Chapter 34: Can’t Catch a Break

Chapter 34: Can't Catch a Break

'What is that physique? If it was real world, that will probably a fake.'

Alice scowled at the booty, while Lloyd's trance-like state returned, his gaze fixed on the Queen's captivating figure.

Feeling extremely insecure and jealous, Alice couldn't help but stew in her own frustration.

Her boyfriend's eyes were glued to the Queen's ass, and it made her feel utterly disregarded.

She did not like it at all.

She suddenly snapped her head at Kaisen, who quickly averted his gaze from the tempting sight and looked straight ahead.

But as a man of culture, he couldn't let this opportunity to admire a fine piece of ass slip away.

So, what did he do?

He moved closer to Alice and cheekily grabbed a handful of her ass, causing her to yelp in surprise.

She shot him a glare, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

With a mischievous smile, Kaisen leaned in and whispered:

"I prefer this piece of ass over that. That's old and withered, but yours... mmmm... yours is succulent and tight. Just the way I like it."


Fellas, when a woman, whether in a relationship or not, is feeling extremely insecure about her body image, that's the perfect opportunity to strike.

When her boyfriend is busy chatting up a perfect 10 (no way he's pulling that hottie), sneak up to the insecure girlfriend and whisper sweet nothings.

Make suggestive comments, and what do you have in your hands?

You've got a potential new girlfriend.

Just tell her what she wants to hear.

Tell her the things she didn't want to hear, like the chances of her boyfriend leaving her for the hottie being high.

Or that she's fat, while showing her pictures of the hottie who is clearly thinner than her.

When the insecure girlfriend becomes vulnerable and wallows in self-pity, strike.

Give her a shoulder to cry on, but most importantly, give her attention.

Lots of it.

More attention than she's ever received from her boyfriend.

Now, the girlfriend will want your attention, craving to hear things from your mouth because no one has ever said such kind things to her before.

So, strike again by telling her that she deserves better than that guy.

Tell her how you feel about her.

When she opens up her heart to you, close it with your love and attention.

Just like what our dear protagonist is doing right now.


Alice's whole face flushed red, and in that moment, all the insecurity she had felt just moments before seemed to vanish into thin air.

Who cared if her boyfriend was bewitched by the Queen's booty?

She didn't appreciate Llyod trying to steal their glory just for clout.

Queen Roslyn raised an eyebrow, indicating her interest.

"Lloyd-san was exhausted and only at half health when we arrived. I healed him, and without Kaisen-kun helping me with the spells, Lloyd-san wouldn't have survived the beast's attacks. We defeated the beast together. All three of us."

Alice explained, making sure to correct Llyod's claim.

Queen Roslyn nodded her head, her blue eyes sparkling with a hint of something that Kaisen couldn't quite comprehend.

Lloyd glanced at his girlfriend with raised eyebrows, surprised by her sudden assertiveness.

Alice had never corrected him before, but now, in front of the queen... he felt a bit foolish.


He started to protest.

"No 'buts,' Lloyd-san. We did it together.

" Alice interrupted firmly, silencing him with her assertiveness.

"Hmm...then I thank you, adventurers, for your hard work and courage."

The queen said graciously.

"No need, your majesty. We're honored to have helped."

Alice replied respectfully.

"Ah, that's the spirit. I'm sure one of you will be the new Lightbearer."

"That's true. It will be either me or Alice-san."

Lloyd boasted once again, his confidence shining through.

Meanwhile, Kaisen simply sipped his tea, offering no comment.

Alice shook her head in disappointment at Lloyd's arrogance.

"Oh? And why is that, Sir Lloyd?"

The queen inquired, taking a sip from her tea as she regarded him with her piercing blue eyes, causing Lloyd to blush under her gaze.

"Because I've asked other adventurers about their levels, and none of them were that high. There are only five adventurers with a level of 20 in that inn, and two of them are me and Alice-san. And two others on the list are our allies too."

Lloyd boasted once again, his chest swelling with pride.

"Ah, interesting. So you've got four high-level players in your group already. Well played."

The queen praised Lloyd, her tone indicating genuine interest and approval.

Feeling a wave of boredom wash over him, Kaisen decided to liven things up a bit by teasing Alice, as he often did.

With deliberate slowness, he maneuvered his legs under the table until his feet made contact with Alice's.


Alice shuddered and face flushed crimson, but she maintained her composure, taking a sip of her tea to hide her embarrassment.

Behind the safety of her cup, she shot Kaisen a glare that could melt steel, but he only responded with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

The evening was shaping up to be quite the spectacle, but little did they know, someone else had been pulling the strings long before Kaisen even thought of taking the stage...