"Sister Qian, I added a play temporarily today! Please read the script first."

The staff sent the new script and woke up Lin Yiqian who was lying on the table to make up for his sleep.

Last night, the old father woke up too late. Then, in order to calm his mood, she resisted the impulse of refutation and let him scold all night. She finally rushed back to the crew this morning.

After putting on her makeup, she lay down here to make up for her sleep.

Not sleeping well!

First, there are a lot of people walking outside and a lot of noise!

Second, after finishing her words with Gu nianshen yesterday, her mood has always been chaotic!

The restless and roaring sense of revenge, such as the runaway Mustang running amok in her body, she needs to restrain herself very hard in order not to be confused!

the coming days would be long!

Some things can't be done in a hurry!

"Shallow, this play is a little dangerous!"

Zeng Shiyu also got the new script. As she watched, she walked in uneasily from the outside.

Lin Yiqian asked her, "why is it so busy outside today?"

"Just for your play!"

Zeng Shiyu frowned and said, "the screenwriter suddenly came up with an inspiration last night. After discussing with the director, he decided to add a fire drama to promote the plot. Shallow, you..."

Finding that Lin Yiqian was not listening to her, Zeng Shiyu raised his hand and waved in front of her: "are you okay?"

"... nothing." Lin Yiqian returned to his senses.

His eyes fell on the clip marked by the red marker in his hand.

Mu Qingfeng and Xiao Yichen fell in love and angered the Prime Minister of the current Dynasty. In order to let his favorite daughter take the place of Mu Qingfeng, he secretly sent someone to burn Mu Qingfeng's yaxianju

Zeng Shiyu looked at Lin Yiqian and didn't speak. She was a little worried: "I just heard someone outside say that the risk factor of this play is very high. Otherwise, you can discuss with the director and let the double or..."

"Doubles are also people! I can't let others take risks for myself, can I?" Lin Yiqian interrupted her with a smile.

The palm of my hand is sweating.

Since the rebirth of the fire, she has been avoiding the scene of seeing the fire.

Even if she entered the kitchen or participated in activities, she tried to avoid the fire.

But now... An arson scene is suddenly added. Is it too coincidental?

Lin Yiqian asked Zeng Shiyu, "you just said that this play was added temporarily by the screenwriter?"


"Is the screenwriter here today?"

"Coming! In order to highlight the effect, she is helping the director arrange the scene at the moment!"

Lin Yi nodded and walked out of the lounge quickly!

However, in just one hour, many props and wood have been moved to the center of the set. Seeing Lin Yiqian coming, director Nie, who is communicating the plot with the screenwriter, waved to Lin Yiqian: "shallow, you're just in time!"

Lin Yiqian walked over and listened to his introduction: "this is the screenwriter of our" You Long Xi Feng ", Mr. Xu Fei! This is our female number one, Lin Yiqian! Mr. Xu didn't come over a few days ago. Now you can meet him and communicate with him about the plot in the future!"

"Hello, Miss Xu!" Lin Yiqian stretched out his hand to shake hands and looked at the middle-aged woman with black framed glasses.

National face, thick lips! The eyes under the lens are bright and full of sharpness!

I don't know if it's Lin Yiqian's illusion. She always feels that this teacher Xu doesn't seem to like her very much!

After wiping her palm, Xu Fei asked, "I heard that Miss Lin is a newcomer?"

"Yes! This is my first play!" Lin Yiqian is as honest as he says.

"Is Gu Shao your boyfriend?"

Lin Yiqian's eyes moved slightly. He felt that this question was not what a professional editor should ask, but he nodded honestly, "yes!"

"Do you need to report with Gu Shao to shoot this scene today? Or... Have you decided to let the substitute?"

"..." if it's just an intuition that Xu Fei didn't like her just now, Lin Yiqian can be sure at this moment!

Not only her, Nie Qigang also heard it.

However, he was also concerned about this issue, so after Xu Fei's unfriendly question, he smiled and made a round scene: "teacher Xu and I mean that this play is very important! I hope you can play by yourself!"

"That's what I say, but Miss Lin's status is expensive. We're afraid that Gu Shao will turn around and scold us. Therefore, if we can't go up, Miss Lin should think it over by herself." Xu Fei added expressionless!

Lin Yiqian searched the memory of his previous life and knew that the sharp female screenwriter in front of him was actually a famous work slave!

At the beginning, Nie Zhongyi was worried about whether she could do it when she was able to do it!

Later, I heard that Lin Yiqian often appeared in the process of shooting, which affected the shooting progress, which simply confirmed her concern!

However, Gu nianshen was the financier of the investment in the film, and she didn't have the courage to scold. This will be unhappy intentionally or unintentionally sprinkled on Lin Yiqian.

Lin Yiqian's mind turned around and thought about the reason for her attitude, so he was relieved!

Take this arson scene as a test for herself. If you don't have the courage to break through this level today, you'll have to live under the title of "caring parasite" in the future!

Smile, cover up the uneasiness in the heart.

Lin Yi smiled and said to Xu Fei and Nie Qigang, "I can."

"Are you sure?" Xu Fei frowned slightly and wrote on his tight lips: don't leave it half way!

Lin Yiqian nodded: "no problem!"

Whether Xu Fei happened to think of the plot or someone was secretly instigating it. Lin Yiqian knows that if he wants to be invincible, he must first overcome his inner fear!

It's just a play!

However, when the light of the fire lit up and the fire soared to the sky, the fear lurking in Lin Yiqian's heart quietly climbed to his heart.

In previous lives, it was in such a dazzling spark that Lin Shurou scratched her face... Gu Yunyi kicked her into the fire

The flame with its teeth and claws is like the call of death.

Amid the noise, she seemed to hear a baby crying helplessly.

"Mom... Mom..."

She stretched out her fat little hand and cried out to her

"Good luck, sister!"

Lin Shurou didn't know when she was standing behind her. When the director shouted "action", she suddenly pushed her behind her.

Staggering footsteps, in the eyes of others, are the interpretation of the explosion of acting skills.

But only Lin Yiqian knew that there was no place but to expose her scars in front of the pressing high temperature and the flames.

She thought that time could dilute everything.

In the painful past, with the improvement of reality, she can gradually choose to forget, and then start her new life!

But she can't!

When the sad cry sounded in her ear, the only thing she thought of was hatred!

The dog men and women who ruined her family should also have a taste of the burning fire!!