Chapter 186 - Chapter 186



"The fact is I need to trim down business partnerships with fake people," Zhio's voice was as cold as the hypothermic air-conditioning.  

I adjusted my coat as all of us listened to what he has to say.  

Nobody dared to go against his words.  

He didn't tell us where he had been during his absence. But before the conference ended, we were all surprised at his revelation.

"You almost killed me Mr. Chun."

All eyes gazed at the old Japanese man.

Chun's eyes narrowed but he gave Zhio a challenging smile,

"How could you say it was me who tried to kill you?"

Zhio kept his stare locked at him.

"Bring them in."

The doors opened and seven men trudged inside. Zhio's own men and police officers trailed behind. The criminal entourage stood behind Zhio.

"Now tell me who among these people hired you fucktards to kill me?"  

The men's heads remained bowed as their fingers pointed to one man; Mr. Chun.

"Atty. Wenziel…"

I looked up as Zhio stood.

"…I want to pull out the project under his directorship. I also want him out of my Board and most of all, make sure Chun will rot in prison."

He was about to leave but the sound of a pistol's safety lid being lifted stopped him. Chun was pointing the gun at Zhio's head.

Everybody was staring at the dangerous metal he was holding.

"If those useless men couldn't kill you, I will."

One of Zhio's men reflexively tried to disarm Chun but before the gun fell off, a bullet was fired.

I warily turned to see who was hit.  

Until one of the stockholders fell with a bleeding shoulder…

But I was almost breathless when Zhio suddenly collapsed too.


Zhio and the stockholder was immediately brought to the hospital. He wasn't hit by the bullet but he was burning in fever.

It was from the wound beneath his shoulder blades and we affirmed he was bitten by a dog. We injected him vials of anti-infection and a dose of vaccine to wane off the contingency of rabies.  

He was put under thorough observation whilst his captors were interrogated. We found out that Zhio stayed for four days at a rural hospital where his identity was unknown. He's been unconscious within those four days.

The next morning, he requested to be transferred at the mansion.

So we did.


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