((( RHIO POV's )))

I noticed Jasmin was avoiding me.


"Let's eat," I told her.

"I've already eaten."


"Are you bored? Let's walk outside," I asked her.

"I just want to sleep," she answered coldly.

And again…

"Jasmin, let's eat. I brought you food."

"I don't like that," she replied before even seeing the food that I got.

"What do you like to eat?"

"Nothing. I'm still stuffed."

And whenever I tried to be affectionate, her temper would go sour. She rarely talked and didn't want to talk to me. I almost felt like I've been seeking her attention too much.

What's her problem?

Did I do something wrong? Did I break a promise?

I sighed as I thought over our past conversations. And indeed I made a promise to her. I've forgotten about the marriage.

I could ask Deo to organize a simple wedding in the mansion. I bet Jasmin would be surprised.

Secondly… I think I promised I would take her outside the villa.

Although I couldn't come with her, that promise must still be fulfilled. She looked bored lately.

I even noticed she got inclined into knitting.

"Are you upset with me?" I sat beside her.

"Why would I?"

"Because I forgot my promises to you. I'm sorry about that. And I also apologize if I couldn't come with you on a stroll outside the villa tomorrow."

((( JASMIN POV's )))

"A stroll? Tomorrow?"

"Yes." He smiled, "But promise me you'd be safe."

I nodded. Is that a chance for me to escape? I hugged him.

"Are you making me feel guilty?"

Sena Mangampo Copyright Property

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