried tears that made some of the printed ink bleed on the paper.  

"Do it," the doctor nodded at my words. Several people went in with him.

Wenziel did too but I chose to be left outside the room. Before the doors closed, I caught a fleeting glimpse of James and got lost at the sight of white walls again; a thing that has gotten too familiar to me my entire life as a doctor. I went back to gazing at the ticking hand of my wrist watch.

"Time of death…" I heard the muffled announcement from inside and decided to walk down the corridor after Zhio.  

"Farewell James," I whispered in the sterile hospital air.

((( ZHIO )))

The glittering flashes of camera looked like stars on land that late afternoon. People stared from the lobby and some more crowd looked when I exited the hospital.

Reporters littered around and swarmed me to possibly get my statement.  

My mouth felt too sore to even talk and all the flashing lights around invaded the privacy I wanted for myself after my father had just died. My men formed me a barricade and it was only at those times that I was able to appreciate their presence.

The visit wasn't held a secret to the people.

My life was too newsworthy for social media to ditch. They are actively on the watch for something big to happen.

They are constantly waiting to reveal a flaw that could taint my family's reputation. After father fell on a coma, their secret lenses followed me wherever I go. At that moment, I was also vulnerable to death. Security was heavy throughout the vicinity in case an attack is attempted against me. Amid all the clamour and questions, all I wanted was some peaceful place to go.

Deo, my secretary, squeezed in through the crowd to escort me back to the hospital. I've been careless enough to have went right through the main exit.  He led me and the rest of our guards to the hospital's backdoors.

"Your keys," I ordered. Deo handed them to me without questions.

He knew too well that people are familiar with all my cars and I really didn't want any mass attention that moment.
