Chapter 124 "Cinnabar Mole"

Most of the people who came to audition for this show were young actors. When Yan Shu was queuing outside the audition room, he actually saw Lin Zhimi.

But Yan Shu ignored her, glanced at her and passed by.

"She's here too." Li Ran whispered to Yan Shu, "I heard that she recently got a benefactor, and the resources seem to be pretty good."

Lin Zhimi is now a stranger to Yan Shu.

"It's all a personal choice, as long as she doesn't regret it." Yan Shu didn't want to talk more about Lin Zhimi.

Li Ran is not a person who breaks his mouth, seeing her calm expression, he didn't continue talking.

Soon it will be Yan Shu's turn to audition.

In the audition room sat the director of the show and a group of staff members.

The director is a woman in her thirties, wearing a black coat, she looks very sharp, but she always has a kind smile on her face.

"Hi Yan Shu, I'm Zheng Pianpian. I've been following your performance in "Undercurrent". I can tell that your acting skills have improved a lot." Zheng Pianpian started filming TV dramas for fun.

But as the dramas she filmed became popular one after another, she really fell in love with this line of work.

She was originally very optimistic about the original ip of "The Cinnabar Mole", but the capital side asked the screenwriter to change the script, just to add drama to the heroine and heroine.

She was actually very pleasantly surprised to be able to invite Yan Shu to audition.

"Hello." Yan Shu could see that Zheng Pianpian's appreciation for her was not fake, and smiled at her, "Thank you for your support."

The part of her audition is the scene where the male lead Shizun Xu Wuli first sees the male lead and the female lead kissing.

The male protagonist Zhong Yuan followed Xu Wuli to practice the ruthless way. Xu Wuli originally thought that his apprentice's Taoist heart was stable, and he would not have love entanglements with women at the cost of destroying his cultivation.

Seeing the entanglement between the two, Xu Wuli was very angry. First, he forced the two to separate, and asked the male lead to go back with him to re-cultivate and stabilize his Taoism. Later, seeing that the male lead was unwilling, he said that he would expel the male lead from the teacher.

Although Yan Shu didn't wear ancient costumes, when she suppressed the smile on her face, Zheng Pianpian instantly felt that the aura around her had changed, as if she had changed completely.

"Do you know that with her, your cultivation will drop directly from Nascent Soul to Foundation Establishment." Xu Wuli frowned and looked at Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan's lines were matched by a staff member for Yan Shu.

"Master, I know all of this." Zhong Yuan held You Xian'er's hand tightly and refused to let go, "But even so, I can't separate from her."

"If you don't want to go back with me, then at this moment and here today, the fate between you and me as a master and apprentice is here, and you don't have to go back to Zhiyuanmen in the future." Xu Wuli looked at Zhong Yuan disappointedly, as if watching A lens that was shattered all over the ground and could never be restored.

Zhong Yuan was shocked, as if he didn't expect his master to say such a thing.

He looked at Xu Wuli in pain, then looked at You Xianer with hope, and finally chose to fall into the world of mortals.

Zhong Yuan knelt down in front of Xu Wuli and kowtowed to her a few times.

Xu Wuli didn't expect that the apprentice she had raised for so many years would so simply choose a woman who had only been together for a few months.

Her Dao heart was also shaken a little at this moment, but she remained calm and self-possessed when facing Zhong Yuan.

"Okay, I know your choice." Xu Wuli didn't say much, just raised her hand and used the cyclone to help Zhong Yuan up, "I will teach you the last lesson as a teacher, don't bend your knees easily, you will never I know, whether you are kneeling is an enemy or a friend."

Leaving aside the meaningless words, Xu Wuli didn't stay any longer, turned and left.

After watching this scene, Zheng Pianpian felt as if she saw Xu Wuli herself.

Yan Shu, who entered the play, was cold and lonely, and his attitude when facing Zhong Yuan was just right, neither too indifferent nor too angry, as if he had figured out the character of Xu Wuli to the bone.

"You are very smart." Zheng Pianpian stood up and applauded Yan Shu, "Today I will be the master, and this role is for you."

