Chapter 2: Tricking the Boyfriend

Chapter 2: Tricking the Boyfriend

'What the fuck is this. Is this a prank?'

He read the quest again, hoping it would change, but it remained the same.

'Grab Alice's bubble butt. Fuck this shit.'

If he tried anything now, Llyod with two L's would likely skewer him. Llyod hadn't even noticed him yet, or he would have already been sent flying for his earlier blunders.

Kaisen's eyes wandered back to the woman lying on the ground, and the sight made him feel even hotter.

'Jeez, it's getting warm in here.'

It felt like something was pushing him to act.

'No way I'm gonna do that.'

Just as, Kaisen received another notification:

[Completing the quest can grant you lust points, and once it hits the 100 mark, you can level up. This is the only way to level up for you.]

[Additionally, without completing the quest, you can't beat this game.]

'What the heck?'

Kaisen exclaimed, feeling even more frustrated.

He realized he needed to grab Alice's butt to progress in the game. But if Llyod or Alice caught him doing that, he'd be dead.

'What's my level?'

[Level: 12]

'What the heck? I was at level 150. How did I fall down to level 12? Fuck! Fuck!'

Meanwhile, on the other side, Llyod was freaking out, shaking Alice like a man possessed.

"Alice! Oh no. Wake up. Don't leave me."

Kaisen let out a heavy sigh and scratched his head, feeling the weight of the situation.

'Should I really do it? I mean, I'm the only one who can save her right now. But telling her boyfriend that the only way to save his girlfriend is for me to touch her butt? That's asking for a one-way ticket to the grave.'

Llyod didn't even bother to adjust Alice's skirt. Her underwear was still on display, and Kaisen had already caught sight of it twice.

'If I don't grab her butt, we might be stuck here forever.'

He thought, trying to justify his actions to himself.

Not to mention, he did want to grab that in the game, and even in real life.

'Alright, I've got no choice. I'm going to do this. Just this once.'

Kaisen swallowed nervously as he made his way toward the two, moving slowly and cautiously.

Then, a twig beneath him snapped, causing Llyod to whip his head around to face Kaisen. Anger flared in Llyod's dark eyes.

'Shit. Busted.'


Llyod's eyes turned red with fury as he clenched his fists and charged at Kaisen.

Kaisen's eyes widened in alarm.


But there was no time to react. Llyod had already swung a punch, aiming straight for Kaisen's face.

Kaisen knew Llyod's strength, and when the punch connected, it sent him staggering a few steps backward.


The exchange was surprising for both of them. Llyod was a level 399, and Alice was even stronger at level 450.

But the punch Llyod delivered and the blow Kaisen received didn't match those high level at all. Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

'Wait, did he also get nerfed?'

Kaisen wondered to himself, a hint of amusement creeping into his thoughts. But then he realized he couldn't just retaliate without knowing Llyod's level.

Llyod raised his hand again, not hesitating for a second, but Kaisen swiftly sidestepped, letting the aggressive blow pass harmlessly by.

"You! You dare!"

Llyod shouted angrily.

"Hey, hey, calm down now. You know something has happened with our real bodies, right? If we waste our time on pointless things, we'll be stuck here forever."

Kaisen said quickly, raising his hands in a peace gesture.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Kaisen's eyes wandered back to Alice's bubble butt, which seemed to be calling him, begging him to come and grab a handful.

He licked his lips, considering it.

[Your lust is growing.]

Llyod interrupted his thoughts.

"Fine. Just protect her. And don't you dare try anything funny, understood?"

Kaisen's eyes shot wide open.

"What? Me? Alice-san? How could I ever?"

He asked, his voice a bit too high-pitched to be convincing.

"I know you're a pervert. And you're my best friend, but she's my soulmate. I won't hesitate to kill you."

Llyod warned, glaring at him.

Kaisen laughed nervously.

"Haha. You've got me all wrong! I've decided I'm not interested in women anymore. I like men now."

Llyod blinked, completely taken aback.




Llyod's eyes widened as he looked at Kaisen like he'd grown a second head.

'Well, diverting attention with lies is a must. If he thinks I'm gay, he won't think twice before leaving Alice-san and her butt with me.'

Kaisen thought, feeling pleased with his quick thinking.

"What the heck? When did that happen? You liked women! You like them so much, you'd watch the same... ahem, clips... over and over again!"

"Ah, it's nothing. Just a passing phase. Hahaha."

Kaisen replied, trying to play it off casually.

"Huh. Okay, fine. Whatever."

Llyod muttered, scratching his head and still unconvinced.

"Don't worry about her. Just come back safe, okay?"

Kaisen said, sliding a supposedly caring hand over Llyod's chest with the most gayest expression he can muster.

Llyod immediately shuddered in disgust, his face contorting into an expression of horror.

"Get your hands off me!"

Not to mention, he couldn't ignore the tent that had formed in Kaisen's pants.

"Oh, what the hell, man! Get away from me!"

Llyod yelled, jumping back and frantically wiping his hands on his pants.

Kaisen chuckled mischievously, his eyes glinting with playful intent.

"Be safe, alright," he said, giving Llyod a cheeky wink.

Llyod just shook his head and muttered something inaudible, quickly disappearing into the woods to head towards the base of the mountain, clearly wanting to get away from Kaisen as fast as possible.

After making sure that Llyod, the protective (and now thoroughly disturbed) boyfriend, had disappeared into the woods, a grin slowly crept over Kaisen's face.

"Ha! Finally alone."

He muttered to himself.

He glanced down and noticed the tent in his pants had grown even bigger.

'Damn, it's so hard... This is the first time I'm getting a boner in a game, and it's for my best friend's girlfriend!'

With a sigh, he slowly walked toward Alice, who still hadn't regained consciousness.

'This is all her fault; she should take responsibility for what she's doing to me.'

He thought, his gaze locked on her.

"Hey, wake up. Wake up, Alice."

Kaisen said softly, gently shaking her shoulder.

Her head lolled back and forth, showing no signs of waking up.

"Alice-san, if you don't wake up soon, I might have to, uh, touch you here and there. If you don't want that to happen, you better wake up!"