Chapter 29 Beast Market

Name:The Primordial Tamer Author:
In the morning, Orion had woken up freshly in the morning. He got dressed and was preparing to meet up with Maya to go to the Beast Market. The Beast Market was a bustling hub of activity where people from all over the world came to buy and sell Beasts. It was the perfect place to find a new Beast, but it could also be overwhelming with so many options available.

Orion met up with Maya outside the academy gates, and together they made their way to the market. As they walked, they talked about their preparations for the upcoming competition and how excited they were to show off their skills.

Once they arrived at the Beast Market, they were immediately hit with the sights and sounds of the bustling marketplace. People were everywhere, haggling over prices and examining various Beasts. The air was thick with the smell of different types of fur, scales, and feathers.

Maya and Orion walked through the market, scanning the stalls and looking for potential Spirit Beasts. Maya explained to Orion that her awakened talent was better suited for thunder-based Beasts, so they focused their search on those types of Beasts.

As they walked, they came across several Rare Beasts that caught their attention. However, Maya explained that Rare Beasts could evolve into Spirit Beasts with proper training and care, but it would take a lot of time and effort. As Advanced Beast Tamers, Maya and Orion had the skill and experience to handle Spirit Beasts, so they decided to focus their search on finding one that was already in Spirit Beast Realm.

Maya examined several Spirit Beasts, carefully studying their attributes and abilities. She was looking for a powerful Beast that would complement her current Spirit Beast and provide additional strength and versatility in battle. Orion provided support, offering his insights and observations as they went from stall to stall.

After a while, they came across a stall that had a thunder-based Spirit Beast on display. Maya's eyes lit up with excitement as she studied the Beast, noticing its powerful lightning attacks and lightning speed.

Both of them directly took out their phone that had been given by the school. These phones were very handy for checking a status of a beast that they found.


Species Name: Thunder Wolf

Attributes: Thunder

Realm: Spirit Beast


Thunder Fangs - An active skill that imbues the wolf's fangs with powerful thunder energy, allowing it to deliver a devastating bite that can stun and electrocute its target.

Thunderbolt Pounce - An active skill that allows the Thunder Wolf to leap great distances and strike its target with a powerful bolt of thunder.

Thunderclap Roar - An active skill that unleashes a deafening roar, creating a shockwave of thunder that can damage and disorient nearby enemies.

Thunderstorm Shield - An active skill that creates a protective shield of thunder energy around the Thunder Wolf, shielding it from incoming attacks.


Thunder Fury - A passive ability that imbues the wolf's body with potent thunder energy, allowing it to move at incredible speeds and strike with lightning-fast attacks.

Thunder Resilience - A passive ability that enhances the Thunder Wolf's durability and resistance to thunder-based attacks.


The Thunder Wolf is a powerful Spirit Beast with an affinity for thunder energy. Its abilities allow it to move and strike with lightning-fast speed, while its skills make it a formidable opponent that can deliver devastating blows to its enemies. While usually found in Rare Beast Realm, a Spirit Realm Thunder Wolf could be found and stronger than a normal Thunder Wolf in whole another level.


Both of them were a bit surprised to see the data. Thunder Wolf was usually a Rare Beast, but This one in front of them was a Spirit Realm Thunder Wolf. This Thunder Wolf had the potential to evolve into a strong beast.

Maya was conflicted about the Thunder Wolf. She already had a Thunder Elemental Tiger, and she wanted to find a different type of Beast to add to her collection. However, the shopkeeper noticed their interest in the Thunder Wolf and approached them.

"Ah, I see you've taken an interest in our Spirit Realm Thunder Wolf. It's quite a rare find," the shopkeeper said, gesturing towards the Beast.

Maya and Orion looked at each other, considering their options. The Thunder Wolf was a powerful Beast, and as Advanced Beast Tamers, they had the skill to handle it. After some discussion, Maya decided to take a closer look at the Thunder Wolf and see if it was the right fit for her.

Maya approached the Thunder Wolf's cage and studied the Beast closely. The Thunder Wolf growled, its eyes sparking with thunder energy. Maya could feel the power emanating from the Beast, and she was impressed with its abilities.

"Can you tell us more about the Thunder Wolf's potential for evolution?" Orion asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper nodded. "Certainly. While usually found in Rare Realm, a Spirit Realm Thunder Wolf has the potential to evolve into a much stronger Beast with proper training and care. With your skills as Advanced Beast Tamers, you could help this Thunder Wolf reach its full potential."

Maya and Orion exchanged a glance, considering the possibilities. After a moment of thought, Maya made her decision.

"I don't want it for now. I need another type of beast that can complement my Thunder Elemental Tiger." said Maya confidently.

Orion understood what Maya meant. Even though The Thunder Wolf's potential was good but she needed another type, so she could only ignore it for a moment.

"Let's go then. Let's look at other shops. There may be a shop that could satisfy your requirements." said Orion. Maya only nodded and began to leave the shop until the shopkeeper stopped them.

The shopkeeper's expression had suddenly turned serious as he stepped in front of them. "Wait, before you go, I have something important to tell you both," he said in a low voice.

Maya and Orion looked at each other, a bit surprised by the sudden change in the shopkeeper's demeanour. "What is it?" Maya asked, intrigued.

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I couldn't help but notice that you two are Advanced Beast Tamers. And, if I'm not mistaken, you're both students at the Apex Academy. Am I right?"

Maya and Orion exchanged a brief look before confirming the shopkeeper's assumptions.

The shopkeeper nodded. "I see. Well, in that case, I have something very special that I think would interest you both."

He led them to a secluded area at the back of the shop, away from the other customers. Maya and Orion followed him, curious about what he had to show them.

"What is it that you have to show us?" Maya asked, her curiosity piqued.

The shopkeeper gestured to the surrounding area. "This is the black market, where we deal in rare and powerful Spirit Beasts that are not usually found in the regular market. These Beasts are not for everyone, but for those with the skill and experience to handle them."

Maya and Orion looked around in amazement, seeing a variety of exotic and powerful Beasts on display. The air was thick with the scent of fur, scales, and feathers, and the sounds of growls and roars filled their ears.

"These Beasts are not for sale to just anyone," the shopkeeper continued. "But for Advanced Beast Tamers like you two, I am willing to make an exception."

Maya and Orion looked at each other, unsure of what to make of the situation. They knew that the black market was a risky place, but the opportunity to obtain a rare and powerful Spirit Beast was too tempting to resist.

As they continued to survey the area, they noticed that there were also many customers from various academies, each with their own Beast Tamers in tow. Maya and Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and competition, as they knew that obtaining a powerful Spirit Beast would give them an edge in future battles and competitions.

The shopkeeper approached them, sensing their hesitation. "I understand that this may be a lot to take in, but trust me when I say that the Beasts here are well taken care of and come from reputable sources. I can assure you that you won't find Beasts like these anywhere else."

Maya and Orion looked at each other again, weighing their options. They knew the risks of dealing in the black market, but they also knew that the rewards could be great. After a moment of thought, Maya spoke up.

"What do you have to offer?" she asked, her tone serious.

The shopkeeper smiled, sensing that he had their attention. "I have several Spirit Beasts that would be perfect for Advanced Beast Tamers like you. They have unique abilities and strengths that can complement your current Beasts and make you a formidable team."

Maya and Orion exchanged another look, considering their options. They knew that they had to be careful and make smart decisions. But the opportunity to obtain a rare and powerful Spirit Beast was too tempting to pass up.