Chapter 211 - Chapter 157


((( ZHIO )))

"Fine. I'll order our food."

"I wan--" she cut her own words.



I was about to go out when Sya brushed by again. She was carrying a change of clothing for me and behind her, some maids trailed by with trays of food in tow.

"I'm glad she's awake now," Sya exclaimed.

"I knew both of you were famished so I brought some food."

"Let her eat first. I'll just change," I took the clothes from her and turned back at them towards the bathroom.    


He'll get sick?

"Why? What did he do?" I asked Sya as she went into view.

"He's just gotten here late from a far place. He's really worried about you."

"He did?"

Sya laid the foods on the portable bed table.

Zhio returned in different casual clothes.


He turned to me.

"Why didn't you rest first before going back here?" I asked him.

He approached me and took the spoon from Sya.

"I'll feed her."

He sat on the bed and scooped a spoonful from my plate.


"No thanks," I smiled at him.

"I could still eat perfectly by my own efforts."  

"No, I insist," his expression was unyielding,

"Open your mouth."


I blushed at the thought but still opened my mouth. The act looked extremely childish.

"Where's Eriez?" Zhio asked Sya without looking at her.

"He's in the laboratory. He said he wanted to talk with you."

"About what?"

"He didn't tell me exactly but I think it has to do with the results of Miss Claire's condition. By the way, I have to go back to the mansion to prepare your room."

About my condition?

Zhio spoon-fed me again.

"Results? Did they find out what my sickness was?"

"We'll know soon. Open your mouth."

He fed me again.


I nodded. My mouth was still food but I was getting thirsty.

He handed me the glass of water,


I drank it slowly and looked at him. In all fairness, he could be a great personal nurse.

"What's funny?" he noticed me smiling.

"You look cute."

Where on Earth did I get those words? Why did I say that?