Chapter 199 Sky Wing And Aqua Tempest Sects

Name:The Primordial Tamer Author:
The principal gestured to the first representative to step forward, and the room fell silent as the Sky Wing Sect's representative made his way to the stage. He was a tall, imposing figure with sharp, piercing eyes and an air of confidence about him.

"Good day, students," he began, his voice carrying clearly throughout the room. "I am here to introduce you to the Sky Wing Sect, one of the most prestigious sects in this region."

The students leaned forward in anticipation, eager to learn more about the Sky Wing Sect and what it had to offer.

"Our sect is renowned for our exceptional ability to tame and control flying beasts," the representative continued. "Our members undergo rigorous training to develop their skills in the art of beast taming, allowing them to form strong bonds with their flying companions."

As he spoke, the representative summoned a small, colorful bird to perch on his outstretched hand. The bird chirped and fluttered its wings, eliciting gasps of admiration from the students.

"In addition to our mastery of taming flying beasts, the Sky Wing Sect is also known for our profound understanding and cultivation of Wind and Thunder elements," the representative continued. "Through our training and cultivation, members of our sect harness the power of these elements to strengthen themselves and their flying beasts, making us a force to be reckoned with in battles."

The students listened attentively as the representative spoke, impressed by the Sky Wing Sect's abilities and achievements. They could sense the passion and pride in his words, and it was clear that he believed in the Sky Wing Sect and its mission.

As the representative from the Sky Wing Sect finished his speech, the room buzzed with excitement. The students were eager to ask questions and learn more about what the sect had to offer.

One student raised their hand and asked, "What will we get if we enter the Sky Wing Sect?"

The representative smiled and responded, "If you are accepted into our sect, you will be given a beast for your first contract beast. This beast will be chosen for you based on your affinity with it, and it will become your companion and partner in your cultivation journey."

The students murmured in excitement at the thought of having their own beast companion. They had heard of the Sky Wing Sect's reputation for their exceptional ability to tame and control flying beasts, and the prospect of having their own beast was thrilling.

The representative continued, "However, it's important to note that while we do provide resources and training for our disciples, you will still need to work hard and earn your place within our sect. Other resources, such as medicines and equipment, will need to be earned through completing tasks and passing tests within the sect."

The students nodded, understanding the importance of hard work and dedication in the cultivation world.

"Thank you for your time," the representative said, bowing to the students. "If you have any further questions or are interested in joining the Sky Wing Sect, please visit our group at the designated location."

As the representative made his way back to his group's stand, the students chattered excitedly amongst themselves, already weighing their options and considering their potential future with the Sky Wing Sect.

As the representative from Sky Wing Sect stepped down from the stage, the next representative made his way to the front. He was from the Aqua Tempest Sect, a powerful sect of cultivators renowned for their expertise in taming aquatic beasts and their mastery of the Water element.

The representative had a commanding presence, with sharp, piercing eyes and a serious expression. The students watched him with rapt attention as he began to speak.

"Good day, students," he began, his voice clear and authoritative. "I am here to introduce you to the Aqua Tempest Sect, one of the most powerful and respected sects in this region."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in and then continued. "At the Aqua Tempest Sect, we specialize in taming and controlling aquatic beasts. Our members undergo rigorous training to develop their skills in aquatic beast taming, allowing them to form strong bonds with their aquatic companions."

The students listened in awe as the representative described the Aqua Tempest Sect's unique abilities and strengths. He spoke about the sect's profound understanding and cultivation of the Water element, which allowed members to create powerful waves and tsunamis to devastate their opponents in battle.

"Through our training and cultivation, members of the Aqua Tempest Sect are able to control the waters themselves," the representative explained. "This gives them a strategic advantage in battle, as they can create powerful barriers and manipulate the water around them to their advantage."

The students listened attentively as the representative began to speak about the Aqua Tempest Sect's specialization in aquatic beast taming and Water element cultivation. He explained how the members of the sect undergo rigorous training to develop their skills in these areas, allowing them to form strong bonds with their aquatic companions and harness the power of the Water element to devastating effect.

To illustrate his point, the representative summoned his own beast - a massive shark with gleaming scales and razor-sharp teeth. The students gasped as the shark appeared in the air, using its Qi to swim and maneuver through the air with ease.

"This is just one example of the incredible power that can be harnessed through the Aqua Tempest Sect's teachings," the representative said. "Through our training and cultivation, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to tame and control aquatic beasts and become a master of the Water element."

As the representative called back his beast, one of the students raised their hand and asked a question. "What kind of benefits can we expect if we join the Aqua Tempest Sect?" The representative smiled at the question and paused for a moment to consider his response.

"As a member of the Aqua Tempest Sect, you will receive a contract beast to accompany you on your journey," he began. "This beast will be specially chosen for you based on your talents and abilities. However, to access our extensive resources and training facilities, as well as the guidance of our most skilled cultivators, you will need to prove yourself through hard work and dedication."

He continued, "We believe in fostering a strong sense of community and camaraderie within our sect. Our members work together to improve themselves and their abilities, and we offer a wide range of training opportunities and resources to support this growth."

The students nodded thoughtfully, impressed by the offerings of the Aqua Tempest Sect. It was clear that joining such a prestigious and focused sect would not only provide them with powerful resources and opportunities but also shape them into powerful cultivators.

The representative finished his presentation with a nod of appreciation to the students. "Thank you for your attention. If you have any further questions or are interested in joining the Aqua Tempest Sect, please visit our group at the designated location."