Chapter 146 Yan Jiajun

Being directly rejected by Sheng Hengyu, both Mrs. Chen and Chen Jiahe looked unhappy.

But Mrs. Chen was still stable, and couldn't help smiling when she heard the words, "I didn't know each other before, but after today, I am no longer a stranger. Xiao Sheng is still too young, and I don't like to make many friends. There is a saying that is good , multiple friends, multiple paths..."

The more she listened to her, Sheng Hengyu's brows became tighter, but before he could speak, Qin Yousi said: "That's right, my Xiaosheng is too young, and I probably can't talk to a strong woman like Jiahe, even if I add this WeChat There is probably no common topic, so let’s just forget about the child’s unwillingness, and I believe Golden Harvest would not be willing to add a college student who has not yet graduated.”

Qin Yousi's words sound like saying that Sheng Hengyu is not worthy to be friends with Chen Jiahe, but in fact, what is written between the lines is that the two are not suitable to be friends, so don't post it.

This Mrs. Chen is not a fool either. Hearing what Qin Yousi said, she immediately snorted inexplicably, turned around and walked out.

Chen Jiahe smiled apologetically at Sheng Hengyu and the three of them, "I'm sorry, but my mother has a quick temper, so don't be angry with her."

After speaking, she chased Mrs. Chen away.

Watching the mother and daughter leave the villa, Qin Yousi rolled her eyes gracefully, "The mother and daughter are not good people, the mother is a fool, and it is really strange that the daughter needs to use her mother's foolishness to set off her sensibleness and courtesy. Strange, this kind of person can still get a city champion?"

Sheng Hengyu and Yan Shu sat down beside Qin Yousi.

Because Yan Shu was not familiar with the mother and daughter, she didn't comment, and instead asked about Professor Sheng's whereabouts.

"Dad, he went to the city library early in the morning and said he would be back before three o'clock. Check the time, he should be back soon." Qin Yousi patted the back of Yan Shu's hand, and then brought up the matter of Wei Linlan's pregnancy. "Yan Qing and Lanlan are having a baby so soon, isn't your mother overjoyed, she's going to be a grandma!"

"Yes, mom is knitting a sweater and humming a song at home." Yan Shu told Qin Yousi one by one how the family reacted when they found out that Wei Linlan was pregnant.

Qin Yousi laughed when he heard that, Sheng Hengyu interrupted from time to time, the three of them were chatting happily, when they saw Professor Sheng just came back from outside with a small bag.

"Yanyan is back!" When Professor Sheng saw Yan Shu, his eyes lit up immediately, and he didn't even see his grandson sitting on the sofa.

"Grandpa, can you not see me?" Sheng Hengyu looked at Professor Sheng helplessly, "Anyway, our grandpa and grandson have been here for so many years, do you want to be so partial?"

Professor Sheng stretched out his hand and snorted Sheng Hengyu's hair, "What's biased, people's hearts are inherently biased."

"Too much, Grandpa!" Although Sheng Hengyu said so, he let Professor Sheng snort his head.

Yan Shu was also a little excited when he saw Professor Sheng, and immediately stood up and followed Professor Sheng, "Professor, did you find anything?"

"It's still called Professor." Professor Sheng looked at Yan Shu with a smile, "We call him Grandpa together with Xiao Sheng, I love to hear that."

Yan Shu didn't hold back, just smiled and called: "Grandpa."

"Hey!" Professor Sheng responded simply, and waved to Yan Shu directly, "Go, go to the study with grandpa!"

"Okay!" Yan Shu followed immediately.

Sheng Heng met the two and was about to go to the study, so he immediately stood up and followed, "I'm going too!"

What the two of them wanted to say was not a secret, so even if he followed, Professor Sheng and Yan Shu did not object.

After entering the study, Professor Sheng took out a black leather bound book, and turned over a page with great care.

