Chapter 66: A Step-By-Step Plan To Move The Tiger Away From The Mountain.

The night was hazy, boundless, and unreal. While the weather felt even colder under the silver moonlight.

When Bian Zhonghua finally arrived at the wooden house in the outskirts of the forest, without stopping for even a second, he kicked the door open and walked into the house.

As soon as he stepped in, he could smell the pungent aroma of medicine. As Bian Zhonghua covered his mouth and nose, he looked around.

If it weren’t because there was a wooden table in the middle of the room, one could think this was a vacant house, since there were no other furnishings around. With the windows tightly closed, sealed with wooden boards, not a single bit of light could enter.

Since Bian Zhonghua wanted to find some clues, he gently raised his hand and the silver blade in his sleeve flew out, moving all over the room. At one point, the light stopped on a corner of the room, and right when Bian Zhonghua was about to explore that spot in detail, his eyes involuntarily landed on the wooden table.

On the wooden table, there was a food box that looked eerily familiar.

Bian Zhonghua stepped forward to open the food box, and sure enough, several pieces of white glutinous cakes were lying quietly inside.

These were the exact same kind of pastries Qi Ci gave Bian Zhonghua before. Even the food box looked exactly the same as the one Qi Ci gave him.

At that moment, Bian Zhonghua remembered something all of a sudden, something that made his expression change in the twinkle of an eye.

‘Why did Lu Yu let Qi Ci and me see that he had only three fingers in his hands that day? Lu Yu has been hiding for a whole year, and it’s pretty obvious that he knows how to hide well. By showing that to us, wouldn’t that mean he’s exposing his identity to us?!’

‘Of course, that was a step-by-step plan to move the tiger away from the mountain1!!!’

At that instant, Bian Zhonghua quickly turned around and ran towards the Residence, so fast that his figure became blurry.

The chilly night felt so gloomy that you could even hear the afternoon breeze making a whistling sound.

As soon as the tail of the black-scaled thin snake disappeared inside Qi Ci’s mouth, Lu Yu revealed a smug smile. As he looked at the-once-again-delirious Qi Ci, he caressed Qi Ci’s lower abdomen. While touching the soft skin, Lu Yu waited for the snake fetus to give him a response.

Lu Yu noticed Qi Ci for the first time when Qi Ci was still at the post station, a few dozen miles away from the Lu Family Village. After all, Qi Ci’s noble status and extraordinary bloodline could give birth to a powerful snake son. Lu Yu was determined that as soon as he could feel the response from the snake inside Qi Ci’s belly, he would take him captive. In any case, before the snake could be taken out of Qi Ci’s belly at full term, he couldn’t be disturbed.

However, after the response failed to appear, Lu Yu was in a state of uncertainty. As soon as his palm covered Qi Ci’s abdomen for a detailed exploration, Lu Yu suddenly saw that the red birthmark in Qi Ci’s chest glowed with a golden light. Lu Yu frowned and leaned over to take a closer look. At that instant, the golden light suddenly became incomparably dazzling! Lu Yu’s eyes were immediately affected by the blinding light, and as he reached out to shield his eyes, he was violently knocked to the ground by an inexplicable force.

On the bed, now free from the restraints, Qi Ci turned sideways to vomit a puddle of dirty blood to the ground while his fingers gripped the bedding with force, revealing the amount of pain he was currently in. 

Lu Yu rolled twice on the floor in confusion, and when he finally stood up, he suddenly noticed something. As his face turned white, he rushed forward to press Qi Ci’s abdomen with his left hand.


‘The snake isn’t responding to me!’

‘How could this happen?’

Lu Yu then looked at the puddle of blood beside the bed, breathing more and more anxiously.

‘Did this man spit out the snake?!’

‘How did he do it?!’

While Lu Yu was still greatly confused, all of a sudden, he felt an eerie chill. One could speculate that since the door of the room was broken, the cold breeze of the night had filtered through. But it wasn’t that. He felt a huge sense of oppression, as well as a powerful killing aura that crawled up his back, making him shiver and feel his scalp go numb.

Lu Yu was immediately alarmed and felt that something wasn’t quite right. By the time he tried to leave in a hurry, it was already too late.

At that moment, a silver blade broke through the window and rushed towards Lu Yu’s forehead. Lu Yu waved his arm in an attempt to block the attack, but a chain of light wrapped around his body before he could protect himself. Then, his body was lifted several meters off the ground and forcefully thrown towards it again.

Right when Lu Yu was about to roll over and get up, someone’s foot touched his back, aggressively pressing down and forcing Lu Yu’s chest to hit the ground.

It was a sturdy boot, black as ink, with golden patterns and a white thick sole2. When Lu Yu was about to look up, he heard the man say: “Just now, were you touching him with your left hand?” The voice had little emotional and sentimental fluctuations, but somehow, it sounded more terrifying than an angry voice.

At that moment, Lu Yu thought to himself: ‘This man is a mere Secret Servant! Hundreds of years ago, I fearlessly captured any men I liked and raised countless snakes, scaring the hell out of everyone who heard of my name! How many people came for me, claiming that they could get rid of demons and monsters? One by one, I ripped off their heads and fed them to my snake sons!’

‘Who is this man? How dare he be so impudent in front of me?!’

Lu Yu snorted coldly as the tips of his feathers suddenly aimed at Bian Zhonghua all at once, as if sharp steel needles were fiercely sent out in thousands!

They were so dense, and so close, that there was no way to avoid their attack!

However, Bian Zhonghua was unfazed.

Right when one of the black feathers was about to pierce Bian Zhonghua’s body! Suddenly, the feather stopped inches away from him!

The dragon pattern on Bian Zhonghua’s shoulder glowed red like blood, and this time, the red glow was even more dazzling than before, even more than when Bian Zhonghua casted a spell. The red glow overflowed his clothes and surged in front of his chest, a crimson color so intense that one could even smell the faint aroma of real blood.

At that instant, those thousands of feathers were reduced to ashes!!!

Lu Yu’s eyes widened in horror as he finally lost all the calmness and composure he had left. As he struggled in panic, he shouted: “How is that even possible?! Who are you? How could you—?”

At that moment, Lu Yu suddenly thought of a man….

That man chopped off four of his fingers, two on each hand, and then advised him patiently: “You were so arrogant to capture so many men and kill so many people that you really began to believe that no one would be able to subdue you? I won’t even bother to take your insignificant life, but I will take four of your fingers with me. This way, you may remember this well.”

‘But…rumor has it that he got lost in his own obsessions, to the point of destroying his own Neidan3. Trapped for hundreds of years on the Naihe Bridge, until his soul is consumed! How can he appear here?!’

Qi Ci is safe and Bian Zhonghua is angry!!! What will you do now, Lu Yu? You can’t escape now! (((ง’ω’)و三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡ ☆⌒ミ((x_x)

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