Chapter 19 - Chapter 18


((( ZHIO )))

It was a hate article by the company's enemies.  Nothing new about it. I just laughed at all the ill wishing all this people did against me.  


The conference has begun when I entered. Wenziel caught my sight first and I was glad he made it here.  

Finally after five years, all their distrust towards me were expressed. They ranted about my hard headedness. How I wasn't as level-headed as my father to even reject a few proposition that could positively boost the company.

All of it boiled down to one implication: replace me from being the official CEO. The grave risk of angering the majority is the possibility of most stakeholder withdrawing their shares. But I wasn't that afraid since I know most these people are cowards avoiding lose-lose situations.  

After all, Zel Cantheliz is still at the top in the market.

I scuffed at all the shits coming from their mouths.

"Zhio is legally eligible and according to the company's succession plan he is to replace the position his father vacated," Wenziel spoke.

"Has he not proven his worth in the past five years without his father? He has tripled the stock value of the company and increased the annual sales with his strategies."

"That is because both Eriez and you were around. What if you weren't? This company will be doomed to bankruptcy. Zhio was just too stubborn to think straight without parental guidance," Chairman Do spat.

I have always hated the guts of that old man.

I suddenly bit my lip. Since it has come to the mention of family, I couldn't hold the anger boiling inside me.  

"I don't need people who doubt my abilities. Go pack your asses if you think I can't, this company can't, thrive without you. I am Zhio Zel Cantheliz! And as long as I rule, the Zel Cantheliz will not taste defeat."

I caught Deo giving me a quick triumphant smile. It wasn't like me to be provoked and suddenly brag but I had enough.  

"What else is there to discuss?" I sat back.

The room was suddenly tensed and some mumbling erupted. But none of them dared to speak. Only the Chairman gabbled on.  
