Chapter 167 - Chapter 167


"Baked," he pointed out,

"And salt-free. You have to reduce bad calories and sodium. Anyway I got you a fresh tomato puree."  

It still looked appetizing so I took some.

I'm certain there was something Zhio wanted to talk to me about.


"I'm pregnant," she said with a hint of final acceptance.

I just listened.

"But I didn't want our situation to reach this. I don't want any other life get involved."

I just let her speak again.

"If you're asking for repayment for all the good deeds you've done to my family, you should've asked me first if I needed your help. I could've had refused it."

I just smiled in response.

"I'm serious Zhio!"

"I'm glad we're having a proper conversation right now." I finally spoke.

"Yes. There's a lot of things we have to talk about."

"Let's start with our baby."

"I'm sorry Zhio," she withdrew her gaze from me.

"But I'll decide if we're keeping this baby or not. I think not."

My devil was resurfacing again at that phrase.

"And why?"

"This kid will live miserable. We're not a couple and this child wouldn't have a family to grow up with."

"Oh c'mon Claire. I'm marrying you."

"Marriage? This baby is an accident and we don't have any feelings for each other. Why should we get married?"

"Maybe you don't…but I love you Claire."


I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You're only saying that you love me because I'm carrying your heir," she gabbled on. Her tears streamed down again.

"You're crying again," I sighed. "I love both of you."


"Please believe me Claire. I love you even before you conceived that baby."

"You're just using me. Tell me that you're just using me," she stood up.


She shook her head.

"I don't want to hear your lies anymore."