Chapter 5: Kaisen’s Little Brother’s Idea!

Chapter 5: Kaisen's Little Brother's Idea!

Alice tried to sit up but found herself feeling strange. Her body was tingling, and she noticed an unusual wetness between her legs.

"Huh? Why do I feel so off?"

She muttered, puzzled by the unfamiliar sensations.

She remembered feeling like she was burned alive earlier, but now everything seemed different.

She scanned her surroundings and confirmed she was still in the game world, relieved that her real-life body must be safe since she was still conscious here.

"Thank goodness I'm alright. But what happened? Where's Llyod-san?"

As she looked around, she noticed Kaisen, her boyfriend's best friend, sprawled out on the ground nearby.

"Oh my, is he okay? What happened?"

Alice wondered as she walked over to Kaisen and crouched down beside him. She gave his shoulder a shake, but there was no immediate response.

"Kaisen-kun? Are you okay?"

She called out, her concern growing.

With his best acting skills, Kaisen slowly opened his eyes and saw Alice's beautiful face right above him.

"Alice-san? You're okay! Thank goodness!"

He exclaimed, sounding overly dramatic.

"I was so worried about you! When you didn't wake up, I didn't know what to do!"

He threw in a fake sigh of relief, hoping Alice wouldn't notice he was laying it on a bit thick.

Kaisen quickly reached out and hugged Alice-san tightly, his face pressing against her breasts.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I thought... I thought you were dead."

Alice was taken aback by the intensity of Kaisen's embrace - she didn't like the idea of his hands holding her so tightly or his face pressed against her breasts, but she dismissed it as him just being excited to see her.

"Thank god you're okay. Thank god. I was so scared. So scared."

"Hey hey, calm down. It's okay."

Alice said soothingly as she gently pushed Kaisen away from her.

"We're alive and well. Where's Llyod-san?"

But he wasn't paying attention to what Alice was saying - he was too busy yawning and sneaking glances at her pink pussy.

He couldn't believe that she didn't seem to notice that her panties were missing or why she was so wet.

"He was so worried about you and wanted to heal you, so he went off to find the hidden boss beneath the mountain. It's been a while since he left."

He explained, trying to sound earnest.

"Well, it's him. I suppose he can look after himself."

She replied casually, unaware of the true danger her boyfriend might be in.

"Huh... about that, Alice-san..."

Alice raised an eyebrow, sensing that he had more to say. She looked at him expectantly.

Kaisen took a deep breath and started recounting the events from earlier, trying to provide as much detail as possible while leaving out the more sexy parts.

"Why? Is something wrong? We need to save Llyod-san quickly."

"But the wall? How are we gonna climb it? I'm only level 12 and you're just level 20. We don't have the agility to scale the wall at this level."

Alice paused, realizing Kaisen had a point.

"Hmmm... that is true, but how did Llyod-san scale it then? If we had our previous powers we could've climbed the walls easily like we had previously done it."

Alice took a moment to ponder, her fingers resting on her chin while the cold wind gently blew past them.

The breeze caught her skirt, causing it to flutter and offering Kaisen two very noticeable motivations to stay focused on the journey ahead.

But her question echoed in his mind: how had Llyod with double L's climbed the wall? It didn't make much sense given their current levels and lack of agility.

Kaisen scratched his head, trying to figure out Llyod's strategy.

"Well, we might just be missing something. Maybe there's a path or hidden ladder we didn't see, or maybe he found a way to boost his stats temporarily."

With the recent changes in his body and the weird system that had taken over, Kaisen found himself thinking with both his brain and his dick.

While his brain was struggling to come up with a solution, his dick had an idea of its own.

A sinister smile crept across Kaisen's face as he watched Alice suddenly run towards the wall and try to scale it with her momentum.

She failed miserably, falling backwards onto her back where she landed straight on her ass - giving him another dose of motivation.

Kaisen couldn't help but stare at the sight before him - he could see the jiggling of Alice-san's bare ass cheeks as they moved apart just enough to reveal a glimpse of her wet and glistening pussy.

His dick twitched in response, leaking precum onto his pants.

"Ah, sorry about that."

Alice said, rubbing her back with a hint of sadness in her expression.

"Let me help you."

He said, quickly stepping forward to lend a hand.

He gently assisted her in getting back on her feet, offering her a reassuring smile.

Alice smiled warmly at Kaisen, thanking him for his help, before turning her attention back to the imposing wall, her mind working on finding another solution.

"Hey Alice-san, I've got an idea. I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a shot, right?"

"What is it?"

Alice asked, her curiosity piqued as she looked at him expectantly.

"That is..."





What could Kaisen's big brain have come up with? Or is it his brain's idea—or is it his little brother's idea?

Wink, wink.

Guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out!