Wu Wei’an closed his mouth and had nothing to say anymore.

That’s right. He also worked so hard to do things for the current Emperor. Such a tiring work, but his salary is just this little amount.

And his wife? What she has been busy for is all for her own business. When she went to Kaitaizhuang and was busy for a day there, the money she earned is estimated to be the total amount he can earn after years of hard work in the imperial court, right?

The more he compares it, the colder he feels. He then remembered her warehouse in Kaitaizhuang again.

Wu Wei’an suddenly said: “By the way, you seem to have not pay enough money.”

Ji Yunxi frowned: “What?”

Wu Wei’an ignored the hostile eyes of Baofu who was on the side, and faced Ji Yunxi with a serious expression: “You haven’t given the money for robbing the people at night.”

Ji Yunxi: “?”

The maids are styling her hair, and Ji Yunxi stretched out her hand to signal them to stop.

Then, she turned around and faced him directly. Her voice was erratic: “What did you say? Can you say it again?”

Although the two of them didn’t make it very clear at the beginning, they both knew that the two thousand taels already include the fee of looking for people and robbing people.

Although no paper agreement has been signed, the oral agreement is also an agreement.

But now Wu Wei’an’s behavior is tantamount to turning over after the fact and asking for more money.

It is equivalent to destroying the oral agreement that the two of them tacitly agreed to before.

Ji Yunxi didn’t like this very much.

To be honest, she is not short of this little bit of money.

Even if he asked for five thousand taels at that time, she would give it too.

But now, when he asks for more money, she turns unhappy instead.

Does he take her as a person who can be deceived because of her generosity, so he wants to go back on his word?

Wu Wei’an looks at Ji Yunxi and can clearly feel her emotional change at the moment.

Her tone was full of threats. Those eyes, which seemed to be able to speak, stared at him like a female wolf.

He felt that if he really said it again, his days might be coming to an end.

Such as those new clothes, such as the never ending ice in the room, such as the delicious food for three meals a day, such as the very delicious ice cream.

But is he Wu Wei’an a person who will bow down for five buckets of rice?

His expression didn’t change, his expression was light, and his tone was light, but he spoke very fast: “I said you haven’t given the money for robbing people at night. But don’t be angry first. It’s very cheap to rob people and fifty taels is already enough.”

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Ji Mingyan followed his colleagues from the Dali Temple early in the morning and went around the Ministry of Punishment several times.

He finally knew all about the security layout around it.

Therefore, he had nothing to do anymore and just had to wait for his Third Sister to give an order. So he brought his powerful version of sleeping-drug and a pile of new drugs to show his skills.

When Ji Mingyan was feeling bored, he heard that his Brother-in-law’s thin horse still had not been found yet.

His brother-in-law is even about to fall ill and didn’t even go to the Imperial Academy today, and he stayed at home to rest instead.

Ji Mingyan is very worried.

One is for the body of his Brother-in-law.

And second, it is for the thin horse.

The thin horse was raised and fed by him, and he already has some feelings with it from feeding it.

The horse is already so thin, and now it’s also lost. Thinking about it living in the street made him feel that it is so pitiful.

It would be even more pitiful if it encountered a thief, was stolen by the thief, and was enslaved day and night.

Ji Mingyan immediately returned to his courtyard, stayed in his poisonous insect nest for a long time, and finally found his soul chasing insect.

Soul chasing insects are not poisonous, but they have a keen sense of smell and are very good at tracking.

Ji Mingyan liked it very much at the beginning. He collected one and took it home. After playing for a while, he got tired of it and threw it into his poisonous insect nest.

Now, this soul chasing insect that had been neglected by him for a long time, can finally see the light of day again.

Ji Mingyan took his soul chasing insect to the Wu family’s stables, picked up some of the thin horse’s hairs, and took the soul chasing insect to the place where his Brother-in-law lost his horse yesterday.