Chapter 830 I Am Taking You All On.

Name:The Primordial Record Author:
Chapter 830 I Am Taking You All On.

Dark red clouds covered the continent and the heavens opened up and began weeping blood. The God of War in all his glory was a great and terrible force.

A thousand Avatar of War roared at the same time towards the tiny figure of Telmus, "I will show you power that would make all of existence despair!"

The earth bubbled and collapsed as the ground for tens of thousands of miles transformed into a sea of blood. Everything died, including millions of Earth gods that were unlucky to be caught in the fringes of the battle.

Around Telmus, stretching for a mile was an area of peace. The Earth remained the same and the wind blew gently across his skin, even without the sun, there was still a bright diffusion of light around him. His presence gave his surroundings order inside the chaotic domain of the God of War that had covered the entire continent.

The Avatars of War stretched their hands to the skies and the heavens shattered to pieces as a thousand Halberd, the size of mountains emerged from the cracks, made from the Essence of the God of War, each of these Halberd could kill a god.

On the shaft of the Halberds were screaming faces of all the creatures whom the God of War had tasted their blood, their eyes were wide open with madness and bloodlust, as they all directed their gaze towards Telmus, and they cried for his blood.

The Halberds became red with the color of blood that fell from the eyes of the screaming games, and with a wave of a thousand hands, they were shot down towards Telmus by the Avatars.

The white-haired man whispered, "It is not enough."

He brought his left hand which was hanging casually by his side to his front, and the entire world seemed to go silent. The weight of a thousand Avatars of War bore down on him, but they all seemed so slow, it was as if he had all the time in the world.

Telmus looked around for a weapon and then he felt the breeze passing through his fingers and he seized it, "This would have to do. Your purity would remind them of app they have lost."

He began to feed his Intent into the breeze, closing his eyes in concentration. His surroundings that were free of chaos and blood began to shrink. The Halberds fell down faster until it seemed it would be touching him in the next second, but Telmus was deep within himself as he created his greatest weapon using the last pure air in Trion.

He poured a thousand Intent of Wind into the breeze and it solidified, creating an invisible blade of wind.

A thousand Intent of Fire and the blade burned white.

A thousand Intent of Frost and the blade enlarged, gaining a shade of blue.

A thousand Intent of the Earth...

Her rage disappeared and fright took its place. This was not a battle she had any authority or power to participate in. Telmus had proven that beyond the shackles of his mortal bodies, he was on a level she could not touch.

"How could the distinction between them be so vast?"

The Empress eyes fell to the blade held casually in Telmus hand and her eyes exploded, she shrieked and crawled into the ruins of Aroth, fighting to stay alive as the sight she had seen dug into her brain like needles. She felt a cold hand of darkness took hold of her, and she shrieked in fear before recognizing the Aura of her servant.

"Take me out of here!" The Empress screamed, before losing consciousness.


Telmus's body flashed and appeared a mile in the air, he swung his blade one more time and he shattered the domain of the God of War, the blood red sun returned to its previous glow, the Earth swallowed the poisonous blood and the heavens took back its color.

However, the damage was already done, and this continent could never be whole again, Tiberius had poisoned it.

Telmus shook his head in anger, the creatures he called gods were all insane, and it was time to end it all. He always knew that this day would come, and he wondered why he had chosen to deceive himself for so long that turning his eyes away made it better.

His voice spread to all of Trion, as he spoke his declaration to the gods. A declaration of war.

"Tiberius, God of War, you are not enough. As the gods would bear me witness, I challenge all of you for the right to let my people go free! Boreas, Bacchus, Volgim, Horush, Kuranes... Minerva, come before me or I shall hunt you down to your thrones and drag your wailing bodies to the sword."

Trion went still, even light stopped moving through it, casting darkness on the entire planet. Then the heavens opened and the earth cried out as all the gods of Trion descended.

Their presence were palpable, and their fury shook all of creation.

"How dare you Telmus," Minerva cried out in fury.

Telmus calmly sliced off the remaining chains holding him bound, he had been fighting the God of War while his body had been shackled, "Silence Minerva I am done with your words. Prepare yourself,"

He pointed his blade at the gods, "For I'm taking you all on. To the death."