Chapter 912 Elura’s Gambit

Name:The Primordial Record Author:
Chapter 912 Elura's Gambit

Golgoth eyes widened in fear, and Rowan could see the disbelief inside them, the Reflection had seen his power but he could not understand how deep it went. Rowan's strength did not just come from the powers of his flesh, which was quite substantial, but also from the fact that he was a dimension.

As a mortal, he could not yet access all the powers from his dimension, but the thing he could briefly access was his weight.

Although the passive field of energy around his body made Rowan virtually weightless, if he wanted he could access his true weight, he had stopped measuring when only his arm weighed a quintillion tonnes. How can you measure the weight of a dimension? And not just one dimension but three dimensions in one, because Rowan had preserved his first and second-dimensional body.

Even with his unreasonable strength and constitution, if Rowan wielded his full weight with his present power, he would tear himself to pieces, but he could apply that weight in the right places making his attacks truly devastating. The nearly indestructible nature of Envy and Pride made them the only weapon that he could use without holding back.

Golgoth armor was also supposed to be nearly indestructible, likely made from materials sourced from outside the universe. Rowan's strength and Envy's edge made sure that he could tear through this armor while they were on this bridge.

An inch from cutting into his chest, a pale red glow surrounded Golgoth's body and blocked the blow, it shattered a moment later but it gave the false God King the chance to thrust himself backward, but his screams of fear and for aid had also alerted Rowan to the possibility that he could be saved and he shoved his left hand forward, grabbing the fleeing Reflection by its only leg, halting him in midair, and slamming him into the bridge with so much force, Golgoth's armor nearly exploded and black blood shot out from every opening, the screams from the Reflection grew more shrill.

Rowan borough Envy upwards to split Golgoth in two, but in a stunning move of desperation, tentacles erupted from the mouth of Golgoth and severed the limb in Rowan's grasp, and like an undead insect cut in half, he scuttled away to safety, pulled away by the tentacles in his face.

Looking at the limb he was holding in slight disgust as it was still struggling, filled with a perverse life force despite the absolute nature of the Twilight bridge, "Oh well," Rowan muttered, "Waste not, want not," he tossed the limb to his crown and it was devoured in two quick bites.

He still attempted to move, although the energy of the red lightning seemed to be infinite, holding a creature like Rowan bound for long would require more.

Even as a mortal, Rowan found it ridiculous that anything could hold him bound, after all, although he had the shape of a man, he was a freaking dimension. A quick look into his dimension revealed it was covered by red lightning.

The red lightning contained potent energy, but it was not enough to incapacitate him, what made it truly powerful was the form it took. It was strange, reminding him of the energy inside the Eld Seed Elura charged Maeve to give him that he had refused to open.

He frowned, knowing that the mysteries behind his Third bloodline gained from Elura were vast and most likely linked to a Primordial, he wanted nothing to do with this power for the moment.

The reason he could fight against the Wills of the Primordials holding his blood and his fate bound to their Will was because one of them was dead and the other was incapacitated, he doubted that this mysterious third Primordial that was linked to his Third Bloodline was in the same condition.

At this time, his last bloodline was free of any Will, but something told him that the moment he ingested the Seed, his bloodline would no longer be free from manipulation.

It seemed he was in an impasse, and somehow Elura must have known that he would come in contact with a form of energy that he could not understand, and in order to save himself, he would have to make a choice.

Even faced with this unknown form of energy that was ravaging his body, Rowan felt no regret for not opening the Seed, at that moment it would have led to unintended consequences, and although this decision was coming to bite him in the face at a crucial moment, all Rowan could truly feel was excitement.