"About what you said, the history of Emperor Yuan Li besieging and killing Yan's army, I did find some evidence." Professor Sheng turned the notebook to face Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu, and pointed to the passage excerpted from it. talk.

Yan Shu lowered his head to look, and saw that the paragraph was excerpted by Professor Sheng from "The Chronicle of Emperor Yuanli".

This sentence records what happened on the day Yan Jiajun returned to the outside of the city. The page that should have recorded Yan Jiajun's whereabouts did not mention them at all.

In "The Chronicles of Emperor Yuanli", Yan Jiajun seemed to have disappeared on this day, only sporadic trifles were recorded, and the historian even recorded that it was a sunny day with a dragon-shaped cloud in the sky.

"The records here are indeed too simple. I read a lot of unofficial histories and other documents, and only found out from a county chronicle that the Yan family army passed through a small county town only five kilometers away from Dayuan capital."

Professor Sheng pointed to the following passage, "Not only did this county annals record the scene when Yan Jiajun passed through the town, Pan Jing, a university scholar at that time, also wrote a few days later that he would participate in the activity of rewarding the three armies. The ironclad proof that the class teacher has returned to court!"

Hearing the name Pan Jing, Yan Shu couldn't help being touched.

The author of "War Changting Pavilion" is Pan Jing, and Pan Jing is also her only civil servant friend in the court.

"Professor...Grandpa, do you know where Pan Jing is buried?" Yan Shu's eyes were a little sore.

Professor Sheng shook his head, "An archeology professor I know once studied Pan Jing, but he never found Pan Jing's burial site, and from a certain point onwards, Pan Jing completely disappeared in "Yuan Jing". In "The Chronicle of Emperor Li", he is hardly found in other historical documents. The professor suspected that Pan Jing was secretly executed by him because he offended Emperor Yuanli, but I didn't find any evidence to support this, so I won't do it here deduced."

Yan Shu was a little disappointed, Sheng Hengyu had a panoramic view of the changes in her expression from the side, "Do you really like this Grand Master Pan Jing?"

After being interrupted by Sheng Hengyu, Yan Shu came back to his senses, and shook his head at him, "No."

Yan Shu didn't know how to explain to Sheng Hengyu, so he could only fool around, and continued to look at Professor Sheng's notebook.

Professor Sheng continued: "Following this clue, I pursued it further, and found that Beiming after Dayuan once discovered a corpse pit under a cliff ten miles away from the capital of Dayuan. According to Beiming According to historical records, the uncorrupted clothes and armor of the people in the pit are all made in the Dayuan style, so roughly speaking, there are at least a thousand people in that pit."

Hearing the number of thousands, Yan Shu's nasal cavity suddenly became sour, and he clenched his teeth while choking with sobs, so as not to let tears fall from his eyes.

A total of 2,400 Yan family troops under her command did not die under the blade of the enemy, but died in the hands of Emperor Yuan Li. After death, they were buried directly under the cliff by that faint king!

Yan Shu's chest was tight, but he still tried his best to keep calm.

She stared at Professor Sheng's notebook for a long time, and then said: "Thank you, Grandpa, for helping me with the research. With you, the more than 2,000 Yan Jiajun finally regained their names in history."

I thank you for them.

Yan Shu didn't say the last sentence.

She calmed down, and said after a while: "I have already written the script to be filmed in "The Treasure of the Great Abyss", and I will send it to you later. You can read it first."

"Okay." Professor Sheng nodded, and then sat down directly behind the desk, "I have to write a paper on this discovery. These Yan Jiajun should not be buried in history."

Yan Shu was moved, but she didn't say much, and pulled Sheng Hengyu, who had a weird face, out of the study.

Professor Sheng who was sitting behind the desk raised his head strangely, looked at Yan Shuyuan's back and muttered, "I didn't say there were more than 2,000 soldiers..."

The professor’s textual research is just made up by Hu, just enjoy watching it~

(end of this chapter)