Chapter 909 Defiance Of The Fall

Name:The Primordial Record Author:
Chapter 909 Defiance Of The Fall

It was Rowan's story told through a weapon of battle, and Pride did not disappoint, the sentient weapon from an unknown age served as the instrument of Rowan's heart, and she gave it her all. Pride became an instrument of his Will.

The song continued, rising higher and higher, and then ebbing until there seemed to be nothing but silence and then growing again.

It was Rowan's tale that was told in a manner that resounded in the bones of his enemies and crushed them all from within.

The screams from the dying and the dead increased in pitch, but they were added to the song, becoming part of its unique flavor. A song that has never been heard since the dawn of creation was born here.

Only a being like Rowan would make a song like this. It was a shame that only his enemies could hear it.


The Demon Prince at the forefront of the army had died dozens of times, and every time he was resurrected, thousands of lesser Immortals died to take his place. His Tower Shield which could bear the weight of a million galaxies had cracked and was at the edge of destruction, held only by the stubborn Will of his lord, the Winter King.

He roared as he took a step forward, that single step was as if he was pushing against an entire universe. He felt his Spirit break and shatter before the might of the mortal in front of them, and for a moment he was drowned in darkness before he felt the shift in his soul and he was reborn.

Dying was never easy. Dying like a mortal on this bridge was a thousand times worse, and the strength of mind and spirit that had grown with him over the endless Era was tested like never before.

His bright blue eyes looked past the myriad of flashing lights, calamitous explosions, and screams, it gravitated to a single figure wrapped in a golden and black corona of destruction and creation.

His hair which seemed to hold every color in creation flew in a tempest of energy, his eyes were closed and he seemed to be at peace. In the midst of the hell of his making and theirs, this mortal was at peace.

The Demon Prince roared his fury, but it did not last, even his fury broke before the might of this song and only his conviction made him take the next step. He was the Herald of the army, and every step he took carried the rest of the army behind. Without him, they would be ground to pieces.

his chest was a slight tear, nearly invisible, and on it was a single drop of blood.

The Demon Prince heard the voice of this mortal and he shuddered, it was filled with power, charm, and horror.

"Of all the Immortals, only you stand before me, I shall have your name, demon, for you deserve to draw my blood."

The Demon Prince shook, and then he struggled to look behind him, the mighty army that he expected to stand behind him was all gone. The last of them vanished in a pile of ash as he watched.

As he had struggled forward through the maelstrom of death, it would seem that the toll of pushing towards the mortal had drained the life of the hundred million immortals left in the dead universe. Every god, demon, and mage had perished... except him.

He could see his steps that had scorched themselves in the ground fading away on the bridge. He had burned through his entire immortal lifespan to reach their enemy. He was their herald and he had upheld the might of his brothers in battle.

He turned to Rowan and bared his teeth in defiance. In death, he would remain nameless, and his victory would be complete.

The eyes of Rowan widened in surprise and he nodded. "I will keep this scar in remembrance of the valor of this army."

The Demon King sighed and his head dropped to his chest, and blue flames covered him as he turned to ash.

Rowan was quiet as he watched the death of the noble demon. The Twilight bridge rumbled and fully turned blood red.

He looked up at the figures that had reached the edge of his bridge. Their individual Auras eclipsed the immortal army that had just perished by an inestimable amount.

Shaking himself from his melancholic mood, Rowan returned Envy as the primary component of the weapon and he seized the Great Axe and stepped forward.

"Let's end this."