Chapter 205 Picking up

When Yan Shu led the army to go out, there were more than thousands of soldiers under his command, so she did not have stage fright when facing the audience in the audience.

She waved the trophy to Sheng Hengyu in the audience, "To be honest, I didn't prepare my acceptance speech today, because there are too many senior actors who are better than me, I really don't think I can get this honor. "

The audience Sheng Hengyu took the lead in applauding Yan Shu.

Yan Shu smiled back, and when the applause stopped, she said: "Thank you to the teachers I met on the road of being an actor. Without them, it would be really difficult for me to walk on this stage today. I must also thank my parents and lover. without them, I would not have been able to go this far.”

Yan Shu didn't make a long speech, and stepped off the stage after speaking.

That is, at the same time that Yan Shu won the award, Yan Shu's fans and cp fans all congratulated Yan Shu in various forms in Chaohua Square as if it was Chinese New Year.

Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu didn't go to those places where they wanted to celebrate after the awards ceremony, but the two returned home in a normal manner.

Climbing saw his parents come back, he shook his head happily, and put the leash in front of the two of them.

Yan Shu laughed, changed into comfortable clothes with Sheng Hengyu, and led them downstairs for a walk.

Someone happened to live in the same neighborhood as them, so he took a picture of the two of them walking their dog hand in hand and posted it on the Internet. However, within a short while, this Weibo was directly on the trending searches.

Other entries are "so and so in love" or "so and so cheating", but the entries of Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu are inexplicably happy, "After winning the award, Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu went home to walk the dog together".

"Hahahaha, Climbing doesn't deserve to have a name!"

"They really regard actors as a profession, and they are so envious of their lives!"

"May I ask if there are still two missing dogs, the kind of licking dogs who went to college!"

"The one in front is too worthless! Hahaha, show some face!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy-times."

Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu saw this trending search only after taking a shower and laying down on the bed.

"Come on Weibo." Sheng Hengyu suggested.

Yan Shu thinks about it too, since they have won awards, it is still necessary to post Weibo.

She took a photo of the trophy, and posted a photo with her and Sheng Hengyu on Weibo.

Yan Shu V: I am very happy to win the award, thank you for your help and support along the way!

Below are the three pictures I just took.

Yan Shu's fans and cp fans rushed over.

"Brother Yu and Gou are actually the same younger brother, dog head dog head."

"It's funny to save your life, will you crawl ahead of Brother Yu?"

"What a loss, don't you want to congratulate Yanyan for winning the award?"

"Congratulations to Yan Yan for winning the award!"

"I just realized that both of you are wearing bathrobes. It means that you have to fall asleep after taking a shower before you remember us, dog head."

"Hands up, can I sleep under the bed?"

"I apply to sleep between the two!"

Yan Shu didn't care about the fans who kept talking nonsense, quit Weibo and went to sleep.

"Not Returning" gained a lot of attention because of Ji Lian's award. The official blog of "Not Returning", which had not been followed by many people, instantly gained more than 100,000 followers, and it even has the momentum to continue to increase.

Yan Shu and Feng Hui were very happy about this, and Yan Shu went to the crew to watch the filming from time to time. If the script or lines were inappropriate, he would hold a meeting with the actors to revise them on the spot.

Sheng Hengyu also got busy and directly joined the crew of "The Last Breath".

Because of the filming of "The Last Breath", Sheng Hengyu lost more than ten pounds. The abdominal muscles he was proud of were gone, and his thin ribs were all visible.

Sheng Hengyu can only laugh when he is in the video call with Yan Shu. Usually on the set, his emotions are always kept in the mood of the characters, very low and depressed, and often feel unable to breathe.

"Are you losing weight again?" Yan Shu looked at Sheng Hengyu in the video, feeling very distressed.

Because of being extremely thin, Sheng Heng's eye sockets were sunken, and his whole body was so pale that he could faint at any time.

"No, I have eaten well recently, but I ate less." Sheng Hengyu looked at the camera gloomyly, wanted to laugh but couldn't, "I miss you."

"Then I'll go see you." Yan Shu's work can be done remotely, so it's natural to see Sheng Hengyu.

But Sheng Hengyu shook his head, "Don't come, I don't look good right now."

"I love you whether you look good or not." Yan Shu rarely hits a straight ball, and now her mouth is so sweet, she just wants to make Sheng Hengyu happy.

Sheng Hengyu was indeed happy, but he was weak, "It's good to say it normally, but now I say it, I can only hum like this twice."

The protagonist Zhang Sui's encounter made Sheng Hengyu unable to mobilize any positive emotions.

Seeing that he was unhappy, Yan Shu couldn't help but smile, "Then I'll go and hug you."

"Don't." Sheng Hengyu raised his arm to cover his eyes, preventing himself from looking at Yan Shu, and then looking at her, Sheng Hengyu couldn't say no, "You're here, I'm sure I won't be so sad, Wait for me to get into the drama a little more."

Hearing what he said, Yan Shu didn't insist anymore, and could only nod, "If you feel uncomfortable, you must rest for a while, and give yourself a little room to breathe."

"Well, I know." Sheng Hengyu clutched his abdomen and sighed, "I have lost my abdominal muscles. I must come back to training after finishing the work."

"Okay, I'll be with you when the time comes." Yan Shu knew that Sheng Hengyu didn't have any desire to chat, so he could only quietly accompany him with the video on.

Sheng Hengyu seemed to be extremely tired. After a while, the phone screen tilted to the side and fell asleep directly.

Yan Shu didn't wake him up, just said goodnight softly and hung up the video.

"Not Returning" and "Last Breath" were completed right before and after.

Here, Yan Shu had just attended the wrap-up banquet of "Not Returned", and then went to the airport to pick up Sheng Hengyu.

Sheng Hengyu's plane landed at eight o'clock, and Yan Shu was waiting at the exit half an hour earlier.

At the exit, there were many fans of Sheng Hengyu waiting to be picked up from the plane. Yan Shu was wearing an ordinary T-shirt and shorts, mixed in the crowd, wearing a baseball cap and a mask, and no one recognized her for a while.

Shortly after eight o'clock, Sheng Hengyu came out from the exit dressed in black.

The moment he came out, the fans screamed in restraint, waving hand cards and posters in their hands.

Sheng Hengyu waved to them, pulled off his mask and smiled at them, then pulled the suitcase and went straight to Yan Shu behind the crowd, took her hand and walked out.

The moment he held Sheng Hengyu's hand, Yan Shu obviously felt that he had lost a lot of weight, his hand bones were distinct, and his hand felt a little cramped when he held it.

It was also at this time that the fans realized that Yan Shu was actually behind them.

"Yanyan, go back and make some delicious food for brother Yu to make up for, look at how thin he is!" The fans looked worriedly at Sheng Hengyu who was about to shrink into a piece of paper.

Yan Shu gestured OK to them, "Don't worry."

Sheng Hengyu held Yan Shu's hand and waved it lightly, Yan Shu then looked away and bent his eyes at him.

The two left the airport while chatting with fans.

"Goodbye!" Yan Shu and Sheng Hengyu waved goodbye to the fans.

The fans were also very considerate, and they didn’t keep pestering them, “Go back and have a good rest!”

Both nodded, and then closed the car door.

(end of this chapter)