Chapter 31: Massive Indeed

Chapter 31: Massive Indeed

The knight mentioned it would take a few hours to reach the palace and suggested they could catch some sleep if they felt like it.

All three of them agreed to just sit back and take in the scenery.

The scenery solidified the fact that they were indeed in a real fantasy world.

Lush greenery, charming little homes, majestic castles, and keeps all around.

Bustling shops, vibrant stalls, and a diverse mix of people from every corner of the realm

It was exhilarating, to say the least, but compared to the cyberpunk world they came from, this was completely foreign to them.

These kinds of sights were only available in history textbooks, programs, and games, making the experience all the more surreal.

"OMG! Is that an elephant?"

Alice squealed with excitement, practically squishing her face against the glass window.

Her hands pressed against the glass like a little kid's, eyes wide with wonder.

Both dudes quickly scooted to the side, Lloyd squishing against the glass and Kaisen in the middle.

A bunch of big, black animals with huge tusks strolled across the grassy field.

"Yes, that's an elephant. Magnificent, right?"

Lloyd was totally mesmerized.

It was his first time seeing a real-life elephant, even though, technically, they were still in a game...

Meanwhile, Kaisen's inner pervert stirred awake like a hungry bear emerging from hibernation.

Without a second thought, he slipped his hand around her back, his fingers finding their way to her supple mound.

With a grin, he gently squeezed, reveling in the sensation of her warmth and softness against his palm.

"Absolutely magnificent."

He murmured, a playful chuckle escaping his lips as he teased her.'


Alice was caught off guard, but she didn't protest.

The thrill of being touched by her boyfriend's best friend while her boyfriend was oblivious nearby only heightened her arousal.

With a quick glance at Llyod, who was distracted by something outside the window, she bit her lip to stifle any potential moans.

Meanwhile, Kaisen continued to fondle her breast, his fingers expertly kneading and teasing her sensitive flesh.

Alice struggled to maintain her composure, her body tingling with excitement.

"It's massive! Never seen anything like it."

He wasn't sure if it held true in the modern world, but he was thrilled at the opportunity to see one of these magnificent creatures up close.

"What do you say, Alice-san? Do you want one?"


Alice struggled to contain her moans as Kaisen stimulated her sensitive nipples, still tender from the previous night's activities.

Unable to turn her head to look at him, fearing it would reveal Kaisen's hand on her breasts, she kept her gaze fixed ahead and nodded in response.

"If I can get it without any casualties, then yes, Lloyd-san."

"Consider it done, Alice-san."

"What about me, Bestie?"

Kaisen chimed in, flashing an innocent smile at his friend.

Lloyd recoiled at the reminder of Kaisen's recent revelation about his preferences.

"Shut up! This doesn't concern you, stupid idiot. Maybe I'll pluck two hairs—one for Alice-san and one for Elfie-san."

He retorted, trying to divert attention away from the uncomfortable topic.

Idiot Lloyd failed to notice Alice's sudden change in demeanor.

The vibrant flush faded from her face, replaced by a sadness that dulled her features and cast a shadow over her once bright green eyes.

Sensing her distress, Kaisen immediately ceased his actions, withdrawing his hand from her breasts and instead placing it gently on her back.

With a tender touch, he began to pat her back slowly, as if comforting a child or a puppy.

Alice leaned into the small, tender display from Kaisen, finding solace in his comforting touch.

But then, as if something inside her snapped, her eyes transformed into a fiery challenge as she locked gazes with him.

Without hesitation, she grabbed his hand and placed it firmly on her breast, a silent dare in her gaze that seemed to say, "Do it. Fuck my boyfriend."

A smile lit up Kaisen's face, and he couldn't possibly turn her away now, could he?

Seeing a sad lady made him feel uneasy.

Her own boyfriend thinking about another woman was making her feel unworthy and undesirable.

And, if a pervert like himself didn't even touch her properly when she wanted it, that would surely make her feel even worse.

Not wanting to hurt her feelings any further, he resumed kneading her breasts, determined to make it a pleasurable and enjoyable experience for her.


Alice let out a quiet moan, her lips pressed together firmly as Kaisen resumed stimulating her nipples.

Despite the circumstances, the journey to the palace turned out to be quite enjoyable, at least for the two of them.