Chapter 187 I'm not in a hurry

Click on the entry "Sheng Hengyu sends his wife to work", and the top one is a small video posted by a fan who was there at the time.

Turn on the video, and there is a burst of screaming in my ears.

"Ahh! It's Yanyan and Brother Yu!"

"Damn it, it's Teacher Sheng! I thought he was some unknown bodyguard just now!"

At the moment when the elevator door was about to close, Sheng Hengyu held Yan Shu in his arms in a very possessive posture, pulled off his mask and said to the fans who called Yan Shu "wife" outside: "Don't bark, this My wife."

The comments on this microblog have exceeded 100,000 at this time.

"Oh my god, my legs are so handsome that Mr. Sheng is dizzy! He is so handsome! The way he calls his wife is like breaking my legs!"

"Who is envious of Yan Shu! It's me!"

"Husband sticks to it! Wife wants to stick to it too!"

"Yan Yan Mingming is tall, but she is so petite in Brother Yu's arms!"

"These two are too seductive!"

In Chaohua, which is not unfamiliar with people, it is even more like Chinese New Year. CP fans are already crowdfunding the names of Yan Shu and Sheng Heng Yuwa.

Yan Shu quietly took a look on Weibo before recording, and couldn't help laughing when he saw that the screen was full of cp knockers.

Sheng Hengyu sat obediently beside her, leaned over and glanced at her phone screen, "Screaming all over the place."

"Okay, the show is about to start recording, you sit outside the camera." Yan Shu didn't want to make the post-production difficult, so he specially picked a corner seat for Sheng Hengyu to sit down.

The recording of "Rising Star Idol" is progressing very quickly. The contestants enter the class separately, and the next step is to choose a song to perform.

The contestants gathered in the recording hall, and the instructors also came to the scene to accompany everyone to watch the clips of the performance.

During the recording, Sheng Hengyu sat in the corner of the recording hall, never taking his eyes off Yan Shu.

As soon as Yan Shu entered the working state, he was very selfless. After entering the camera, he seldom went to see Sheng Hengyu.

Sheng Hengyu naturally wouldn't feel disappointed. He looked at Yan Shu who was shining on the stage, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

"Everyone has finished watching the repertoire, and they must have made a rough choice in their hearts about the team they want to join." Si Yu presided over at the beginning, "Next, the 15 members of class A will automatically become captains, and each of you will choose the performance repertoire , other students can stand in line by themselves."

After everyone understood the rules of the show, the captains of Class A began to choose the repertoire.

Zhang Ning had quick eyes and quick hands, and directly chose the song that most people liked to sing and dance. He stood in front of the song name plate and looked at all the students who hadn't stood in line with those shining eyes.

Zhou Qiu walked past Zhang Ning regretfully, "I want to be on your team, but it seems that I have no chance this time!"

Yan Shu and Rita watched vigorously from the sidelines.

"Do you remember when our two husbands were working together, you and Zhou Yuan fought for C, and in the end neither of them accepted the other, and C fell on my head, which is quite outrageous." Rita was still a little embarrassed when talking about this matter, "But fortunately, I am omnipotent, singing and dancing, otherwise we would not have won that time."

Yan Shu didn't have much memory of this incident, but Rita couldn't lie to her, so she nodded following Rita's words, "Yes, thanks to you."

"You have changed a lot." Rita looked at Yan Shu's calm face and sighed.

Yan Shu smiled and said nothing, "People change, don't they?"

Rita smiled, and then said as if just remembering: "Zhou Yuan is coming today, you know that?"

"I saw the director's notice last night." Yan Shu was very calm, without any sense of urgency.

Because the program was still being recorded, the two of them couldn't talk much, so they could only watch the students choose their teams and give some reaction shots.

After a while, the grouping ended, and at this time, Si Yuyi announced that the flight instructor Zhou Yuan would soon join the instructor luxury gift package.

Among the students, there were many fans of Zhou Yuan, who clapped and screamed excitedly upon hearing this.

Amidst the burst of applause, Zhou Yuan, dressed in white sportswear, entered the stage and greeted everyone sweetly.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhou Yuan!" Zhou Yuan put on a vigorous makeup, looking sweet and sporty.

After saying hello to the students, she turned to look at the instructors again, "Hello, Teacher Si, hello Sisi, long time no see Yanyan Rita!"

Yan Shu and Rita waved at her both indifferently.

Zhou Yuan didn't feel that she was being treated coldly, and she even took the time to glance at Sheng Hengyu who was sitting in the corner.

She lifted her chin triumphantly, glanced at Yan Shu from the corner of her eye, and deeply felt that she was no worse than Yan Shu at all.

After the grouping of the program ended, almost all the shots were handed over to the students who practiced separately. Yan Shu and a few assistant teachers only needed to come to check and accept the results the next day. Today's work content was considered over.

Yan Shu went to the corner and took Sheng Hengyu with him. The two were about to get off work together when Zhou Yuan chased after her with a smile.

"Long time no see, call Rita, let's get together." Zhou Yuan seemed to be talking to Yan Shu, but her eyes kept lingering on Sheng Hengyu.

Yan Shu couldn't see her small thoughts, but she didn't want to waste the time she spent with Sheng Hengyu dealing with such insignificant people.

"No need, we're going on a date." Yan Shu raised the hand that was holding Sheng Hengyu, and shook Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan chuckled, "No, you are all married, so are you still afraid of what I will do to Teacher Sheng?"

Sheng Hengyu was a little impatient for a long time. Hearing this, he interrupted: "If you refuse to understand, then I'll just say it. We don't want to have dinner with you."

After finishing speaking, she led Yan Shu and walked out.

Zhou Yuan clenched her fist behind her, bit her lip and said nothing.

Just at this time Rita came out of the dressing room and saw Zhou Yuan standing in the corridor, so she patted her on the shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Rita turned to look at Zhou Yuan's face, and saw that the grievance still remained on Zhou Yuan's face.

"I just wanted to have dinner with you and Yan Yan, but she refused." Zhou Yuan looked at the backs of Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu aggrievedly, "Is it okay to have a meal?"

Women know women best, and with a piece of green tea like Zhou Yuan, Rita understood her thoughts.

She was not used to Zhou Yuan either, and said directly: "You know what you think about yourself, take care of yourself, don't play tricks in front of others, you can't play with others, don't put yourself in it in the end."

"What did I do?" Zhou Yuan was so wronged that she wanted to cry, "I didn't do anything?"

"Did you really not do anything?" Rita gave Zhou Yuan a meaningful look, ignored her, and walked away with Jinjin who had just walked over.

Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu left Zhou Yuan behind, and just arrived at the underground parking lot when they saw a car drive by in front of them.

Originally, Sheng Hengyu's expression didn't change, but when he saw clearly who was sitting on the co-pilot in the car, he froze in place.

"That's Yu Youxing, right? If I'm not mistaken, the driver seems to be Si Yuyi?" Sheng Hengyu turned to look at Si Yuyi's car buttocks, "What's the situation?"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Yu Youxing.

However, before he could dial out, the phone was taken away by Yan Shu.

"I have something to tell you, but don't be in a hurry." Yan Shu knew that he couldn't hide this matter, so he decided to let his own idiot know the truth first.

Sheng Hengyu nodded in confusion, "Just tell me, I'm not in a hurry."

"Si Yuyi and Xing Xing are together." Yan Shu said lightly.

Sheng Hengyu: "??!"

(end of this chapter)