Chapter 205 Going To Celestial Harmony Sect

Name:The Primordial Tamer Author:
Orion had spent the entire night cultivating his Primordial Qi. He had been determined to prepare himself as best as he could for the entrance test to the Celestial Harmony Sect. As the first rays of sunlight began to filter through his window, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he felt his cultivation level had improved.

But he knew he couldn't waste any time. He needed to eat and prepare himself for the day ahead. Just as he was about to stand up, he heard his sister's voice calling out from downstairs.

"Brother, come down and eat before they come to get you!" she shouted.

Orion smiled at her enthusiasm and quickly got dressed, making his way down to the dining room where his sister was waiting for him with a plate of hot food. He sat down and began to eat, savouring the delicious taste of the food and the warmth it brought to his body.

As he ate, he thought about the day ahead and what he needed to do to pass the entrance test. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to give it his all. He finished his breakfast quickly and went back to his room to grab his gear.

After finishing his breakfast, Orion gathered his gear and prepared to leave. He knew the entrance test would be a difficult challenge, but he felt confident in his abilities. Just as he was about to step out the door, he heard a knock. He opened it to find a man standing outside, wearing the emblem of the Celestial Harmony Sect on his robes.

"Are you Orion?" the man asked.

"Yes, I am," Orion replied, feeling a bit nervous but also excited.

"We are here to escort you to the testing ground. Please follow us," the man said, gesturing towards a car waiting outside.

"Brother, goodbye! Make sure to pass it!" she exclaimed, waving at him from the doorway.

Orion smiled at his sister and waved back, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort from her words of encouragement. He knew he couldn't let her down and was determined to do his best at the entrance test.

He made his way to the car, where the representative from the Celestial Harmony Sect was waiting for him. The car was a sleek, modern vehicle that seemed to glide effortlessly over the road.

Orion sat in the back seat of the car, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. He was on his way to the testing ground for the entrance exam to the Celestial Harmony Sect, and he couldn't wait to see what the sect had in store for him.

As the car drove on, he couldn't help but feel amazed at the beautiful scenery passing by outside. The rolling hills and lush greenery were a stark contrast to the bustling city he was used to. He wondered how the sect would fit into this natural environment.

After about two hours of driving, the car finally came to a stop in front of a massive mountain range. Orion was surprised to see that the sect was located in the mountain. It seemed like an odd location for a sect, but he was curious to see how they had set up their training grounds.

As Orion was being escorted to the Celestial Harmony Sect, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the scenery around him. The journey had taken nearly two hours, and he had been staring out of the window the whole time, taking in the breathtaking views of the mountains and forests.

As they finally arrived at the sect, Orion was surprised to see that it was located in the heart of a massive mountain range. The sect's buildings were built into the side of the mountain, and the entire complex seemed to blend in seamlessly with its surroundings.

As Orion stepped out of the car, he turned to the person who had escorted him and asked, "Sir, why is the sect located in the big mountain?"

The man smiled at him, clearly used to this question. "The mountain provides a natural barrier and protection for the sect. It also allows us to cultivate in a pure environment with minimal outside interference."

Orion nodded in understanding, impressed by the wisdom behind the sect's location. He couldn't wait to explore the sect and learn everything there was to know about cultivation.

"The mountain also provides richer Qi and also better environment to train with," added the man. "This allows the cultivators to progress faster and reach higher levels of cultivation."

As they walked towards the testing ground, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and nervousness. He knew that this test would determine his future and whether he would be accepted into the Celestial Harmony Sect or not.

As they entered the testing ground, Orion was surprised to find himself standing at the edge of a dense forest.

The trees were tall and ancient, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. Orion could feel the coolness of the forest, and the fresh scent of nature filled his nostrils. He felt like he was standing on the edge of a new world, full of possibilities.

As he went to the entrance, he was greeted by the representative from the Celestial Harmony Sect, who had come to his school the day before to announce the entrance test.

"Orion, you have come. Are you ready for the test?" the representative asked, his voice carrying a tone of authority.

Orion nodded confidently, feeling a sense of determination wash over him. "Yes, I am ready. I have been preparing for it."

The representative smiled at him, impressed by his confidence. "Good. The test will begin shortly. Please follow me."

Orion was soon brought to the place where other participants had gathered. He saw many youths there that were very excited about this. Orion knew that this test will be hard but Orion was not going down easily.