Chapter 8: Finally, The Reunion.

Chapter 8: Finally, The Reunion.

"Ready to descent?"


"Then let's go."

He grabbed her hips tightly, burying his cock deep between her soft and bubbly ass cheeks as they jumped off the ledge together.


Alice moaned in pleasure as she felt Kaisen's hard member pressing against her pussy, not yet penetrating but just teasing her with its size and girth.

'It's so huge. So hard. What the hell is happening? I can feel everything.'

Her body felt tingly all over, and her pussy was getting wetter by the second. She couldn't believe how real this experience felt - it was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

As they continued to fall towards the first protrusion from the cliff side, Kaisen made sure to rub his dick all over her wet slit, teasing her mercilessly with every stroke.

"Mmmngh. Mmnnn."

Alice's lips were shut tightly as she tried her best not to moan out loud.

She could feel Kaisen's hard cock still pressed against her sensitive pussy, teasing and tempting her with every movement.

"We're reaching the bottom. Ready to land?"

Kaisen said in a low voice, his breath hot against Alice's ear.

"Ye-yes... I-I'm ready."

Alice managed to speak up, though her voice was shaky and weak

With a loud bang, they landed on the ground - Alice's body absorbed the impact of the fall and at the same time, she suddenly felt something penetrating deep inside her.


Alice cried out in pleasure as her head flew back, her eyes rolling and her mouth opening in an O shape. She had climaxed almost instantly from the sudden impact and penetration.

But just as quickly as it came, it slid back outside just as fast.

Alice turned her head towards the object that had penetrated her but Kaisen had his pants on at all times.

It wasn't like his dick was the thing that penetrated her, right?- she definitely felt it though.

'Must be bugs. It is bugs. But the orgasm felt soo real like the last time.'

"Alice-san? Are you okay?"

He asked, trying to appear nonchalant.

"Y-yes, yes. I'm fine. I just fell wrong. But I'm fine."

She replied, a bit startled but managing a smile.

"Good. That's good. I don't want Llyod to kill me for not properly taking care of his girlfriend. Come on, lets go."

He said with a grin and a wink and began walking ahead, releasing her from his clutches.

"Ye-yeah. Let's go."

Alice said, catching up with him, though she seemed slightly unsure of what had just transpired.

In front of them loomed a black cave, an inky abyss so dark like a black veil over the cave entrance- it seemed to swallow up everything around it.

The ominous entrance signaled that a boss fight was waiting inside.

Inside the dungeon, he shimmered back to form, and immediately his eyes fell upon a giant wolf-like creature, signaling that their adventure was about to truly begin.

[Entered a party with Llyod, the berserker, and Alice, the Stargazer.]

The wolf-like creature swiped its massive paws at Llyod, who deftly jumped up and dodged the attack.

The creature was named "Morning Fox," as indicated by the title displayed above its head.

Standing at a towering three meters tall and stretching five meters in length, the wolf-like beast loomed over Kaisen and his companions.

Llyod, being the berserker he was, didn't hesitate to engage the beast. He narrowly avoided a deadly swipe from the Morning Fox's massive paws by jumping back, his instincts keeping him out of harm's way.

Alice stared in disbelief at the battle unfolding before her. The last time they had fought the Morning Fox, it had been a straightforward fight.

With her buffs, Llyod should have been able to take the creature down with ease.

Now, however, things were different. Llyod was dodging and parrying the attacks, but his health was already at half. The Morning Fox's health was also only halfway depleted.

The creature unleashed a series of paw swipes, which Llyod managed to dodge, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid the tail that struck him squarely in the chest.

The impact sent him flying across the room.


Alice's scream pierced the tense air.

Llyod collided with the opposite wall, his body crashing to the ground.

Despite the impact, he raised his head at the sound of his beloved girlfriend's voice, relief washing over him as he saw her unharmed.

He had embarked on this quest to protect her, but it seemed she was already awake. Trying to push himself up, he found his body battered and unable to respond.

The Morning Fox leapt towards its fallen opponent, but before it could strike, Alice raised her staff, and a streak of golden light shot towards her boyfriend.

Before the Morning Fox could pounce on its downed prey, the golden light hit its mark. A bright, glowing hue enveloped Llyod, renewing his energy.

Llyod sprang to his feet as the fox landed in front of him, ready to attack. But Llyod, now fully restored thanks to Alice's buff, dashed out of the way just in time.

With his health fully replenished and his strength increased, Llyod swung his axe at the fox. The Morning Fox managed to block the attack with its paw, but Llyod's newfound vigor made him more formidable.

Llyod leapt back, creating distance, and the Morning Fox pursued him, determined to catch its prey.

"Alice-san, I'm gonna be right behind you, okay? If there's danger, I'll protect you. Don't worry."

Kaisen reassured her, giving her shoulder a reassuring pat.

"Ye-yeah. Thank you, Kaisen-kun."

Alice replied, feeling his presence just behind her.

Before she could process further, Kaisen suddenly grabbed her hand and raised her staff toward the fox.

"Attack now!"

He commanded.

Startled, Alice quickly regained her composure and cast a basic fireball spell. A fiery projectile, the size of a football, shot out from the staff.

With Kaisen still holding her wrist, they aimed the fireball directly at the Morning Fox's head.

Not to mention, Kaisen's body was pressed against hers and his hard cock had returned to its position between her ass cheeks.

'Not this shit again. Not now. I can't focus with his dick on my ass.'

Kaisen was ready to take full advantage of the situation. Whether his best friend got thrashed or not wasn't in his concern list - the only agenda on his mind was satisfying his cock and he's fully prepared for that.