Chapter 19: Protecting The Boyfriend!

Chapter 19: Protecting The Boyfriend!

"Where's everyone? It's already past 10 am."

Alice inquired from the server, who responded with a disapproving click of the tongue.

"Haven't you heard the news? Tsk, tsk... You adventurers seem so indifferent. The Queen is giving a speech at Hero Square, and all citizens and adventurers are expected to attend."


"It's likely an official announcement about the kingdom's current status. Everyone's rushing to hear it. Oh, and breakfast will be served afterward."

Alice panicked, fidgeting nervously with her fingers.

If the Queen was giving a speech, it meant she was about to hand out quests.

Missing it would delay their quest, and that was something she couldn't afford.

'No way I'm missing this.'

"Then let's go."

Kaisen and Llyod agreed in unison. She was relieved to see both of them agreeing.

Together, the three of them hurried out of the tavern and made their way straight to the Hero Square.

Just a few hundred meters from the tavern, they spotted a huge crowd huddled around a towering statue.

It was of a man, his muscles bulging as he triumphantly held a sword aloft.

The sunlight danced off the sword's blade, making it gleam like a beacon.

The statue looked impressive, like something out of a fancy storybook.

The man's face was chiseled with determination, his eyes fixed on some distant horizon.

His cloak billowed dramatically behind him, as if caught in a heroic breeze.

"Oh, wow! That's the Hope of the Dawn!"

Alice exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement as she pointed at the towering golden statue.

"The Hope of the Dawn... Wait, I know that statue."

Kaisen scratched his head.

"It's a memorial for Eldrin Sunblade, the first Lightbearer of our land. That statue's gotta be at least 15,000 years old, right Alice-san?"

Llyod added, attempting to sound knowledgeable.

"Yeah, that's it! The historians haven't pinpointed the exact age, but they say it's definitely more than 15,000 years old. Such a remarkable piece of history!"

Alice corrected her boyfriend, who simply nodded along, like an adorable little puppy.

'Eldrin Sunblade? Hope of the Dawn? What the heck is all this?'

Kaisen scratched his head, feeling completely lost.

He knew what a Lightbearer was because, well, that's what they were all playing as in the game.

But Eldrin Sunblade? That was a new one for him.

He never really bothered with the game lore much; killing monsters and creatures was more his style.

Who cared about lore, anyway?

Well, apparently a lot of people did.

And they were probably going to take advantage of the situation.

'I hope Alice and Llyod know what's going on with this lore stuff.'

As they waded through the crowd, it felt like they were in the middle of a cosplay convention gone wild.

People of all shapes and sizes, dressed in fancy outfits and armor, filled the square.

There were men, women, elves, beastmen, and every other kind of creature imaginable.

To make their way through, they had to constantly apologize and squeeze past others just to find a decent spot to watch the queen.

Finally, after much effort, they found themselves in a relatively comfortable position where they could see the queen.

She was standing on a raised stage below the magnificent statue of the Hope of the Dawn, a good hundred meters away from where they stood.

"Step on me, Mommy!"

"Pound me like a fucking dog, Mommy!!!"

"If you guys think she's hot, then you should see her daughter, Princess Esmeralda."

Adventurers started to shout, some even with tears in their eyes, swept up in the fervor of the moment.

"And it is an honor for me, the Queen, to call upon you, oh, brave and mighty warriors..."

Taking a breath, she continued.

"But the time has come... The darkness is approaching once again, and I am afraid I must ask for your assistance in defeating it."

She paused, her hand clutching her chest as if feeling the weight of her words.

"As a mother and as the Queen of this land, I am deeply apologetic that I must ask for your assistance, my dearest."

Another eruption of applause followed her heartfelt plea, the adventurers showing their unwavering support and dedication to their new queen and their new kingdom.


Someone began, their voice hesitant, but they were quickly drowned out by another voice.

"Oh my god. I want to eat her out so badly. Look at her body, damn! She's the one." =

Ignoring the interruption, the queen continued:

"There's only one way to save our kingdom, and that is to find the Lightbearer among you. The one who will end this Eclipse like the previous two Lightbearers..."

"Two? I thought there were three Lightbearers."

Llyod mumbled, his confusion evident.

"That's because the third one was corrupted and became a dark entity. He was called the Eclipse Breaker. They don't say his name here apparently."

Alice corrected her boyfriend, leaning in close to whisper in his ear over the din of the surrounding noise.

"What's the exact story, Alice-san? I don't get it with this Eclipse and shit!"

Kaisen's voice whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

Meanwhile, his hands were still firmly planted on her ass cheeks, and she could feel the unmistakable pressure of his hard cock wedged between them.

She was grateful for the long skirt she wore, which hid the intimate contact from the prying eyes of those around them.

If she had been wearing that mini skirt instead, everyone would've seen his cock nestled between her ass cheeks, and that would've been mortifying.

"Th-the lore?"

Alice stammered, her mind swirling with memories she'd rather forget.

"Yes, the lore, Alice-san. Tell me the lore in simple terms."

Kaisen urged, his voice low and insistent.

As he began to slide his cock between her ass cheeks, a shiver ran down her spine, and she couldn't help but pant softly.

" are eclipses that occur in the world and these eclipses birth entities that threaten this world--mmmhmmm~"

Alice tried to explain, her voice faltering as Kaisen's movements against her ass distracted her.

"Watch your steps, man!"

Kaisen suddenly yelled behind him, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his dick was pressed against her.


He apologized, sliding his cock up and down between her ass cheeks apology.

"Mmhm~ a-anyways...these eclipses are caused by a hidden alien entity hiding somewhere in the world. We as a Lightbearer have to find and defeat the entity."

Alice explained, trying to focus despite the distracting sensation of Kaisen's cock moving against her.

"Wow! You sure know a lot about the game, Alice-san. You should teach me more later. Maybe we can go somewhere private and you can teach me a few things."

"Pri-private? Like my room?"

Alice stammered, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension at the idea of being alone with him in her room.

The last time she was alone with him in his room, he had pounded her pussy like there's no tomorrow, Alice recalled, feeling a shiver run down her spine at the memory.