Chapter 251 Assassin's Talent : Poison Enhancement

Name:The Primordial Tamer Author:
The assassin who had ordered the Red Tail Scorpion to strike Orion with its venomous stinger stood back and watched as his plan succeeded. He let out a malevolent laugh, revelling in the satisfaction of seeing his enemy fall.

"You have been inflicted by my Red Tail Scorpion's poison," he sneered, addressing Orion directly. "You will die in two minutes."

The other assassins watched with eager anticipation, waiting for Orion to succumb to the poison. They knew that their colleague was a skilled fighter, and they trusted that he knew what he was doing.

"Finish him off, Red Tail Scorpions!" another assassin called out, urging his beasts to strike.

The scorpions moved in closer to Orion, their tails poised to strike. Their pincers clicked together menacingly, the sound filling the air with an eerie rhythm. The assassins circled around Orion, eager to see their enemy meet his demise.

"Keep attacking, Red Tail Scorpions!" a third assassin shouted, his voice filled with excitement.

The Red Tail Scorpions obeyed their masters' commands, attacking Orion from all sides. Their venomous stingers struck out repeatedly, their tails lashing out in a deadly dance. The assassins watched eagerly, waiting for Orion to falter.

But despite their best efforts, Orion remained steadfast. He dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and precise. He seemed to be unaffected by the poison coursing through his veins, his focus unbroken.

The assassins were taken aback by Orion's resilience. They exchanged uncertain glances, wondering if their plan had failed. The assassin who had ordered the initial attack stepped forward, a scowl on his face.

"What's going on? Why isn't he dead yet?" he growled, his voice filled with frustration.

Orion responded to the assassin's question with a sudden outburst of laughter, surprising both the assassins and their beasts. "Do you think this kind of poison can affect me? You are dreaming," Orion said, his tone filled with mockery and confidence.

The assassins were stunned by Orion's words. They had believed that the poison of the Red Tail Scorpions would be enough to take down even the strongest opponents. But here was Orion, standing before them, seemingly unaffected by their attacks.

"He's lying! He must be lying!" one of the assassins shouted, his voice filled with disbelief.

But Orion simply shrugged off the accusation, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Believe what you want," he said, his voice dripping with contempt.

The assassins continued to attack, their Red Tail Scorpions moving in with a renewed fury. But Orion remained unfazed, his movements fluid and graceful as he evaded their strikes.

With each passing moment, the assassins' frustration grew. They had thought that they had found the perfect weapon to defeat their enemy, but it seemed that Orion was more than a match for them. His resilience and skill were beyond anything they had encountered before.

As the Red Tail Scorpions continued to attack, one of the assassins finally stepped forward, his voice filled with defeat. "It's no use," he said, his shoulders slumping. "We can't beat him. We have to use our talents."

Orion smiled when he heard them, "Finally, you were going to use your talent. These scorpions are too weak," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

The atmosphere grew tense as the assassins exchanged glances. They knew that they needed to act fast if they were going to have any chance of defeating Orion. Without a word, they began to channel their Qi, focusing their energy on their Red Tail Scorpions.

As they chanted, the air around them began to shimmer, the power of their talents becoming visible. The Red Tail Scorpions glowed with an eerie light, their bodies writhing as they absorbed the energy of the assassins.

Orion watched the scene before him with interest. He could feel the power emanating from the assassins, their Qi resonating with the beasts. He knew that something significant was happening, and he prepared himself for whatever was coming.

The assassins' chanting grew louder, their voices filled with malice and determination. Their eyes glinted with fierce intensity as they poured all their energy into their Red Tail Scorpions.

The beasts began to change, their bodies morphing as the poison within them became more potent. Their tails grew longer, their pincers sharper, and their exoskeletons harder. Orion could see the transformation taking place, and he knew that the assassins' talent was working.

But even as the Red Tail Scorpions changed, Orion remained unfazed. He knew that he had the power and skill to defeat them, no matter how strong they became.

The assassins continued to channel their Qi, their bodies growing weary from the effort. But they refused to give up, their determination unwavering.

Finally, their chanting stopped, and the air grew still. The Red Tail Scorpions had been transformed, their bodies brimming with power. The assassins stepped back, their eyes fixed on Orion, waiting to see the effects of their talent.

As the Red Tail Scorpions had been powered up, the assassins looked at Orion with renewed determination. "See now. This is our real power," one of them declared, his voice filled with malice. "The earlier poison might not work on you, but the current poison will."

The Red Tail Scorpions, now infused with the assassins' enhanced poison, began to move with renewed vigour. Their movements were fluid and graceful, their tails lashing out with deadly precision. The creatures seemed almost supernatural in their speed and agility as if they had been possessed by some otherworldly force.

The assassins exchanged glances as they watched their newly transformed Red Tail Scorpions move in for the attack. They could feel the power emanating from their beasts, a potent combination of their own Qi and the scorpions' natural abilities. The assassins began to smirk, confident that their enemy would fall before them.

Orion, however, remained unfazed by their taunts. He stood his ground, his eyes fixed on the approaching Red Tail Scorpions. He had faced powerful opponents before, and he knew that he had to be careful.

The assassins continued to mock Orion, their voices filled with malice. "You thought you could defeat us," one of them sneered, his eyes fixed on Orion's every move. "But now you will meet your end."

The Red Tail Scorpions moved in with renewed speed and precision. Their movements were fluid and deadly. Their stingers dripped with the enhanced poison, and their eyes glowed with fierce determination.