Chapter 790 Returning To His Maid

Name:The Primordial Record Author:
Chapter 790 Returning To His Maid

After comprehending all this about the nature of the Soul, what Rowan needed to do was eliminate the impurities in the soul of a mortal and increase its mass to its maximum limits.

The gaze from his eye contained pure Soul Energy worth more than three hundred Soul Crystals. Rowan would have to confirm the power of his newly created gods but he was sure they would be far more powerful than a normal god due to how powerful he made their souls.

An average god might have a soul that was a tenth as strong as these two gods and he had eliminated every single impurity inside them. These two individuals were so perfect that even the universe would not have been able to create the conditions for where they might exist.

He might have overdone it a little and made the souls of these two gods extremely powerful, but Rowan chalked it to the benefit of being the first gods he produced using his Dimensional powers, the next batch of gods would not have such powerful souls.

This was the final process for step two.

This alone would not create a god, the last part of that creation was to create the right conditions for the Domain of the god to be developed. Step three.

Every god was unique in the sense that they all had different Aspects of power that they controlled, even in the same elements, every god was different. Two gods who controlled flames would have their powers diverge in two different styles, this change was also enhanced by Intent.

After a mortal ascends to become a Minor god, the power of godhood would lead them to develop Intent that could merge with their unique abilities giving the gods the ability to grow.

For a god to truly evolve and ascend to become more powerful, they needed Intent. Without Intent, a Minor god would remain in their position forever.

A Minor god would never become a Major God if they do not control at least two Intents. A Major God could not become a High God if they do not control at least three Intent. A God King required five or more Intent, while a God Emperor was unknown, Rowan felt that a God Emperor was supposed to control the power of Will.

The grade of Intent also affected this distribution, where a single Purple grade Intent which was the highest ranking of Intent was enough to create a God King. So an extremely lucky or talented god could become a God King with a single Intent if it was of a high enough rank.

The intent of this level should be one that was extremely close to the power of Will.

Rowan had given birth to many unique powers during his ascension to a state of Will and becoming a One-dimensional entity.

Rowan did not forget about the ability of his Angels to fuse with other creatures, and he wondered what would happen when he began fusing his Angels with gods.

Rowan left Circe five more Spirit Guises as help, he needed to focus on the next important task.

His Forge and Ascension to a Two-Dimensional Entity.

Rowan would also be seeing Maeve again, which was a plus. The message from his mother signified that she might hold a piece of the puzzle about his past.

Dismissing his consciousness from this Spirit Guise, he channeled it to the eighty million Spirit Guise he had sent on this journey to a dead planet at the edge of nowhere.

They took so long because he made them journey through the material universe and not through the Underverse. It would be too easy to trace their path through the Underverse, but in the material universe, they would be lost in its vastness.

When his perception reached the planet, at first Rowan thought he was mistaken, when he left this world, it was dead. Its previous inhabitants all perished billions of years ago after stripping the planet of every resource it had to give, leaving nothing but an endless labyrinth filled with nothing but gigantic pieces of machinery.

This world now was lush with life, and the cry of a newly born world consciousness. However, sensing the familiar wave of energy emanating from the world Rowan smiled and descended accompanied by eighty million Spirit Guises.

This place was to train Maeve and help her to the peak of mortality, and now that he had the capability of cleansing her soul and making her Immortal, he was here to finally free her of any shackles.

It appeared that he might have been too late.


Absomet, the former Rune Ship of Tiberius the God of War, had been tied to the branches of a massive tree for three weeks now, her limbs being flailed around by the intense wind that ravaged this planet.

She wished the reason she was being treated like a piece of disposable equipment was because she might be serving a higher purpose, or even being punished, but the truth was that they just wanted her out of the way, and so she was given to the children as a piece of toy.