Yan Shu just wanted to say thank you, but saw a person in charge of the management sitting next to Zheng Pianpian cough lightly.

"Director Zheng, it doesn't matter what you said."

Zheng Pianpian has long been upset with this person, and seeing him tearing down the stage, she immediately stared back, "Then tell me, who do you want for this role? I'll listen to you."

"If this is the case earlier, then there is no need to bother to audition." The man didn't hear the sarcasm in Zheng Pianpian's words, and thought that Zheng Pianpian was giving in, so he immediately pushed his nose and face.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Pianpian kicked the man's chair over, and cursed: "You mother, where the **** did you get it for me? Go back to me! Is my mother short of your money! I am so poor that all I have left is money." You don't know, go out and inquire, will my Zheng family in the capital be short of money!"

Zheng Pianpian also brought up her family's name in a hurry. In fact, she had already fallen out with her family because of some things.

But that person didn't know the inside story. Hearing that she was from the Zheng family in Kyoto, he immediately got up and left.

"Sorry, I scared you." After kicking someone, Zheng Pianpian immediately tidied up her clothes, and looked at Yan Shu with a smile, "Let's add a contact information."

Yan Shu looked calm, and even felt that the beating was not hard enough, "Okay."

After the two exchanged contact information, Yan Shu left.

Before she left, Lin Zhimi seemed to glance at her.

But Yan Shu ignored it and left with Li Ran and Zhang Xixi.

As soon as Yan Shu got home, Feng Hui sent her a message.

【Are you going to audition for "Cinnabar Mole"? 】

【Yes, Sister Hui, no accident, I should play the second female role. But I think the script of "Cinnabar Mole" has a big problem, and I want to meet and chat with the screenwriter. 】

Yan Shu knows that as an actor who has nothing to do with this drama for the time being, it is a bit nosy to talk about the plot with the screenwriter, but if she wants to enter the screenwriting profession, then this drama is the best opportunity to break through .

【The situation in "Cinnabar Mole" is more complicated, how about this, make an appointment for you to come to my studio and have an interview with Xiaoding. 】

【Okay, thank you, Sister Hui. 】

The two chatted casually about the status quo and then ended the topic. Yan Shu had just finished taking a shower and changed into her pajamas when Sheng Hengyu came back from the outside smelling of alcohol.

Watching Sheng Hengyu come back, Crawler leaned up to lick him affectionately, but when he got closer, he smelled the smell of alcohol on him, and immediately turned around and ran back to Yan Shu's side.

"Why are you drinking?" Yan Shu felt a little strange.

Sheng Hengyu is not the kind of person who likes to drink, even if he goes to a dinner party, he usually only drinks tea.

Sheng Hengyu shook his head helplessly, "Don't mention it, I met Director Li, and I insisted on having a drink with him."

"I'll take a shower first." Sheng Hengyu didn't hug Yan Shu, but went directly into the bathroom.

Sheng Hengyu came out of the shower and saw Yan Shu leaning on the sofa watching a movie with a bucket of popcorn in his arms.

She watched a sci-fi movie, and because the world view was very novel, Yan Shu watched it with gusto.

"How was the audition?" Sheng Hengyu sat down beside her, took the popcorn from her arms and held it in his hand, and asked Yan Shu while eating.

"It's over." Yan Shu raised his eyebrows and looked at Sheng Hengyu with a little complacency, "But I think there seems to be something wrong with this crew."

Yan Shu told Sheng Hengyu about the conflict between Zheng Pianpian and the person in charge of the management, and Sheng Hengyu frowned.

"It should be that the management wants to stuff people into the crew, and Director Zheng disagrees." Sheng Hengyu was a little worried that Yan Shu would be bullied after joining the crew, "I'll check the background of the crew."

"Okay." Yan Shu originally meant this, and when Sheng Hengyu brought it up, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Sheng Hengyu hugged Yan Shu's waist and kissed her back. After the kiss, he leaned close to her neck and said softly, "It smells like popcorn."

Yan Shu's neck was itchy by her breath, she raised her hand with a smile and stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth, "Eat more if you like."

(end of this chapter)