Chapter 397 - 393 Agree to join

((( JASMIN POV's )))

I got up early for something else until a Kindergarten Teacher came up to me for a favor.

She was asking if I could go and accompany the children on their tour to the zoo.

I didn't refuse.

Although I had no vigor to do anything that day, I agreed to come anyway.

"We're so early today," Derick greeted me.

He was also up before the sun even rose to the sky.

"...I should've cooked today instead. I've been freeloading on you," I said.

"It's okay."

"And... I'll be with going today with the kids from the nursery nearby. A teacher asked me to." Derick nodded.

"I think it's better than sulking whole day. Can you take Aby with you? The Landlady said she'd be leaving today."


"I hope you'd talk it over with Rhio. I don't want to see you that way..."

"Thanks. But...I guess I need to think about it."

"...The things that will be good for your family," Derick said.

I just nodded. And I too will have to decide if I should still be staying or leaving that place.

Why would my memory still have to come back if all I'd get from it was pain?

((( RHIO POV's )))

The following day has a nice weather so I'd have to keep my promise to Kevin.

I called Deo to secure the whole zoo. And if they could, a few visitors inside would be preferable.

"...Sir, a Kindergarten is expected to come to the zoo today...should I tell them to reschedule their visit?"

"I guess not. Kevin would be too obvious of there are a people there, much less kids."


I ended the call just as I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in…"

"Good morning, Daddy!" I smiled.

"Morning...your smile's so wide today…"

"Because the weather's beautiful. Means we're going to the zoo!"

" asked Father God right?" He nodded.

"Daddy…it's still safe for you to come, right? Even without your men in weird suits?" I pinched his nose.


Like Jasmin...he didn't to be followed either.

"You're very much like her," I said.


"Those guys tails better than shadows...they will protect you from people with bad intentions. Safety is to priority but because you're confident about Daddy…I'll be just us."

"Yey! I love you Dad. You're really the best Daddy."

"Alright, enough with the flattery. Go and have your breakfast."

He ran out excitedly.

I really needed to give Kevin a whole family. I didn't want him to grow up like me. I had to make sure his childhood would be memorable and happy.

"Just follow us secretly. Stay outside the Zoo and watch well," I called my men.

"Yes Master Rhio."