The sword has no eyes, and it didn’t take long for several corpses to fall in the courtyard.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the figure of the two men in black flashed and they fled.

Ji Mingshuang asked Wan Xiang to stay, and immediately chased after them.

He really can’t think of how a small Wu family can provoke so many killers.

Unless, they attacked the Wu family because it has something to do with his Ji family.

Then he, Ji Mingshuang, can’t ignore it no matter what!

As soon as Ji Mingshuang left, Ji Yunxi walked out.

Wan Xiang immediately came forward to confirm her safety: “Miss.”

Ji Yunxi shook her head: “I am fine.”

She looked at the direction of her Seventh Brother’s departure. Although she knew that the problem was not big, she was still worried, “Go and have a look.”

“But——” Wan Xiang hesitated for a moment, then her eyes met Ji Yunxi’s eyes, and she immediately clasped her fist, and followed after.

She is the maid of the young lady. She will do whatever the young lady says.

As soon as Ji Mingshuang and Wan Xiang left, only a few corpses were left in the back courtyard, and the two people who were looking at each other across the door.

Xuezhu, who had endured for a long time in the dark, jumped out immediately with a broom, wanting to sweep away the dirt in the back courtyard.

Wu Wei’an glanced at him: “Go down.”

Xuezhu gave an ‘oh’ sound, then aggrievedly hugged the broom and walked back.

Wu Wei’an was dressed in his bedclothes and wrapped in a quilt. He looked as if he had fallen asleep and just woke up because of the movements.

Of course, it just looked as if.

He was very tall and when wrapped in a quilt, one corner of the quilt hung down at his calf and did not fall to the ground.

Wu Wei’an walked out of the room slowly and bowed lightly to Ji Yunxi: “Third Miss is really on time.”

Ji Yunxi slightly tilted her chin toward him: “You are welcome.”

Wu Wei’an’s half-smiling eyes fell on her face and he found that she was not at all afraid when she saw the dead in this place.

He squatted down, rummaged through the corpses one by one, and asked: “Someone wants me to die. Do you know why, Third Miss?”

Ji Yunxi followed him and walked over, then stood aside, looked down at him and said: “Someone doesn’t want me to marry.”

“Oh, why?”

Ji Yunxi was in a great hurry to get married, and she didn’t hide this matter at all.

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According to her temperament, if she is in such a hurry, there must be something behind it that Wu Wei’an doesn’t know.

Ji Yunxi was quiet for a moment, but she didn’t hide it from him either: “Ten days later, on the third day of the twelfth lunar month, the Grand Astrology Bureau will look at the stars and found that the red Luan[1]stars had moved, so it is advisable to spread branches and leaves[2].”

It is advisable to spread branches and leaves, so the draft will proceed as usual.

Wu Wei’an was a little surprised. After savoring it for a moment, he smiled and said with admiration, “This chess play, is not bad.”

Indeed, it took three years to set up this chess.

If it weren’t for her being a book transmigrator and having golden fingers, she is afraid she would also be fooled.

Wu Wei’an asked again: “How did Third Miss know about this?”

Looking at the actions of the rest of the Ji family, it seems that she is the only one who knows about this matter.

Ji Yunxi watched him turn over the body, she moved her feet away to avoid it, and didn’t answer the question but asked instead: “How did Young Master know that someone will come to assassinate you tonight?”

Wu Wei’an chuckled softly but didn’t say anything anymore.

Both of them have secrets and also tacit understanding.

Ji Yunxi looked at the corpse in the courtyard and asked him: “So, what do you think?”

Wu Wei’an went up and down to dig out the pockets of the corpse.

It’s just a great pity that these assassins have nothing of value on their bodies.

But he still dug out every pocket carefully, and even took the time to reply to her: “I can only agree to the marriage. Whether the marriage can be successfully done or not in the end, I am not the one who has any say in it.”

Ji Yunxi’s eyebrows didn’t move even the slightest when she replied to him with a word: “Deal.”

Wu Wei’an added again: “I will not participate in the affairs of the court for the time being. I must first prepare for the imperial examination in the spring next year.”

This is the best, but Ji Yunxi only nodded: “It’s good.”

Wu Wei’an sighed, and as if he didn’t know about stopping at the right time, he continued: “The Wu family is short of money.”

Ji Yunxi: “Don’t worry.”

These two simple words have a strange soothing effect.

Wu Wei’an felt that his heart, which had been worrying about money all day long, was immediately settled: “Alright. I will ask my father to propose marriage to your house.”

[1] Luan: a mythical bird like the phoenix, but it’s blue in color.

[2] Spread branches and leaves: this is a metaphor that originally refers to the growth process of a tree, starting with a small tree, gradually growing into more branches and leaves, and then these branches grow more new branches and leaves again. But this word is generally used to describe people and families. Like a tree growing up, it reproduces (produces) and produces new, more offspring.